chapter 19 💀👀(long boi)

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2D's POV (sexual suggestiveness and drug usage u have been warned)

   When we got to the carnival, it looked just as fun as I thought it would. Ace bought the wristbands for us, and I insisted on picking the first thing we did. Of course he let me, and I chose the mirror house. And boy was I glad I did; watching Ace run into the walls was too good. Especially when he hit one so hard his glasses fell off, and he started cussing up a storm trying to grab them. His face softened when I started laughing, and he looked up at me, grinning. He slipped his glasses back on his face, hiding behind them once again.

   After that, we rode a couple of the 'thrill' rides. Ace nearly fell asleep on one of them, but I had a blast. Everything was going so well, the rides were fun, the food was expensive but worth it. And to top it all off, Ace asked me to ride the ferris wheel. Of course I agreed, and so we were off to wait in line. I expected a long wait, however what I didn't expect to see was Murdoc standing a couple of feet in front of us with a smaller man on his arm. Ace noticed the pair around the time I did, and I saw the green skin on his face pale considerably.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, assuming he just hadn't wanted to see Murdoc.

"...Yea. I'm fine." He said, quietly. He reached over and grabbed my hand, almost like he was trying to comfort himself. That was when I noticed the man with Murdoc was fairly familiar.

"You know him?" Ace just nodded in response.

After that, he didn't say anything, and I felt much too awkward to try and spark up a conversation. So we waited the rest of the line in silence.

Ace's POV

No fucking way.

There was no fucking way this was happening. I thought at first It had to be someone else, but then I heard that lisp. That really was Snake with Murdoc. I felt almost sick, and I had no clue why. 2D kept holding my hand all the way up into the ride's car. When he finally let go, I sighed in relief that I couldn't see them anymore. 2D was staring at me, confused.

"You're acting weird, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, that's just one of the guys from my gang back home. Guess I'm just confused as to why he's here." I said, my teeth gritting. I could feel anger bubbling up in me, and I couldn't seem to stop it. So before Stu could even get a word out, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. But it was different this time, because it didn't make me forget anything. It just seemed to make everything worse. I guess he could tell, because he pushed me away gently.

"Ace, honestly.." He stared at me for a moment before he put his hand out to run his thumb across my cheek. The air felt cooler where he'd done that, and when I went to feel it I noticed it was wet. I was really fucking crying. What the fuck, I didn't cry. "Please tell me what's wrong.."

I shook my head, "I don't know, I feel fine." I looked behind me to see the pair talking and laughing. I ended up staring too long and Murdoc caught me. He stared back, smirking. Almost as if to say, 'You took what I loved the most, and now I know how to get back at you.'

Snake noticed Murdoc staring and turned around to look at me. His eyes went wide for a moment when he realized it was me. Like he'd been caught doing something wrong, but then his stare hardened. He turned away quickly, and I did the same. Stuart was staring down at the ground, and suddenly I felt horrible for not paying him any attention.

"I'm sorry, baby." I said, going to grab his hand gently, but he pulled away from me.

"You're jealous. I know you well enough to tell.. But why?" He didn't look at me.

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