chapter 24 💍

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2D's POV

"Ok." I stopped in my tracks and let go of the doorknob. I turned to look at the man who was no longer sitting on the bed, but now standing only a foot away at most.

"What?" I asked him, my voice quieter than I had expected. He reached out and cupped my cheek, pulling me close enough to kiss me gently.

"No more birds. No more blokes. I want to be with you." He moved his gaze from the floor to my eyes. "I can't keep playing this game of cat and mouse, Stuart." I could tell he was upset. Scared even. "Because next time.. You might not want me back. I don't know if I could handle losing you again." I couldn't hide the smile that crept onto my face. I didn't want to.

"Murdoc..." I didn't know what to say, but even if I had I would've been cut off by the hug the bassist dragged me into. A hug I more than willingly returned.

"Just say you'll be mine again." His voice was low and unsure, and that made me a little upset. Even now, he expected me to reject him. But I pushed those thoughts away, because I couldn't afford to overthink right then.

"I've always been yours." I said, hoping that would boost his confidence. When he said nothing, I realized it hadn't. So I pulled away to look at him. "I always will be. From this moment forward, it's just us. If that's what you want too." He only nodded in response, a small smile finally forming on his lips.

"Do you think we'll regret this tomorrow when we're sober?" He joked, causing me to roll my eyes. Though I'm sure he didn't notice.

"I already regret it, you're such a terrible boyfriend." I joked back, getting a laugh out of him. I felt better now. Much more at ease now that he was finally ok.

"Boyfriend. Hm." His smile was smaller, but still very much on his lips. He seemed to like the word more than I'd thought he would. "Well, I might be terrible now, but I promise by the end of the month I'll be such a great boyfriend you'll never wanna leave." He said, proudly. I chuckled lightly.

"I worked too hard to get this back, I don't think I'm gonna be packing my bags anytime soon."

"That's good, because if you left I'd just have to bring you back." I shook my head, snickering as I pulled him closer to me, my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I said smiling. He returned the grin before kissing me again. A bit rougher than the last time, and I returned it. I let my eyes fall shut as I melted against him. This felt different. The best kind of different. It didn't feel so wrong anymore. There was no anxiety as he backed me against the door that had almost separated us just minutes earlier. No guilt as his tongue found its way into my mouth. I couldn't seem to focus on anything but him. He was intoxicating. Every single thing about him drove me wild, and it always had. I wondered how I could've ever forgotten the way he made me feel.

He pulled away from me only for a second. I barely had time to open my eyes before he had moved his lips to my neck. I let my head fall back against the door as he ran his tongue along my skin. It was such a gentle and slow movement, but enough to drag a small gasp from my mouth. This made him smile, and I could feel his teeth pressed against my neck. He let out a small laugh, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver throughout my body.

"I love you too." He finally answered before pulling away from me completely. It was sudden, and it left me feeling unusually cold. However, this didn't last long. As he grabbed my hand and gently guided me over to the bed once more. "Do you think.." He stopped, like he was thinking about wether or not to ask me. But I already knew what the both of us wanted.

"I want to sleep with you." I said, implying two things with that. One being actually sleeping with him, and the other... Well, that one didn't involve sleeping at all. He didn't say anything, or even move for that matter, and I started to worry. I wondered if I was being too pushy. "Murdoc.. What's wrong? If you don't wanna, we don't have to. I was ju-" He cut me off.

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