chapter 2

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   I was woken up the next morning around 8 by a screaming headache, so I got up to forage around the house blindly for some of my painkillers. Once I found them, I popped a few. Since no one was up I decided to go back to my room to crawl back into bed next to Ace.
   Only he wasn't asleep when I got back. This made me slightly disappointed as I really could've used some more rest, and sleeping with someone I love was always comforting. I didn't mind this though. We would have some more time alone together, and I always looked forward to that.
   "You alright there?" Ace was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
   I had been staring at him. Fuck. "Yeah.. Jus' a headache's all." My voice was scratchy and tired sounding. His face shifted into more of a concerned one.
   "You need anything?" He asked, slowly getting up, stretching, and then making his way over to me. I shook my head as he pulled me against him gently for a hug. "Wanna come lay down again?" He stroked my back, and I nodded.
   He pulled away and started leading me back to the bed, treating me so delicately it was like he thought I would break if he wasn't careful.
   "I didn't wake you when I got up, did I?" I asked him. The thought hadn't even occurred to me before, and suddenly I felt almost guilty. He laid down on the bed and I happily followed him, waiting for an answer.
   He waited until I was settled in before he turned face to face with me and spoke, "Eh, I was kinda already up when you started wandering around. I was gonna follow you, but I figured you was gonna go to the bathroom or somethin'.." He brushed the loose strands of hair from my eyes and added, "I feel kinda bad now, If Id've known you were lookin' for ya pills I woulda helped." He looked at me apologetically. I shook my head and reached up to touch his hand that was now gently twisting a tuft of blue hair around his finger.
"Don't feel bad, I'm a'right now." I pulled his hand from my hair and pressed it against my lips. This resulted in a small smile forming on his face. Unfortunately, it didn't stay there very long. I moved his hand away from my face and laced our fingers together. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly.
   "I'm just wonderin' if you're gonna be ok without me today is all." I pulled away from him slightly, having to ignore the dull pain that throbbed through my head as I did so. He looked confused.
   "I can look out for myself y'know." These words had come out sounding more bitter than I had intended. I knew he hadn't said anything meant to offend me, so I didn't understand why it felt like he had struck a nerve.
   "I know, baby. I didn't mean it like that," He looked almost taken aback. "You're strong and beautiful, and you definitely don't need me. I just worry about ya is all. I like to know my babydoll is safe." He had been wrong about his ability with words, because everything that he had said to me in those few sentences had made me feel better. I don't think I could ever stay mad at him.
   "I'll be 'right today. I've got my friends here to keep me company while you're away." I scooted close to him, reassuringly. Once again ignoring the pain in my head. "Where are you goin'?" I knew it wasn't exactly my business, but I was curious and didn't think to stop myself from asking.
   "I gotta go run some business errands and make some phone calls," I was hoping he wouldn't keep his plans so vague, and luckily for me. He didn't. "It might be a while before I get back after I leave, though. I got a lot of stuff to take care of. Lotta dirt to wash off my hands.." He mumbled the last sentence, making me slightly anxious.
   "Is it your friends?"
    "Yea. They really did a dandy job of fuckin' up this time. I told 'em to lay low while I was out. But no, fuckin' Snake thinkin' he can just take over and replace me. My job's hard as hell! I told 'em not to mess around with the big shit without me, and what do they do? They go off and fuck me over. I should fucki-" I cut him off by reaching out and cupping his cheek.
"You're gettin' mad.." I was more concerned than anything, I hated seeing him like this. I knew he wasn't mad, he was terrified. Scared for his friends and for himself, but I knew he wanted me to think he was just mad. He didn't want to drop his tough guy defense, so I would play along. Who was I to try and pry feelings out of anyone?
   "I know, I know. I just really thought they'd be ok without me. I really thought they'd stay out of trouble. Or at least they wouldn't get me caught up in it if they didn't.." He sighed and looked at me. He must've sensed my concern, because he leaned forward to plant a small kiss on my lips. "It'll be ok though, right, baby? Because as long as I got you, everything's gonna be ok." He smiled, but I could still see the worry in his eyes. I was worried too. The way he had worded it all made it sound like he was in trouble too. I tried not to think about it too much, but that was easier said than done. Ace was upset and I wanted to make it better, but I had a feeling that only time and luck was going to fix whatever mess his friends had gotten them all into. So I just acted on impulse, and spoke without thinking.
   "Kiss me again.." I said softly, feeling slightly embarrassed when I had but it didn't matter. Ace had heard me, and complied, leaning forward again to kiss me. When our lips met however, it wasn't just another short peck. This time it was longer and filled with feelings of reassurance and safety. I was his reassurance and he was my safety blanket. In that moment with our lips locked, we were all each other needed. Everything else ceased to exist, and it was just us.
   However... Nothing lasts forever. And much to my displeasure, after only a few short minutes of getting to kiss Ace it was time for him to go. He didn't want to either, but we both knew he had to. So he got dressed and kissed me one last time before walking quietly out of the house. And there I was; alone again.

LMAO OK so i'm fr just laying here at 2 AM(i just edited it and fixed parts and it's now like 2:30 so yay for me.?) writing this and waiting for my friend to wake up to proofread this chapter before i publish it
i know it's another shorty but i warned you these would be short. anyway i hope this was decent as well bc im actually kinda putting some effort into this
but anywayyyy
have a gn/gd


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