chapter 20 🐍♠️

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Ace's POV

   Everything had happened so fast it was unbelievable. I'd lost my cool, ran away like a little kid, been exposed as a cheating piece of shit, and snorted a fat ass line of crank. All in one night.

   I woke up the night after all that had happened and I was in a hotel room; butt fucking naked. I sat up and looked around the room, trying to figure out where the fuck I was. When I couldn't, I got out of the bed. I couldn't find my pants, but I saw a pair of sweats laying on the floor. I picked them up and slipped them on. It was around that time when I realized there was running water coming from the bathroom. The door was closed, so I walked over to it.

   I checked the knob and found it was unlocked, so I opened the door. I looked over to the glass-doored shower. My eyes fixated on the man inside as I immediately knew who it was. But I couldn't bring myself to look away. Instead, I stepped inside the room fully and closed the door gently behind myself. I couldn't help but admire him. His jet black hair was cascading down his shoulders with the water. I made my way over to him slowly, my brain screaming at me to turn around. I didn't listen because I was hypnotized by the curves that ran down his body. I went to grab the handle and slid the door open. He turned towards me and jumped.

   "Ace!!" His lisp was prominent when he got startled. I leaned on the frame of the shower, smirking at him. I expected him to cover himself or turn away. He didn't.

   "Relax, Snake. I just wanted to see who'd kidnapped me." I let my eyes wander from his face down to his neck, which was littered with dark hickeys. I scanned over the rest of his body only to be met with hickeys, bruises, and bite marks all the way down to his inner thighs. I looked back up; meeting his eyes with mine. His cheeks darkened, he was flustered.

   "I didn't kidnap you." He said, turning off the water. "And why aren't you mad anymore? You were raging this morning and last night." I moved out of the way so he could get out. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

   "I conveniently don't remember that, but don't assume I'm not fucking pissed. You came back and fucked up everything." He turned to look at me then, looking a little hurt. "But it's not like it wasn't my fault. I can't blame you, I probably would've done the same thing. I just wanna know why you look like someone tried to kill you." He smiled a little at me then.

   "You look pretty good in my pants, Boss." He said, gesturing to the sweats I'd found on the floor and was now wearing.

   "Don't try and draw attention away from all of that. I already figured out that I fucked you." I said, maybe a bit cocky for my own good. But oh well.

   "How do you know you left these?" He said, jumping up on the counter where the sink was so he was sitting and facing me.

   "So you kidnapped me and then fucked someone in the room while I was fucked up??" I actually had no idea what I was talking about, but at least my jokes made him laugh.

   "Maybe we did it in the shower."

   "Right, right. Of course." I walked over to him, standing right in front of him. I reached out and gently wrapped my fingers around his throat. He lifted his head up to give me more access. His eyes shut as I moved my hand back some so I could stroke one of the dark colored marks with my thumb. I felt a lot less angry as I watched the corners of his lips curl up in an involuntary smile. "Man, you really did miss me.." I said, my voice softer than I'd have liked it to be. "Fuck, I wish I could just be mad." I pulled my hand away and he opened his eyes to look at me. "I really loved him."

   Shit was silent for a second before he said, "What about him made you hate me? What does he have that I don't?" He looked away from me, crossing his arms as if finally realizing this wasn't normal for us anymore. Like he realized how fucking foreign this was.

   "Ok, I have never hated you. I wanted you to hate me. I actually kind of needed it." I said, backing up to lean on the wall. I stopped looking at him too, as looking at those hickeys made me kind of sick.

    "What the fuck.. Why?"

   "Because of that fight we got in. I hurt you so bad, and I felt guilty every time you would try to act like it had never happened. I couldn't deal with it because I was selfish. When I met Stuart, it was like a chance at redemption. He had been hurt by someone, and this time I could fix it. Instead of making it worse. But." I sighed. "Here we are."

   "Here we are." He repeated. "I know you were like, fucked up last night or whatever.. But do you remember anything?" I shook my head.

   "I wish I did. I hate doing that to you."

    "It's ok.. You just told me something and I was just wondering if you really meant it or not."

   "What's that?"

   "You told me that you were mad at me because I'd forced your feelings for me out again.. That no matter how far you ran, you still couldn't quit being in love with me." As soon as he said that, I know the blood drained from my face. I'd never told him that I loved him, and I'd done it while I was fucking high. Add that to the list of shit I've fucked up.

   "Uhhh.." I looked at him, and for some reason in that moment I realized I didn't have my glasses. I felt vulnerable. "I-I.. Well-." He looked down, his face filled with regret and embarrassment.

   "I'm sorry, I know you love him.. I just wanted to think-"

   "I was in love with you when we were kids, and I'm still in love with you today." I blurted, mentally punching myself in the throat. His head shot up and looked at me in awe.

   "Boss.." I shook my head at that.

    "Don't call me that, and I don't wanna go into it anymore right now. I wasn't gonna tell you." And as soon as I'd said that, I knew I fucked up. AGAIN.

   "Why?" He looked a little angry. "I told you for years and years how I felt, even though it was humiliating because you were just using me. I still did it!"

   "Well I just didn't know how to tell you!" Fuck, that was loud. And he flinched, which wasn't unexpected. "Shit.." I lowered my voice a lot. "I'm sorry.." I walked back over to him. "Let me try again." I gently grabbed his chin and pulled his face up so our eyes met. I inhaled deeply to brace myself, "I love you. I always have. But I don't want you to expect anything to come out of this. I can hardly wrap my head around what's happened yet." His lips curled up into another smile.

    "I love you too.." And I moved my hand from his face. "I really wish you remembered yesterday.. It feels weird being the only one who does."

   "By the way you look, I wish I remembered too." I shrugged, "Guess we'll just have to do it again now that I'm sober." I reached out and tilted his head to the side, exposing a pretty untouched part of his neck. I leaned down to kiss it gently, "I missed a spot anyway." When I pulled away to look at him again, he was smiling. He was eating this up, and I kind of was too. I moved away and grabbed his hand, gently tugging on it so he would jump down. He did, and I lead him back over to the shower. "Come on, I've gotta get clean anyway an you're still naked. It was meant to be." He snickered at me some then, and nodded.

   "We haven't done this is so long, I'd love to."

   And so we did. Let me just say I hadn't felt that relaxed in so long. It felt good to kiss him sober. Without guilt.

    After the shower, we moved back to the bed. It felt so right. I wasn't worried about anything, I wasn't thinking about anything but him. There was nothing I had to focus on doing besides fucking him. It was just me and him, and shit was ok. I just couldn't stop myself from thinking that maybe this is how it was supposed to be.

Oh, and don't worry. I made sure to go back and mark that spot I missed.

heyoooo this one was a bitch to write so it's probably ass but idc bc i'm still publishing it
ilysm guys and i hope you like it💙💙💙
also i'm so excited i'm so close to 900 reADS

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