chapter 22🍺🚬

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Murdoc's POV (drugs, alcohol, slight smut, slight abuse tw but not rly? i just have to add that. buckle up it's a long boi)

   I didn't stay asleep long. I never did. When I opened my eyes, I noticed 2D was faced away from me. I felt a twinge of pain in my heart for some reason, but pushed it away. Knowing he hadn't meant to, and there wasn't a reason for me to feel upset.

   After a few more minutes of staring at him, I decided to get up. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I didn't want to stay in the room. Mostly because I didn't want to wake him, but part of it came from the feeling I got when I saw him. I couldn't stop thinking of that stupid kiss. A kiss like none other we had shared. I couldn't stop wondering if he had felt it. Or if he'd remember when he woke up again.

   I made my way to the door and opened it as quietly as I could and left, being sure to be just as quiet when I shut it.

   The house was silent. It seemed like everyone was asleep except me. Everyone was at peace except me. I got lost in my thoughts, and before I even realized I was standing in Stuart's room. I thought about it for a second before I turned the light on and shut the door behind myself so no one could see it. Like they would anyway.

   I scanned the room, and fuck it looked different. I hadn't been in there since before I'd been arrested, and I wished I had kept it that way.

   The pictures of us he had taken were nowhere to be seen. The bedsheets were different. Pictures of Ace filled the room, and his clothes were everywhere. I walked over to the nightstand on Stu's side, sitting on the edge of the bed. I opened the top drawer slowly, my heart dropping at what I saw inside. There was a sheet of paper that looked like lyrics to a song. I picked it up to read over it. It was written in two different handwritings I noticed, but the thing that stood out most was the words.

   The words hurt. I could instantly tell Ace and 2D had written it together. The lyrics were strong enough to make you feel the love the two had when writing it. Strong enough to make me feel even guiltier than I already did.

'Now that you're safe,
Don't have to hide.

Please, babe let me be yours tonight.'

   Safe from me. Any idiot could've figured it out. The song was beautiful, but I knew what it was about. Fuck, it was about me. My mind flashed back to the words 2D had said the night before. About missing me even with Ace. These lyrics made me doubt it. This right here, this was love. Maybe I hated Ace for being able to do what I couldn't. I mean, I hated him at that point because he had run off with that Snake kid instead of coming back for Stu. If he had, I know my angel would've been right at the door waiting for him. He had been so excited for him to come back. He kept talking about how he was gonna forgive him, and everything would go back to the way it was. I almost felt sorry for him.

   Because that's what I had thought once. That things would go back to normal when I got back. Funny how one thing can change your entire life plan.

'I love you so much,
Can't seem to breathe.

A night filled with endless possibilities.'

   I couldn't read any more, and I shoved the song back into the drawer. I shut it and decided not to look for anything else. I wanted to get up and leave the room, but I couldn't. It smelled like him. It felt like him. I reached over and ran my hand over the pillow he used every night. Images of us on this very bed flashed through my mind, so I closed my eyes and let it happen. Not caring about the heart wrenching feeling that came with the memories I normally tried to suppress.

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