Dadza isn't home

418 9 20

Third person

Y/n and Tommy were asleep in their bedroom, Wilbur was downstairs on the couch, Techno was in his room farming potatoes in minecraft and Phil was doing what he did most, work. It was 2am and Phil still wasn't home, it wasn't unusual for Phil to stay late but without calling Wil or Techno was unusual. Wil runs up the stairs but quietly so he didn't wake the sleeping children. He knocks on the door of Techno's room

Wilbur's POV

"Has Dadza called you?" I ask
"Nope" Techno responded but he seemed unfazed 
"I'm gonna call him"

I go back downstairs and call dadza he picks up after a few rings

"Hey Wil.. Sorry I haven't called you I've been to busy" He says
"It's fine, will you be home tonight?" I ask
"I don't think so, could you or Techno perhaps drive Tommy and Y/n to school" He asks
"Yeah I suppose I could" I agree
"Thank you Wil, I appreciate it so much" Phil thanks
"Your wel-" I say whilst he hangs up


I walk back upstairs to Techno's room

"Phil isn't gonna be home tonight, again. But could you make breakfast for the children in the morning? I can drive them to school" I ask
"Yeah sure I guess" He says
"Thank you" I say before leaving his room

I know Dadza has work but it's like 3/5 nights per week (Weekdays) that he stays there until like 10am the next morning! I can't drive Tommy and Y/n to school more than half the week, but oh well I'll have to deal with it

I walk over to my room and slip into bed 

"goodnight dadza...."

The next 'morning'

Tommy's POV

I wake up by myself so I assume Dadza isn't here this morning, so I go over to y/n's bed and wake her up

"wake up." I say

"no" She responds

"yes" I plead

"nope" y/n turns over and puts a pillow over her face

"y/n... WAKE UP" I yell

"noooooo" She says whilst checking the alarm clock"


"Tommy its 4:30 in the morning, let me sleep"

"Oh oops"

"oops is right" Y/n says whilst turning over and going back to sleep

It is early so is Dadza home or not? I don't feel tired at all so I leave the room and go over to dadza's room, he's not there so I call him to make sure he didn't get kidnapped or somthing.




"Hello Tommy why are you calling me so early in the morning?" Dadza's voice comes through on my phone

"I wanted to know if you are at work?" I say

"Yes I am I thought Wilbur would've told you" He says before hanging up


'He always does this' I think whilst tear stream down my face, I sit on the ground fully crying now

"Hey lose- Are you alright?" Techno says when he comes out of his room

He squats down next to me

"Hey, hey Tommy it's alright, what's wrong?" Techno asks whilst rubbing my back

"n-nothing I'm a big man" I say

"Tommy.." He says condescendingly 

"It just h-hurts that dadza is here only like every other night" I say whilst wiping my tears, he hugs me.

"I know, I know Tommy" He keeps hugging me 

Y/n's POV 

I wake up again, this time not to Tommy forcing me up. It was 7:05 

"ah shit it's 7:05" I whisper under my breath I see that Tommy isn't in his bed but I just assume that he already went downstairs. I quickly get changed into clothes and when I open the door I see Tommy and Techno on the floor asleep, I also see Wilbur by the door of his room watching in awe.

"I'm half tempted to just go wake them up but Techno would murder me" Wilbur whispers

"It's cute, oh and where's dad?" I ask

"Oh right he's still at work, oh fuck Techno said he would make breakfast I gotta wake him up" Wilbur answers 

"He's still at work? Didn't he leave yesterday at like 7pm?" I ask

"He does that quite a bit" He says

"oh" I answer

Wilbur goes up to Techno and Tommy, Wil shakes Techno 

"wAkE uP sUnShInE" Wil says in a weird voice

"Fuck off Wil" Techno says

"Nope you gotta make breakfast" Wilbur says in a cheery voice

I think Techno just realised he was in the hallway with Tommy and that I was just there watching the conversation. Techno gets up from the floor,

"Ew why am I in the hallway with the child? And why is the other child just standing there and observing?" Techno asks 

I take a few steps back into mine and Tommy's room and I shut the door. I don't like people giving me attention, I would rather just stand in a corner observing and judging people in my head instead of being involved in stuff.

Techno's POV

"Techno look what you did" Wil whispers

"I did absolutely nothing" I whisper back

"What's going on" Tommy asks whilst waking up still on the floor

"And why am I on the floo- oh right" Tommy says mid sentence realising

"Is n/n still asleep?" Tommy asks 

"Nope, just Techno was being a dumbass" Wil says

"I was not!" I shout

"Whatever can you go make breakfast pwetty pwease" Wil says babying the last bit 

"fine" I say

I go walk downstairs and take some cereal out of the pantry 

"breakfast is ready!" I say

================================================================================================================================================================882 words 

Hey luvs <3 I hope you all are doing wonderful! I MIGHT be able to get 1 or 2 chapters out before Christmas, and also I was wondering do you guys like longer chapters that take me longer to get out or shorter chapters that would take me short to get out? Love you guys ps. Thanks so much for almost 400 reads!

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