Chapter 9 👀

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Ace's POV 🦖

After my conversation with Stu I left the guys close to the airport. I told them goodbye and gave Snake an extra friendly hug. I slipped 40 bucks in his back pocket, he slipped a bag of pills in mine.

"Hydros," He whispered in my ear, "For the pain." We gave each other matching smirks when we pulled away.

"Thanks a lot for coming here, you's guys. It means a lot." I said, waving one last goodbye and turning to leave. They all said 'bye' in unison. I rolled my eyes, grinning to myself as I walked towards a store I saw ahead of me. When I went inside I started searching for the bathroom. Once I found it, I slipped inside and locked the door. I pulled the pills out of my pocket and dumped some into my hands, too high to care or count. I started crushing them up on the edge of the sink. It didn't matter if the door was locked for a bit. I wouldn't be long.

2D's POV 💙🦋

I had only talked with Murdoc for 15 minutes, and that wasn't nearly enough time. I had finally told him the truth, and he wasn't happy. But.. He hadn't been mad either.

*this is a flashback to the conversation*

"I honestly expected it," Said Murdoc. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a little action in here. Everyone needs a little something to get by." I didn't like how calm he sounded. Like it was all fine and he would come back and we'd finally be together.

"I love 'em." I said, very sure of the words I had spoken.

"He's a child, Stuart. Quit wasting your time with him and let me come back to you. You loved what we had, and you can't say you didn't. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look at me the way you did when I'd-"

"Murdoc," I cut him off before I could hear what I didn't want to. I didn't want to think about my time with him. "It's through.. We're through. Things change, and you just have to accept that."

I heard him huff, "Fine." His response confused me.

"Fine? So that's it..? You were just arguing wi-" Suddenly it was his turn to cut me off.

"Look, Dents. You said you love him. We're through. You made your point, and I'm not gonna argue like children over this. I'll come back and we'll start recording some stuff I wrote. Maybe something you wrote, and we won't talk about this again. I don't need you. Don't think I do for a second."

And he hung up. Just like that, it was over. I had officially cut things off with someone who wanted me, just to be with someone I didn't even know was coming home yet.

*back on track now*

I spent the rest of the day with Noodle and Russel recording the chorus for a new song we had been working on. Fuck the bass line, we all agreed to figure that out later.

There had been no sign of Ace, so I assumed he wasn't coming back. When night finally came, I decided to go through the stuff in my room he had left. There wasn't much of anything that was worth going through besides the drawers on his side of the bed. Ever since we had gotten serious, we had stuff in each other's rooms. I guess that's just a thing people do if they're in love, I'm not sure.

Once I went through the drawers I realized there wasn't anything interesting in them. Just sucker wrappers mostly. For some reason this made me upset. I missed him, and it had only been a day and a half. When I went to close his drawer, I saw something shining under some of the wrappers. I brushed them aside to reveal the inverted cross I had forgotten about months ago. I pulled it out and looked at it, wondering how it had ended up in the bottom of his drawer. Under the chain I saw a folded piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it to read it. It was a phone number under the words, 'if you ever get too bored at home <3'. I felt sick reading it. I wanted to call the number, but I didn't. Instead I decided enough was enough. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours, so that's just what I did. I wadded up the note and threw it on the ground, and put Murdoc's chain around my neck. I laid my head on the pillow and let sleep take me like it had been begging to do for hours. I would deal with this later if I did at all.

Ace's POV agaiN 🐊🤢

I hadn't meant to fall asleep, especially not on a gross bathroom floor. I hadn't even been tired. In fact, until the last few hydros I felt energetic. I guess I took too many or whatever.. I wouldn't do that again. My head pounded, and my muscles hurt. When I stood up and looked in the mirror. My hair was matted from what I assumed was me sweating. I straightened my glasses, collected my thoughts, and left the store. Leaving my dignity behind in the bathroom as I walked into the dimly lit town looking like roadkill.

When I finally got back to the house, it was dark. I felt like shit. I was scared Stu thought I wasn't gonna come back. I went inside as quiet as I could and hurried up to his room. It was mostly silent throughout the house, minus a few guitar riffs coming from Noodle's room. When I got to Stu's room, the door was shut and I prayed silently it wasn't locked. When I grabbed the knob and twisted it, it opened. Lucky me. The light was on, but somehow my Babydoll was asleep. I walked in and shut the door behind me quietly, trying not to wake him. I shut the lights out and made my way to the bed. I noticed my drawer had been opened. I froze and wondered what all he had seen. I turned the lamp on and knelt down to look into the drawer of trash and unmentionables only to find two things unaccounted for. My dealer's number, and Murdoc's chain.

The note I found crumpled up on the floor almost under the bed; the chain I couldn't find. I just decided to get into bed and talk about the day's events the next morning.

I was able to get into bed without waking him, but he did turn to me in his sleep. I smiled at his peaceful face, reaching out to gently brush the back of my hand against his cheek. I moved my arm away so I wouldn't disturb him. That's when I noticed the other missing item; the chain. It was laying against the pillow close to his face. My baby was wearing Murdoc's chain. I remember thinking he must've talked to Murdoc when I didn't come home.

Suddenly I didn't care if he woke up, I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him against my chest so I didn't have to see the chain. "I fuckin' love you, Babydoll.. I'm real sorry for all of it.." I felt him stir against me.

"Me too." I knew he was barely awake when he said this by the tone of his voice. I knew he wouldn't remember this, and he would be surprised the next morning. Be it good or bad, I didn't care. I just needed to be with him then. With the way shit had been recently, all I wanted was to just hold him like this forever.

But again... With the way shit had been, I didn't know exactly how long forever meant anymore.

this chapter was kind of hard to write for some reason
mostly bc im so busy and i'm tired as hell
there's so much drama rn but i promise it's gonna ease up soon lmao
anyway have a good day/night

(also i've had the outline for this chapter for while. this was the reason i started writing this so i'm sorry if it's choppy or anything. but i edited it just now and finished it, so that's why it's out so soon
hope you like it)

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