chapter 10 🐸🐒

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2D's POV 💎💎(slight suggestive shit in here my dudes just a warning)

   I woke up while it was still dark, expecting to be alone. Instead, I was greeted by long black hair spilled over bare green shoulders. I felt happy for a second until I remembered what I had found the night before. I quickly pulled myself out of bed. This caused Ace to jump slightly and sit up. He turned towards me and stared at me, confused.

   "What's wrong, Babyd-" He started, but I didn't let him finish that name.

   "Don' call me that. You're a fucking hypocrite!" I raised my voice only slightly, as I was still feeling a bit tired.

   "Woah, woah, woah. What? The fuck did I do? I mean, I came back. I tried to drop the fuckin' bullshit, but now this? What could you possibly still be mad about?" He sounded just as irritated as I did then, which really reduced my confidence.

   "Well.. You.." I had to really think about the words I was about to use, "I wanna know whose number you had in your drawer." I said, my confidence restored a little.

  Ace's eyes flashed anger, which made me slightly anxious. I wasn't used to seeing him angry at all. "You're kiddin', right? That's really what this is about? That's the number of a fucking dealer! If I wanted to be with someone else, I wouldn't be in this fucking bed right now." He stood up then and started walking to me, slowly. I backed up with every step he took, as he was intimidating like this. "I wouldn't talk to you." He eventually had me cornered. My back was against the wall, and he was so close to me. "I wouldn't touch you." He slammed his hands on either side of my head, causing me to flinch. "I wouldn't fuck you." He leaned down and got his face close to mine. Our lips met for a brief second before he pulled away to stare into my eyes. He still looked angry, and I know I looked nervous. I was shaking, there's no way I didn't. "I wouldn't even pay attention to you." I swallowed hard as I felt him wrap his fingers loosely around my throat. He leaned in to kiss me again, only this time it was filled with hunger and need. It took me a second to get my thoughts together and kiss him back. I was nervous, but at the same time I was kind of into this side of him. I parted my lips to deepen our kiss. I felt his grip on my throat tighten only slightly, and he took my bottom lip between his teeth. I couldn't help but let out a whimper as he ripped away roughly. I tasted blood in my mouth and he looked down at me, his eyes missing the anger they had previously held. "But I fuckin' love you. And you best not ever think otherwise. I'm sick of fuckin' fightin' and feelin' like we ain't ok. So if you want me to go, I'll walk out that door and I won't come back. You'll never hear from me again. Just like you said yesterday. But if you want to be with me, then we'll stop fighting about this. All of this. I'll stay here and life will go on like it always has, but you gotta make a decision now. Because I can't do this to you, and I ain't gonna let you do this to me."

   It took me a moment to say anything, as everything had just happened so fast. But I was able to find my voice again and say, "Don't leave.." Maybe it wasn't a lot to say after he had given me an entire speech, but I could barely even get those few words out. I was so stunned by it all.

   He just nodded at me and kissed my cheek, kissing his way over to my jaw. He stopped when he reached my ear and whispered into it, "I'd fuck the soul out of you right now if we didn't have to go get your boyfriend soon." A shiver ran down my spine, and he chuckled slightly. Of course it had made me a little angry that he'd called Murdoc my boyfriend, but I knew he was joking now.

   "Quit callin' 'em that.. You're my boyfriend, not him." I must've said something right, because he kissed my neck gently and bit down. I exhaled shakily as he did this, he always knew how to catch me off guard.

   Ace pulled back to quickly kiss my lips again. When he finally backed up to look at me again, he was smirking. "Fuck yea, I am."

   After that he grabbed my wrist and started leading me back to the bed. We slept together peacefully and comfortably again for the next few hours. I was happy, and I think he was too. I thought things would finally be ok again after what had felt like forever.

   Boy, was I wrong.

ok so i know this chapter is kinda short and maybe a lil choppy but just know i wrote this in between songs in band so that's why
i hope u like this chapter but if not i'm sure i'll redeem myself later
anyway ily guys and have a great day/night

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