chapter 13💚💚💙💙

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2D's POV(this is what goes on when they're "recording")

   Having serious conversations with ghosts of the past can hurt more than anything. Murdoc Niccals was no exception.

We had been recording a new song, and out of nowhere he just stopped. I was going to ask him why, but he started to talk.

"Why are you still fucking doing this?" He looked over at me; his face unreadable. I tilted my head in confusion at his question.

"Doing what?" I asked, wondering if he was referring to something I hadn't been playing right. Maybe I had sung something wrong. I didn't know.

"Staying with that kid. You two aren't good for each other. You know he doesn't really give a shit. It's an obsession. Even I can see that." This made me scoff.

"Like you were any better than him. You shouldn't stick your fucked up nose in other people's business if you're jus' gonna be a hypocrite." My own words once again shocked me. Almost as much as they pissed off Murdoc.

"I was just giving you some advice. You know, you really are such a fucking bitch sometimes." He grumbled, taking his bass off and putting it on the stand next to him. "Maybe that's why I was into you." He crossed his arms.

"Don' call me that!" I said. "This is why I'm still dating Ace instead of you. Because you're fuckin' horrible to me, and I never meant shit to you. You don't care about me, or anyone besides yourself for that matter. I'm no different to you than any other bird you've shagged. If you think I've ever believed different, you're just as much of an old fool as I thought! Even when I was sleepin' with you, I knew what it was. I knew what you were."

Murdoc scoffed at me, "You must be joking, Stuart. You must have known it was different with us. Surely you know how special you were." He looked almost hurt, and I thought I felt a slight twinge of guilt in my heart for a moment. It was silent, and I could feel the tension between us. "Or maybe you are just an idiot." And with that, the feeling of guilt I had went away.

"Is it not possible for you to be fuckin' civil towards me? What the fuck did I ever do to make you so horrible?" I could feel my anger getting out of control, but I didn't care. It didn't matter to me anymore.

He just shrugged flippantly, "Dunno. It's just you in general. I only keep you around because you sing better than anyone else I could find. Plus, you'd still be fun enough for a quick fuck if I ever get too bored again." His smirk infuriated me. His words infuriated me. I had loved him, and he had just done this. I didn't care why he did it, or how he really felt. I just wanted to be away from him. I still loved him, and he was still treating me like shit. Even now, after everything had ended. When he wasn't vulnerable anymore. So I just snapped.

I glared at the satanist, walking over to him. I towered over him, leaning down in his face. He didn't move, but I didn't care, "You should've stayed in fuckin' prison." I was seething as I turned to walk out of the studio; leaving a smug looking Murdoc behind.

I bumped into Ace who was walking towards door, knocking him to the side. I was too upset to stop and talk, so I just apologized shortly and kept walking. I hoped he wouldn't follow me, and thank God he didn't.

Ace's POV

Murdoc and 2D had gone to record music, and I had been invited for once. But me being the salty fucker I am, I declined just so I could smoke cigarettes upside down on the couch while watching shitty game shows. Eventually I got bored, so I decided to go anyway. Hopefully they wouldn't be done by the time I got there.

When I was about to reach for the door handle, it flew open. An angry Stu stormed out, bumping into me pretty damn hard. It actually kinda hurt, so I knew for a fact he had to have been pissed. He didn't even look at me, just muttered a 'sorry' and kept walking.

   Confused, I stepped inside to see Murdoc sitting on a stool, facing away from the door. His arms were crossed and he was bouncing his leg almost anxiously. This made me a little nervous.

    I shut the door behind myself, "Did you fucking touch him?" He turned around then, not expecting to hear anyone's voice I guess. Especially not mine.

   His eyebrows furrowed, and he sneered at me, "I didn't touch your fuckin' bloke. He just had a lot on his mind, I guess." He mumbled, shaking his head slightly. His leg stopped bouncing then, but he kept his arms crossed.

   "Oh yeah? Like what?" I leaned back against the wall, looking around the room for any signs of.. Well... Anything, I guess. I didn't trust that satanic son of a bitch at all.

   "Well I just don't see how that's any of your business. It was our conversation." I let my gaze meet his, his eyes looked even more hateful. I absolutely loved that.

   "But it is, seeing as he's my boyfriend. And he kind of ran out of here looking upset, so I wanna know what you did to piss him off."

   "It's really about what I didn't do, though. He's mad still because I didn't just drop everything and put a label on us. Even if he won't admit it directly." Now he was more or less grinning at me.

  I shook my head at him, "That's bullshit. He's over you."

"He's never gonna be over me, kid. You're just in the picture to keep him distracted from me. You're never gonna get anywhere serious with him."

I felt anger bubbling up inside of me, but I chose to keep my calm. "You must be demented or some shit. Stuart loves me. More than he ever did you. I actually treat him like a person."

Murdoc stood up then, and he walked over to me. His eyes narrowed even more. "Don't speak on things you know nothing about. You never saw us when we were alone. Things were different."

I stared down at him, rolling my eyes, "Maybe so, but I must've done something right, considering he's still with me."

He got close to my face then, "You should be careful how you fucking act here. You don't run the show. You're some hotshot kid from a joke town who likes to get his dick wet. When Stu sees that, he'll leave you. And I'll be right here; waiting for him."

God I wanted to clock him in the jaw, but instead I just settled on grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulled him even closer to my face, "That's all good and well, except you got a mistake in your plan."

He shoved me back, and I let go of his shirt. "And what's that?" He sounded mocking, and it pissed me off even more.

"You don't seem to comprehend that I'm in love with him."

"Because you aren't. Everyone knows you have some weird obsession. How are you going to convince him otherwise?"

"I'm gonna ask him to fucking marry me." After the words left my mouth, Murdoc looked just as shocked as I felt. I hadn't meant to say those words, because I had never even thought about it. I mean, of course I wanted to marry him. I think. But maybe when I was a little older. Or when I knew things wouldn't fuck up for us! And you can imagine how even more shocked I was when I noticed Murdoc staring at something behind me, and a soft voice hit my eardrums.

"You wanna marry me..?" I turned around to see my Babydoll standing in the doorway, looking much less angry. I wish I would've heard that fucking door open.

lmao idk if you guys notice that there's always so much drama and twists and shit in my chapters but i take my frustrations out in this story so that's why 😂😂
i honestly hope these are going well and i'm sorry if it's slow moving to you but i swear 2d's gonna end up with murdoc, but it's gonna be hard to do because i absolutely love ace so i mean
if it doesn't happen, it's not rly gonna be that surprising is it? 😂
but anyway, i hope you enjoyed this, and i absolutely love you guys and thank you for reading
have a great night/day
drink water
eat food
and be happy💖💖😭💖💖

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