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The end first from 2D's POV 👀

Everything changed so quickly after that. Every bit of Ace was practically erased from my life, and I can't say that I missed it. Everything I'd had with him had just been a feeble attempt to replace the only man I'd ever loved. The man I knew I would grow old with.

   Everything was calmer. Happier. Noodle and Russ were never hesitant to be around us, and there was no more bickering. No one was high constantly. There was no need to be. There was nothing to escape anymore, just peace.

   I remember a day we'd all gone out shopping. It wasn't often we did something like that as whatever dysfunctional family we were projecting.

   Noodle was skipping in front, Russ was a few feet behind her, and Murdoc and I were trailing behind in the back. Our pinkies were looped as to not draw too much attention to how obviously smitten we were. We arrived at a clothing store that our bassist preferred to shop in and broke into pairs. Murdoc and I walked in while Russ and Noodle decided to go get some lunch.

   We'd been looking through the clothes for a while, particularly shirts.

   "You can't possibly believe you'd need any more tops, Muds.." I asked, almost joking. He smirked at me, rolling his eyes.

   "Of course I do, how else am I supposed to radiate the energy from my newfound identity as a monogamous, homosexual satanist?" My mouth nearly hung open trying to keep up with him. It nearly made me nervous.

   "I think you just have a hoarding issue, but we don't have to get into this in front of all these kind people." I said, motioning to the one person who stood all the way across the room waiting for someone in the fitting rooms.

   Murdoc just chuckled and shook his head, "This shirt is gonna be special, Stu." He said, offering no explanation as he went back to shuffling through shirts.

   "How come?" I asked, getting no response as he pulled out an expensive looking shirt. I rolled my eyes, "I know you can buy it, but should you?" He pulled it closer to himself instinctively at this, almost hiding it.

   "You don't like it?" He asked.

   "No, I do. I think you'd look handsome in it, I just think the bank would look more handsome without it." I shrugged, knowing how cheap I was compared to my boyfriend.

   He waved this away, "I need to get a nice shirt to go with these pants. Nothing I had at home looked as nice." I sighed and relented, so we made our way to the fitting rooms. He stopped me from coming inside one of the rooms with him, "Just wait here, and I'll come show you." He explained, quickly disappearing behind the door.

   I heard the rustling and clacking of hangers and clothes as I looked around the room to occupy my mind. I didn't have to look for long as Murdoc soon spoke up, "Can you come in here and help? I'm a bit tangled.." he said, sounding almost panicked.

   Immediately I went to open the door, expecting to see a tangled mess on the other side. Not my boyfriend down on one knee, holding up a beautiful ring towards me. We locked eyes, and his panic suddenly made sense as it was silent for a few moments. Like he was searching for his words.

   "I'm sorry to throw this on you, Stuart.. But I had to do this now, before we go on tour. You're mine, and I'm yours. I want to feel as absolutely unified as possible with you, because I have never in my life been drawn to a soul the way I am you." His gaze had shifted down for a moment, and his hand was trembling. "I want to marry you.. Do you wanna marry me??" He looked up hopefully.

   My mouth hung open, and all I could do was walk inside the room and shut the door behind us so I could wrap my arms around him. So I could hide the blubbering mess I was about to become. "Yea, Murdoc.. I wanna marry you real bad." At this, we were both snotty, giggling messes. And it was so surreal.

   Holding my soon to be husband in the middle of that cramped fitting room, but we didn't care. It felt like bliss. I don't care who says either one of us won't get to heaven. I saw it. I felt it. I lived it. That moment with him was the most genuine and real experience I'd ever felt, and he got to be a part of that. We got to share that feeling. That moment. And suddenly, despite everything that'd happened. Every bump and curve on the road didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore but that one moment. The concept of the past became just that. A concept. I was with my soulmate. My real soulmate, and everything was ok.

    And when he pulled away to put the ring on my finger and kiss me, I knew it always would be.

Aces POV oops
   I opened the door that led into his hotel room as quietly as I could, and snuck inside. I closed the door behind myself, and walked quietly up to his bed. He was asleep with his head turned away from me. This was my chance.

    "Wake the fuck up!" I yelled, practically throwing myself on top of the smaller man who was now under me.

   Of course he screamed, anyone would've screamed. But I definitely wasn't expecting him to start swinging, so I had to roll off the bed pretty quick.

   "Damn, Ace! What's wrong with you??" Snake said, sitting up quickly. He looked like he didn't know wether to laugh or yell.

   "You've been asleep for like 16 hours, we have to get out of this room. Plus, I've been owing you a date for what? Ten years?" I said, causing him to scoff.

   "Ok, fine. But only because I know you're gonna jump on me if I don't get up." He said, slowly dragging himself out of bed and onto the floor next to me. He curled up like he was gonna go to sleep again. This made me laugh.

   "You're not gonna get up, are you?" I said, only to be met with heavy breathing and snores just a few moments later. I smiled, going to stand up and scoop him up in my arms. I looked at his face while he slept and I held him. He was cute. Beautiful. I loved him. I really did. And boy did I know by now that when I set him back down in that bed and kissed his cheek to let him sleep more that it was a fucking blessing to do so. He was my gift, and I was gonna make sure he woke up every day knowing that.

   So I went to crawl in the bed next to him, normally this time. He instinctively moved against me, and I wrapped my arm around him. Imagine thinking love could ever have a definition.

IM SORRY GUYS THIS WAS IN THE MAKING FOR SO LONGSNDKDKSKME it's been forever so like I said I'm sure it's not v in sync w the rest but I really really tried

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