Take a giant summary thing

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This isn't a chapter but like idk what it is.?

I remember how I felt when I first met Ace, he was almost perfect. He was no Murdoc, but I knew this might even be better. There would be no more fear. No more poison. I would finally be free to be myself and not worry about pissing anyone off.

It worried me too, though. I had made a promise to Murdoc that I wouldn't sleep with anyone else while he was gone, but that just wasn't fair! He refused to claim me as his, so why should I keep myself locked away from other people when I could be living a fun life for once? I had so much resentment towards the older man at this point. The shit he'd put me through, the way he played with my fucking heart like I was another bird he could throw out whenever he wanted. It wasn't fair, and I wasn't going to live by his fucking rules anymore. I wasn't going to listen to some incarcerated fool that didn't give a flying fuck about me. He. Didn't. Own. Me.

But enough about that, he was gone. Maybe even forever. But that didn't matter anymore because there was a new bassist in town. One that had just as much talent as our former leader, and one that people actually wanted to be around. This was going to be so much better, and I would finally be able to focus on music again. I was excited about that part. For so long I had been so focused on doing everything to Murdoc's standards that I could never focus on what I wanted. He had broken my mind so much that he could control me without saying anything. I was so manipulated by him that I would've done anything just to please him, and dammit it was time that came to an end.

Ace assured me everything would be different, he promised he was going to "fix the mess Murdoc made". I didn't think twice about welcoming him with open arms. I started spending so much time with him, and I never looked back. My visits to the imprisoned man became scarce, but I didn't care. I would have been ok with never seeing him again, and Ace assured me once more I wouldn't have to.

I should have been more careful around him, but he made me feel so safe from my own mind sometimes. He was my comfort when I started to miss the man that had made my life so unbearable. If I ever started to remember, Ace was always there to make sure I forgot again. He was so good at making me forget that I stopped wearing the chain Murdoc had given me. He was so good that I didn't notice when it went missing. So good that I didn't notice all of the pictures of my former lover had vanished from my room, and that his clothes had disappeared from my floors. Every trace of Murdoc had been erased from my room, and I was so caught up with Ace I never even noticed this. When I passed Murdoc's room, I never thought anything of it anymore. He was finally gone. Every trace of him besides my memories and old videos had completely been removed, and I didn't care. 


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