chapter 18

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Snake's POV

   He hadn't left my mind since the day we'd met up in the motel. Since he'd dragged me to the bathroom to 'cut more lines'. I knew he probably didn't remember a single bit of it, but I couldn't forget it. He was so gentle and loving, telling me how much he missed me. How much he loved me. I wanted it to be real, but it was just the drugs. He wouldn't have fucked me if he had been sober.

I wanted to ask if he remembered, but it wasn't my place to bring it up. Not now that he was so happy with his boyfriend. I didn't want to fuck up whatever they had. I wanted Ace to be the one to do that. Part of me wanted him to get his heartbroken the same way he'd broken mine. He'd meant so much to me, and I hadn't been anything but an ass to him. But at the same time, I wanted him to be happy. I wanted the best for him.

Even though he abandoned us.

Ace's POV

I put my hair up and stepped back to look at myself in the mirror, and I have to say, I looked pretty good. I had to in order for this date to be perfect. I was gonna take Stu to a carnival that was going on in town, because he'd been asking to go the whole week. When I told him we were going, he started hopping up and down like an excited kid. It was honestly the cutest thing ever.

I walked out of the bathroom and into our room, Stu was sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette. He was scrolling through something on his phone, so I went to sit by him. He looked over at me and smiled.

"You look so handsome when you dress up like that." He said, making me smile a little.

"And I didn't know that you were capable of being any more beautiful, but here we are." His smile grew, and he held the cigarette up to my lips. I accepted it and took a deep drag from it. I exhaled the smoke and said, "Thanks, baby." And he took it back, going to hit it once more before putting it out in the ashtray he had beside him.

"Are we leaving soon?" He asked, looking back at me again.

"We can leave right now if you're ready." I said. He nodded and stood up.

"Yeah! Let's go, come on, come on!!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, trying to drag me out of the room. He was so excited and it warmed my heart.

"Ok, ok." I laughed, "Let's go, Babydoll." And with that, we left the house and headed out on what ended up being the worst date of my life.

this is a SUPER short chapter, and i'm sorry abt that :(
but be ready for eXTREME drama in the next chapter it might b a lil sad :/
also ily guys and have a great day/night

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