chapter 7 😩💦

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2D's POV 🤪(we back to where we were before btw(also slight drug usage in this sorry))

   Ace hadn't come home the night before, and I was so anxious I hadn't slept. He didn't do things like that. He always told me where he was, and it worried me that he hadn't. He wouldn't answer his phone either. I had called him 3 times; only to be more anxious with every ring. Ever since the last attempt I'd been staring at my phone. Suddenly it was 7 AM and I felt sick. My head was beginning to hurt, but I didn't want to lay down. I didn't want to sleep, I wanted to know if Ace was ok. I hoped he would come home soon..

Ace's POV 🤢

   I'd been out for fucking HOURS. Dude, I don't think I've ever been to a party as fucking awesome as that one. It was especially fun because the whole gang had gone to surprise me. Except for Grubber; they hadn't let him on the plane for some reason. And there we were, 6AM and still 'rocking the house' so to speak. Billy was sitting on the bed. Snake, Arturo and I were on the couch. I heard Billy laughing gleefully and looked over to see Snake dumping the powdery contents of a pill bottle onto the coffee table in front of us. I could feel my lips curl up involuntary.

   "Well, well, well. Snake brought us some different goodies? I'm getting kind of bored popping X." I said, pulling my credit card out of my pocket for the 2nd time that night.

   "It's crank. Real shit, not that stuff from back home. Did I do good, Ace??" Snake asked me, all hopeful and shit. What a kissass. But I couldn't help but smile wider when I realized what he had said. Crank.

   "Fuck yeah! Gimme a bump!" I immediately leaned down to cut a little line out of the lump of powder. Once it was straight, I leaned down further and sniffed it up my left nostril. I always heard that was the right way to do it, but I don't think it really matters. Immediately I felt more at peace. I always did after snorting something, although I was more of an Oxy kind of guy. I leaned back and saw Snake staring at me. Like he was waiting for my approval. I just nodded at him and waited for the drugs to take control of me.

Not even ten minutes later I could feel the chemicals of the crank dancing with my brain cells. I felt so much better. Like I could take on the world. Like I wasn't about to leave my new life behind. But the situation with my babydoll? Not even the drugs could stop that pain. The pain I had started feeling the day before when I had answered a call on 2D's phone. An inmate was calling him. An inmate with an upcoming release date. An inmate that needed "his angel" to come get him. I was mad until I realized what it meant. Stuart had never told him about us, which I guess was fair. I knew it wasn't supposed to get serious with us. But there I was; in love with someone else's "angel". It was fucked, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave or fight for him. Stu was MY babydoll, but I was just his replacement. Something to keep him entertained while Murdoc was gone. That didn't sound like something to fight for. Not at all. But my babydoll himself... He was worth fighting for. He was mine. Without him I was no one. I wasn't going to lose him to someone that was just going to break him again.

   When I finally realized I had been stuck in my thoughts, everyone was staring at me.

   "Uhhh, hey, Ace? Are you ok?" I looked over at Billy who looked slightly concerned.

   I shook my head slightly, unintentionally, but ended up saying, "Tch. Yea, I'm fine." Which wasn't technically a lie. I felt amazing and shitty simultaneously, and I could deal with that. I don't think I could deal with my thoughts sober, though. I didn't want to. Shit, I didn't even want to deal with the problem in general. So I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

   I'm sure it was the drugs, but I ended up telling 2D about the release date. I let him know how much I loved him, and then started making plans to head back to Townsville.

nakmssakoa y'all college is exhausting i've been here for less that 24 hours and i'm dying
12 hour rehearsals for band aren't fun
i hope you guys liked this chapter
i'm struggling but at least i got a chapter out, right
lmao anyway have a good day/night 💖💖

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