Chapter 1.? issa shorty :p

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It was about 3:30 AM when Ace crept into my room and slid into bed next to me.

"Hey, Stu. How ya doin'?" He asked quietly. I turned to him, he was propped up on his elbow staring at me.

"I'm 'right." I said, rubbing my eyes to bring myself back to reality. He leaned towards me like he was going to kiss me. As I was going to meet his lips with my own, he dodged them and kissed my forehead instead. This caused me to blush a little and I felt my lips fighting a smile.

"Good." He said, kissing the same spot again. I couldn't hold back the smile at this point, and this seemed to make him happy. "You're so fuckin' cute, I can't get enough of that smile. MY smile." He then moved his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"Your smile.." I repeated his words dreamily. He made me so happy I forgot to use my brain a lot around him. I snuggled against his chest, and he pulled the covers up around us. I felt so close to him when we would lay like this, but sometimes it felt like something was off. Though I never knew what, so eventually I learned to ignore it.

Ace chuckled at me then as I continued to snuggle against him. There was no possible way to get closer to him, yet here I was. "Baby, what are ya doin'?" He laughed softly as I looked up at him, smiling innocently.

"I'm tryna get comfy!" I whined as he pulled back slightly to look down at me. This caused him to pull me against him tightly.

"I'm sorry, jeez." He said this in a playfully annoyed voice.

"You should be, you move around too much." I poked at him.

"I can't help my fucking Parkinson's, I'm deeply hurt by your words." His statement made us both grin, and I couldn't help but laugh as he jerked me around gently making stupid noises.

"Ace, stop!" I said, but he knew as well as I did that I didn't want him to. I liked the attention and he liked my laugh, so he didn't stop. If anything, he jerked me around more. He pulled me on top of him, shaking me around. This caused me to laugh even harder. And even though I was flopping around to 'get away', I was still more comfortable like this than I had been while I was alone.

After a few more seconds of this, he finally relented and let me roll back to my side of the bed. We were both smiling and out of breath.

After a few minutes of laying by each other in silence I heard him speak. "I love you, ya know?" He said this quietly, looking up at the ceiling.

"I know.." I said, matching his volume and gaze. "I love you too." It was so nice to say those words to someone who meant them just as much as I did.

"Why?" He asked, continuing to stare into the ceiling.

"You gave me peace after so many years of chaos." I said, "You've never hurt me, and you only say sweet things to me.. I've not had someone treat me like a person with feelings in fucking years." I thought for a moment and looked over at him, "Why do you love me, Ace?"

"Because everything about you is perfect. You're talented, beautiful, funny, and I think you're brilliant." He looked over to meet my eyes with his, "And ya see right through me. Like I was a fish tank or somethin'."

"A fish tank?" I smiled at this. Somehow only he could make those dumb words sound sweet and romantic. My smile grew as his cheeks darkened. This was something I was happily getting used to.

"Or like.. I dunno, something else clear.." His voice trailed off into an embarrassed grumbling.

"Why didn' you just say glass?" I asked coyly. I could practically feel the heat burning in his cheeks, which caused me to laugh quietly.

"Jeez, I'm tryin' here! Cut me some slack I ain't too good with words, you knew that coming into this. It ain't my fault I can't recite an entire romantic speech at the drop of a hen." He started grumbling again, and pulled me against him again.

"Aw, I'm just messin' bab-" I stopped and pulled away to look at him, "Did you say hen..?" I was pondering whether or not I should correct his hilariously adorable mistake. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Yea..? Why?" He asked, clearly oblivious to his mistake. I decided to leave him that way.

"Nothin', I just didn' know if I heard you right." I kissed his cheek and snuggled up against him once again. Something popped into my mind as I relaxed against his chest, "Why did you come in here so late?" My voice was muffled by his shirt.

It was silent for a moment, and I thought he hadn't heard me. When I went to repeat myself he cut me off, "Some friends back home got into some trouble. Had to go out and ask around tryna figure some stuff out about the whole situation. I wanted to help 'em out, but I wasn't really sure how to do it.." It was silent again for another moment. I didn't speak because I could sense he wasn't finished. "Then I saw what time it was and here we are." He pulled me closer again into a tight hug, and I felt him plant a soft kiss on the top of my head. "Sorry I took so long, baby."

As much as I wanted to ask more questions about what he had just told me, I didn't want to abuse his trust. He didn't want to talk about it, so I dropped it. "It's alright, I was jus' wonderin' is all."

After that, we just laid there together in silence. It wasn't one of those painfully awkward silences or anything, it was actually pretty comfortable. It's like when you care about someone so much that just being with them is enough. This was that for both of us, because not much later we had both fallen asleep. Ace still holding me tightly against him, protecting what was his. And me with my arms wrapped around his waist, holding onto what was mine.



have a good night/day u guys


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