Chapter 14 🤡👅

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Ace's POV (suggestive shit in this chapter u have been warned) 💙💚💦🐸🦋

   Shit didn't always go the way it was supposed to, and me accidentally popping a really important question in front of Stu wasn't any different. Of course, neither of us really wanted to get married. Fuck, after I said that, I questioned if I even really wanted a long term relationship. I wondered if he did too.

Of course the rest of the day was painfully fucking awkward, and Murdoc was getting so much joy from it. It made my blood boil, but I got over it soon enough. Stu and I had talked out everything. I explained what had happened and why I said what I did. Even though I wasn't really sure myself why I had blurted it out. It was such a dumb thing, but there really wasn't anything I could do after that. It had happened, and that was that. We ended up talking for a while about it, though. It was uncomfortable, but we came out of it feeling better than before. We'd be together, and that was that. It didn't matter if things ever got serious like that, because we were both already comfortable where we were. And then we talked about Murdoc, and then it wasn't so awkward anymore. Murdoc had a way of pissing off anyone enough for them to say stupid shit, and no one understood that more than Stuart. He wasn't upset about what I had said about proposing, just confused. That made me feel relieved. Because nothing had to change, and we could just be together with no strain. No bullshit.

Later that night, we were on the couch. Just me and my Babydoll. He was curled up in my lap, laying his head against my chest. The stupid cued laughter was roaring from the tv, but all I could really pay attention to was him. I could feel his hair rubbing against the skin that was exposed from the top of my shirt. It was like some kind of fancy cloth; softer than the finest Egyptian silk one could even say. And I could see his gorgeous figure showing through the baggy shirt he had stolen from me. I didn't mind, it looked better on him anyway. I couldn't help but smile when he shifted to get comfortable and failed. He tried again, letting out these cute little grunts of frustration. He finally settled in again, laying his head back down on my shoulder. I chuckled.

He lifted his head and turned to look at me, "You laughin' at me?"

"Only a little." I said, causing him to pout playfully.

"Aw, poor baby." I said, kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry, I wasn't making fun of you. You forgive me?" This brought a smile to his face.

"Only a little." Now it was my turn to smile again.

"You're so mean to me, Stu." I kissed his forehead again quickly, this made him smile even wider. I could see his cheeks turning pink too, so I went in for another quick kiss. I ended up kissing him all over his face. This caused the most adorable giggles to erupt from him, and I couldn't help but laugh as this happened.

"Stopppp!" He tried to push my face away, so I just kissed his hand. The more I did this, the more he kept up that precious laughter. It filled me with happiness every time I heard him laugh.

I kept it up for a little longer until I decided he'd had enough, and I pulled him close to me. I hugged him tightly before releasing him a little. He just snuggled up against me, sighing contently.

"I love you." I said, resting my chin on the top of his head.

"I love you more." He argued.

"What? No way, not possible."

He was quiet for a moment before he said, "Eh, you're right. You are kind of an asshole."

I pulled away to look at him, and he was smiling up at me with that deviously cute smile. I kissed his forehead gently before saying, "Fair enough." And we both laughed a bit again.

I lived for nights like this. Nights where it was just us, and nothing bad was happening. Russel and Noodle had gone to hang out somewhere, I couldn't remember where, and Murdoc had announced obnoxiously that he was off to 'shag' someone. I didn't remember who or where. I didn't really care. What Murdoc did was on him, and it didn't bother me. We weren't friends, and I liked it that way. The farther away he was, the more peace I got. The less I had to worry about him saying something and hurting my Babydoll again. So it was just me and Stu. We called it our 'date night in'. Which personally I thought was cute and clever because he had come up with it. Everything he did was great to me, though. It didn't matter what.

So we stayed in all night, cuddled up on the couch. At least, until the cuddling turned into kissing. And then... The kissing kind of turned into full on making out. And then we may or may not have made our way up to our room. I carried him all the way, I should add. Because he asked me to, and I wanted to make him smile and laugh again. So it was totally worth it when we got into the room and I was out of breath. I dropped him on the bed and plopped down beside him, nearly wheezing. He looked at me, concerned. But when our eyes met, we both busted out laughing. And soon enough after that, we locked lips again and picked up where we'd left off.

Let's just say the next half an hour passed really quickly. After it was all over I heard Stu make a joke about me not being the only one out of breath anymore, and we both absolutely lost it. While we were laughing, I pulled him against my body. He once again cuddled against me, resting his head on my arm, and his hand on my chest. Shit was bliss though. Being able to make a joke and laugh after sleeping together. Now that was love. And we laid there, skin to skin, and grinning like idiots.

"God, you're so dumb." I said, turning my face towards him to plant yet another kiss on the top of his head.

"I'm dumb? How rude." He said in the most over dramatic voice I'd ever heard him use. He looked up into my eyes, his smile was smaller now. He looked tired almost. I couldn't help but melt at that look. He looked so delicate.

"Yeah, yeah. You still love me." I said jokingly, reaching over to brush a strand of hair out of his tired eyes.

"Only a little." He said, closing his eyes. And that was pretty much it for the night. He fell asleep pretty soon after, and I laid there just staring at the ceiling. I could hear him making small noises in his sleep, and I felt every time he moved a little to get comfortable in his sleep. I especially loved when he would try and snuggle closer to me. I went to sleep that night holding him, still smiling like a moron. God, he was my world and I was absolutely smitten.

ily guys sm and thank you for reading and i hope you have a great day/night 💖💖💖💖💖

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