chapter 12💚💙💚

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Ace's POV

I woke up feeling crazy nauseous. I actually had to run to the bathroom so I didn't puke on myself. Whenever I was done, my head was pounding. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a fucking wreck. I had tiny(but adorable) hickeys on my chest and neck, and my bottom lip was still a little purple. I had dark circles under my eyes something fierce, and there was still a little crusty blood on my skin. I had never looked this bad. I guess there's always a room for a new low.

   It took me a minute to realize where I was, and it caught me off guard when I did. I saw the picture poking out from the side of the mirror. Me and my Babydoll, lips locked. We both looked so much better then. And suddenly, the events of the night before started coming back to me. Part of me felt horribly guilty, and the other part was weirdly satisfied. I really didn't like believing I'd allowed myself to get that fucked up in front of him. I was just gonna leave without telling anyone, but I'd fucked that up for myself. There was no way I could leave now. Remembering how he fucking looked at me... Hell no, I couldn't. Not now after everything I'd put him through last night.

    And suddenly out of nowhere, I saw a blue haired man stick his head in the bathroom. I could see his concerned face in the mirror.

   "Are you ok..?" He sounded so genuinely worried, and I felt my heart jump.

   "Yeah, baby. I'm ok." I turned the sink water on and leaned down to let the room temp water run in my mouth. When I felt my mouth had been rinsed out enough, I stood up to find 2D standing right behind me. His head was cocked slightly, and he looked so precious. I turned around and smiled at him. He didn't smile back.

   "You're still gonna leave, huh?" He asked, quietly. I shook my head slightly.

   "No. Shit got crazy last night, and I can promise you on everything that it won't happen again. I won't ever lay a hand on you, I won't raise my voice at you." I remember how hard the next part was to say. I remember the feeling of dread I got even thinking about it. "And I'm gonna get clean." And even with his eyes being as black as night, I could see them practically light up when I said this. 

   "Yeah..? You mean that?" He sounded doubtful, but hopeful at the same time. 

   "I promise, Stuart. I fuckin' love drugs, but I love you so much more. It's gonna be so fucking hard, but it's not worth losing you for a bump of anything." That was when he gave me that smile.  My smile. So I fought the nausea I felt creeping up on me again to smile back at him. It didn't take long for me to lose that battle, though. And soon enough, I was bent over the toilet again, throwing up all the bad choices I had made the night before. 

   Then I felt a hand gently brush against my neck, pulling my hair back away from my mouth. I felt another hand on my back, patting me gently. Even though puking my fucking guts up hurt like all hell, somehow it made me feel better to know that he was concerned. That he gave a fuck. And I realized how pointless our fighting had been. I had been upset because I thought he didn't give a shit about me. Because I thought Noodle was the only one who cared at all since Murdoc had come back. Suddenly I realized how wrong I had been. I realized how I had let my paranoia control me and push the person I loved the most away. I really was an idiot sometimes. 

   When I was finally out of stuff to throw up, Stu let go of my hair and I sat down on the floor. He flushed my pride, along with the soured cocktail of illegal substances from the night before, and sat down beside me. He let his body lean over, his head resting on my shoulder. It was quiet; like neither of us knew what to say. He broke the short lived silence with a sigh.

   "I can't believe you accused me of shagging Muds." He said, letting out a small chuckle. 

   "I can't believe you thought I fucked Noodle." I countered, allowing a small laugh to leave my throat as well. 

   "You realize we're both idiots, yeah?" He said.

   "Oh, I realized this weeks ago." He pulled away a little to look at me then, a cute little smile on his lips. "You's so fuckin' adorable, Babydoll." His cheeks turned pink, and his smile grew bigger and cuter. He nuzzled his face into my arm then, trying to hide his blush from me. 

   "Am not!" His voice was all squeaky and high pitched. 

   "Even more when you're embarrassed, though." I put my hand in his hair then, stroking it gently. He pushed at me playfully, obviously loving the attention he had been lacking. 

   "You're so stupid." I could hear the smile in his voice. God, he was so fucking precious. 

   "Yeah," I kissed the top of his head then, "But you love me."

   I heard him sigh contently, nodding his head slightly. "More than anything."

   And so we sat there for a while, not really caring how gross the both of us were for the time being. We just enjoyed being together. Me sober, and him happy. This was how it was supposed to be, and now I was determined to keep it like that. I was going to make damn sure it stayed like that, because I loved him too. More than fucking anything. 

AAAYYYYYYY IM FINALLY BACK YOU GUYS! college is so hard and I've been struggling a bit with time management, so this chapter is short and a little rough 

i hope you like it anyway, though bc ily guys sm and i want you to like what i write

anyway, i hope you all have a good day, and i should be done with chapter 13 way faster than this

don't forget to drink water and be safe 

have a good day/night <3

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