Old friends

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Y/n's POV

(I'm picturing this classroom to be like those tables that you need to have a desk mate)

"Are you kidding me" I hear Mr Daniels say under his breath

 "Go sit next to Billzo" Mr Daniels says

 "I'm supposed to know who that is?" I say 

"He's that guy" Mr Daniels says whilst pointing to a boy sitting in the back of the class, I walk to the back of the class and sit next to Billzo 

"Hi, I'm Bill" Billzo whispers to me 

"Nice to meet you" I say


I go to outside of my homeroom where Tommy said he'd meet me at lunch, He's taking forever so I grab my phone out of my pocket and start texting my friends from the orphanage. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I almost drop my phone out of my hand from jumping 

"Hey Tomm- Oh hi Bill" I say realising it not my brother

 "What are you doing here?" He asks me

 "My brother said he'd meet me here at lunch" I say

 "Y/n!" Tommy says to me 

"Hi!" I say 

"Hey Bill! Why are you hanging out with my sister?" Tommy asks Bill 

"Tommy's your brother!?" He asks 

"Mhm" I say

 "What are you waiting for come on let's go there's more people for you to meet!" Tommy yells.

Tommy drags me outside 

"Meet my friends!" Tommy yells

 "You already have met Tubbo and Bill, This is Ranboo." Tommy says

 "Hi" Ranboo says, I have to look up to see his face but I just wave. 

"This is Karl" Tommy says 

"You look nothing like Tommy" Karl says (Unless you do look like Tommy ._.) 

"She's adopted Dumbass" Tommy Says whilst laughing 

"This is Eret" He says whilst pointing to a pretty tall person dressed similar to Techno

 "Hi" Eret says to me

 "Hello" I say quietly "This is Quac-" Tommy says whilst getting cut off by someone I didn't know 

"Hey Innit!" This person wearing a lime green hoodie and a white smily face mask says 

"What Dream!" Tommy says aggressively. 

Dream...? That name just kept ringing throughout my head like I knew him but I was sure I didn't, 

"Wait y/n" Is the only thing I heard, I look up and Memories fly through my head, It's Miss Puffy's son 

"Dream!" I say happily

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Dream says 

"How do you know him?" Tommy asks me, but I just ignore him

"Do you still have that scar on your shoulder?" Dream asks me 

"Unfortunately I do" I say 


I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now