chapter 23 🥺🤡

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2D's POV

   I woke up to the faint thumping of drum set accompanied by a guitar. I looked over at the clock on my night table and was slightly shocked to see how late it was. Nearly three in the afternoon. I rubbed my eyes and pulled the covers off of myself.

   I finally managed to drag myself up out of bed, and started getting dressed. Not paying much attention to what I was putting on, as I had a massive headache and it was slightly difficult to focus on anything else.

After I'd taken my pills and finished getting ready for the already half-over day, I made my way towards the music that had woken me up. As I got closer, I could make out the song, and soon realized it was very bass heavy. How had I not noticed that before? So everyone was playing without me.

It didn't bother me they hadn't woken me up to sing, but I still wanted to feel included. So I kept walking until I got outside of the room. Russ' room. I didn't knock, I just walked in.

The three of them stopped playing and turned to look at me as soon as they heard the door shut. Well. Two of them looked at me, anyway. Murdoc's eyes were glued to his bass strings. I could tell he didn't want to look at me, though I didn't exactly know why. I couldn't think of anything other than I'd been out of control drunk a few times and hit on him. And I did kind of attack him. Twice. And I hadn't talked to him sober... And I'd backed him into a corner and forced him to open up.

I wondered if I was becoming him...

My racing thoughts were interrupted by a sarcastic Noodle.

"Well good morning to you too, D." I smiled a little as Russ chuckled at her unintentional pun.

"Honestly, man. You can't just come in here and just stand there." I looked over at our drummer and nodded.

"Sorry guys, I just woke up is all." I said, making my way to the setup they were standing in. Russel was sitting behind his drums a little off to the side, eyeing me. "What's that look for?" I asked. He didn't answer.

"I've practiced enough for today, you guys just go on without me." The gruff voice that spoke behind me made me uneasy. I turned around to see Murdoc setting his bass down. Noodle and Russ said nothing.

"Well.. Can't you just do one song with me before you call it quits..? It's been so long since we all played together." I said, hoping maybe he would change his mind.

"I have other things to do." He still hadn't looked at me.

"Yeah? Like what?" I asked, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Fuck off, you miserable idiot!" He snapped. I was taken aback. How could such a short conversation go so badly? He walked past me to leave, shoving me so hard I stumbled backwards and nearly fell. Never once looking at me as he stormed out and slammed the door.

I stood where I was in complete and utter shock, and soon after, the humiliation followed. I waited until I heard the front door slam before I hurried out of the room. I tried to play it cool, but I was shaking. I couldn't look at Russ or Noodle, because they probably would've seen the tears that were trying to form in my eyes. I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, assuming from the door slamming that Murdoc was outside. Or gone. So I walked in, and jumped up to sit on the counter. I reached over and grabbed the cigarettes I had left by the sink the night before. I took one out and lit it up, the burning sensation in my throat and lungs only helping ease my anxiety for a moment. It was just never enough.

My mind wandered back to things I had done to make him mad at me. To make him act like... Him. I guess. I ended up thinking about it so long that the ash on my cigarette was out of control.

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