chapter 8(oh no)🤡

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   2D's POV

   I was relieved when I saw he had texted me. Or at least until I read what he had written. I was shocked, really. I hadn't thought much about Murdoc for several weeks. I could hardly see myself with him anymore. Ace was who I had begun to live for. Didn't he see that? So I called him. I needed to talk to him about this, the whole thing seemed too rash. He didn't answer the first call, but I caught him on the second. He didn't speak first, so I did.

   "What the hell is wrong with you??" I hadn't meant to be so angry sounding, but I was mad. Mad that he hadn't called me before deciding to run away like a fucking teenager. Though he wasn't far from one...

   I heard him scoff, "Me? Are you fucking kidding? After we fucked last night I got a call from your boyfriend asking you to fucking pick him up. You never told him about us. You never broke up with him." I felt my heart sink a little. He was right. But I had been so preoccupied with everything else.. And for some reason Murdoc never even popped into my mind anymore. I hadn't considered myself to be with him since I had started sleeping with Ace. It was almost like Murdoc had disappeared from my life, and it didn't even bother me.

   "I can still leave him.." Was all I could manage to get out. I felt tears of frustration threaten to well up in my eyes as it was silent on the other end.

   "You love him, that's why you didn't tell him." He was doubtful, and that hurt.

   "Ace.. I love you so much, don't act like this. 's not even that big of a deal.." I said, hearing a sigh from the other line.

"You didn't deny it."

"Because I do still love him, but I haven't told him because I don't think 'bout him.. I didn't want to visit him, and he never called me! You can't fuckin' do this to me. Not after all you said 'bout helping me and actin' like a fucking martyr. You're not better than him. You're a drug addicted fool, but if you leave now, you're worse than him. At least he didn't choose to leave." I had let my frustrations get the best of me. I had let myself say too much, but I didn't care.

   There was a long silence before I heard him say, "I'm sorry."

   "Then come back! Quit acting like a child.." And when I said that, it hit me. He really was a child. He was so young, and he really didn't deserve all of this.

   "Look, I'm tryin' my hardest here! So maybe I'm not the best at fixing shit. Maybe I'm a fuckup too, but dammit, Stu. I love you. And I can't be with you if it's all just a game. If I'm just a dick until he gets back." When he said that, I felt angry and embarrassed. I couldn't believe he'd think that.

   "Fuck you, Ace. If you really want to believe that, then fine." I know he could hear my voice breaking, "But if you leave now, don' ever come near me again. You're not the only one that hates playing games with people."

"Babyd-" I cut him off by hanging up. He would either come home, or he'd leave. But I didn't want to fight with him anymore. I hated fighting with him, it always felt like the end of the world. I knew I would be broken if he left, and I really didn't want to feel that way again. I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I hated that he had that much power over me, but he did. I was in love with him, and I didn't want to lose him.

When my phone rang, I answered it without hesitation. I figured it would just be him again, "Sod off!"

I heard a rough chuckle from the other line, "Good morning to you too, Faceache."

lmao this is super short but bc im gonna be in band all day again i decided to wake up early and finish this
i hope you guys like it
i figured it was time to bring murdick back so here he is lmao
anyway idk what i'm gonna do with ace yet
i might end up writing two different versions of the book at this point like
one where ace stays with him and one where he leaves ace and stays with murdoc but it's really gonna be whatever y'all want
but idk yet i'll figure it out anyway you guys have a good day/ night 💖🦋

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