'Tag you're it'

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Y/n's POV

"Dinner's ready" Dad said "What are we having?" Techno asks "Spaghetti and meatballs" Dad said "Yum" Wilbur says, Dad Puts the Pasta and the sauce with meatballs in it on the table and Wilbur grabs 5 plates and sets them on the table we all start putting pasta and sauce on our plates "So y/n you said yo like Greek mythology, who's your favourite god or goddess?" Techno asks me I pause for a moment "Hm Probably Artemis" I answer "Ooh good choice" Techno says "What about you?" I ask "I don't know" He says "Alright after dinner would you kids like to go to the park and get ice cream?" Dad asks "YESSSSS!" Tommy shouts really loud "Sure" I say "Ok" Wilbur says Techno just nods. "CAN TUBBO COME!" Tommy shouts "Why not" Dad says.

We've just finished dinner "TUBBO'S HERE!" Tommy screams "Ok everyone lets go" Dad says. The seating arrangement is Dad driving, Wilbur in the passenger seat, The middle row is Me behind Wilbur, Techno behind Dad, The back row Tommy behind me and Tubbo behind Techno. "Ice cream or the park first" Dad asks "Ice cream!" Tommy yells "Ice cream" Wilbur says "It doesn't matter" I say, Techno shrugs "Alright Ice cream it is" Dad says, we pull up to the Ice cream shop "We're here" Dad says, we all hop out of the car  "What flavour do you all want?" Dad asks "Chocolate Please" Wilbur says "MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP!" Tommy yells "Could I have vanilla please" Tubbo asks "Strawberry Please" I say "Chocolate" Techno says, the person got all of our flavours and then we got back in the car and drove to the park.

We get to the park and I see this patch of sunflowers and I go and walk over to them, I see a bee and I rub my finger on a dandelion to get pollen on it and I put the finger out then the bee crawls on it, Tommy comes "Whatcha doingg?" Tommy asks "I just found a bee" I say whilst holding my hand up "Oh my god Tubbo needs to see this, TUBBO COME HERE!" Tommy says while yelling the last part, and Tubbo comes running over "Yeah?" He asks and then he gasps "Aww a bee!" Tubbo says, the bee leave after a while.


Tommy tapped me on the back "TAG YOU'RE IT" He yelled while running over to the play set, I chase Tubbo and finally get him after after 2 minutes and then he turns around and starts chasing me, I could tell that Wilbur, Techno and Dad are watching us very judgemental but I don't really mind it, I keep running but Tubbo catches up with me as soon as he taps my back I trip over the piece of wood that surrounds the play set and I fall and smack my face on the pavement.

When I get up Tubbo keeps apologising, blood pours out of my nose quickly. Dad runs over "Oh my what happened?" Dad asks, I hold my hand underneath my nose so my hand catches the blood "We were just playing tag and she tripped when I tagged her" Tubbo says "Tommy there is some napkins in the car could you grab them please?" Dad asks "Sure" Tommy says whilst running over to the car.

Tubbo's POV (new POV let's go!)

We were just playing tag and I may have tagged y/n a bit hard cause she fell and hit her nose and on the pavement, there was now a puddle of blood on the pavement and it was still coming out fast. I feel really bad, Tommy comes over with the napkins and hands them to y/n, she immediately puts one up to her nose. Wilbur and Techno come over "That's a lot of blood are you okay y/n?" Wilbur asks "I'm fine, when I get nosebleeds it's pretty normal for their to be a lot more than other people's" She says (Fun fact I do get really bad nosebleeds, when I was like 10 I got them a lot and my mum was really concerned. Ok back to the story) "You sure you're okay?" Phil asks y/n "Yea I'm just a little light-headed that's all" Y/n says. "Okay just take it easy" Phil says, y/n nods.

Philza's POV

I was really concerned especially cause she said she was light headed, although she did say it was normal I still decided to message Puffy and ask if it was normal 'Hey Puffy y/n just got a really bad nosebleed she said it was normal but I'm still a bit worried' I sent it and not to long after 'Yeah It's pretty normal but keep an eye out if it's like a huge amount of blood she normally faints afterwards so look out for any signs of her being light-headed' This made me extra worried 'She already told me she felt light-headed' I sent to Puffy 'Oh no, Wait did she get it naturally or did something happen?' Puffy messages me 'Her face hit pavement, and I'm not sure if her head hit it or not' I sent her 'She has never hit her head on pavement but if she did she's probably going to be out cold depending on how hard it hit was' Puffy messages me. 

A few moments later I hear a scream from Tommy "Phil I think something happened" I hear Techno say but not in his regular tone "  


921 words

Hello luvs <3 I hope you all are doing great and stay perfect as you already are <3

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