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Sam's POV

I finally get to land after what felt like hours but had really not been that long, honestly I was kinda nervous to see Y/n and take Dream into custody. Will I have to put him in Pandora's vault?

That's MY own decision, more so of a question: Do I feel the need to put him in Pandora's vault? I will have to decide that when I find him.

After around a week I actually left to find Dream.

Dream's POV


"I got it" I announce

I open the door and I am faced with... 


"ah hello Dream, I have many reasons to suspect you have a child who's been abducted in your house" Sam says (HAH EVEN IF HE'S A HOMELESS TELETUBBBY)

"What, where could you ever get such an obscure idea like that from?" I ask trying to sound confused

I then hear a blood curling scream from downstairs.. y/n!!

"If you aren't holding y/n hostage here than what was that?" Sam asks

"Oh that, that was just Punz" I say quickly making up an excuse

"Impossible, I saw Punz on my way here" Sam points out 

"Oh Yeah sorry, I meant Alyssa" I say 

"Oh then we better go check on her to see if she's alright" Sam says probably knowing that it's actually y/n.

"uhh- yeah ok" I say nervously 

We go downstairs and I can't think what to do 

"Sam..." I say

"yes?" He asks

"just go check the closet right there" I say whilst pointing to the closet that holds y/n

"Alright" Sam says before opening the closet door

He reviles Y/n sitting on the closet floor with tear streaming down her face 

"Sam!" Y/n says extremely relieved 

I run up the stairs but before I could flee the scene the door gets slammed in front of me

"Do the crime, pay for the crime" George says

"Georgie!" I say offended 

"It's for the better" George says

Y/n's POV

"Sam!" I say relieved 

Before he could say anything Dream runs up the stairs and tries to escape

"You can't run from me" Sam whispers under his breath

George slams the door just before Dream could leave

I don't even realise but I have tears pouring out of my eyes

"hey, come here you're safe with me" Sam says

he comes over to me and hugs me to calm me down

Time skip because I have no clue what to write

I am a few meters away from my home, I can't work up the courage to open the door.

So many thoughts pop into my head

"You're just a burden"
"They don't actually want you here"
"It's better this way"
"Why didn't Dream just kill me"
"I'm just lucky to be back so soon"
"It's only been a week or so, that's not long so my feelings don't count"

I hear the door open in front of me 

"Y/n!" Dad exclaims 

"Dad!" I say whilst hugging him tightly 

"I was so worried about you" Dad says

I'm not completely sure but I think he's crying. 

Does he really care about me...?


486 words

Hey my luvs <3 

How are we all feeling? Sorry for the short chapter but I think this might be coming to an end in the next few chapters, don't worry I will most likely most more stories. Love you guys, stay safe

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