Chapter 5(super shorty)

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Ace's POV 🤡🙄

A few days had passed since the whole... Mixup had been sorted out. It had been roughly a week since the last time I had really spent a good amount of time with 2D, so that's what I had done that entire day. Frankly, the whole thing pissed me off. I had to spend a few nights in a dirty cell away from Stu over the whole thing, but that wasn't the worst part... Ok so maybe it was. But that didn't matter anymore, because I finally had my blue haired babydoll with me again. Yea, it had taken too long for my taste. We had recorded music most of the day, and afterwards we went to go eat at some place that played nothing but shitty 90's music. But I guess I didn't mind much, because I had ended up in bed with my baby anyway.

2D's POV

We were in my room, and Ace was laying on my bed. I was straddling him, looking down into his eyes. The right corner of his lip was curled up into a smirk. I felt his hand move from its previous spot on my lower back down to my ass. I swallowed nervously as he gripped it tightly, his smirk growing as my face probably turned red.

"You're so fuckin' precious, baby.." He said, reaching his other hand up to grip my chin tightly. "Kiss me."

I did. I let his hand pull my face down to meet his. Our lips locked for a moment, and he moved his hand from my jaw to the back of my head. His grip on my ass tightened even more, and I couldn't help but whimper against his lips. I knew he liked that when the hand on the back of my head grabbed a fistful of my hair. He gently tugged me away so he could look at me. I was a flustered mess, and it didn't help when his grip on my hair tightened. I let out a small moan as he did this, watching the smirk reappear on his face.

"My babydoll is so perfect." He let go of my hair and kissed me. It was short and gentle. "So gorgeous." Another kiss. "I love you so much." He moved his hand out from under me so he could wrap his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer against him and stared up at me. "I love you to the moon and back." Those words made me smile.

"Aw... I love you too.." I felt so safe with him then. I didn't think of anything or anyone else. Sometimes he could make me forget about the rest of the world for a little bit. He brought me the peace I had been craving for so long. And when he kissed me I knew that he was going to protect me no matter what. I felt so comfortable when he went to take off my shirt. I knew I was safe with him. I knew that he loved me.

Lmao I warned y'all some of this was gonna be super short. I'm crazy busy with post college band stuff and I'm stressed but I'm gonna keep uploading and stuff. also if there's like spelling/grammar issues its bc no one proofreads these and i write all of these at like 3AM

sry again this was short :) thanks if u read this ur a champ

I promise im gonna get a super good idea and write like a super long chapter eventually just you guys wait

anyway have a gn/d

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