Chapter 6

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2D's POV(from when him and Ace first got together)🦋💙

It was late at night, and the whole band was together in the kitchen. Russ and Noodle were playing cards; Ace and I were doing shots. We were all laughing and talking. Just having a good night.

"Ay, 2D! Shot time!" Ace exclaimed, banging the small glass on the table. I laughed a little, taking the shot glass and bottle from his hand. I poured another shot and downed it. When I lifted my head back up from taking it, Ace was nearly nose to nose with me. This caused me to jump, and him to chuckle at me. I thought about backing up, but I didn't really want to. I wanted him to kiss me. Kissing him wasn't like kissing Murdoc. Ace gave me
butterflies still when he kissed me. I loved it.

"Are you jus' gonna stare at me..?" I asked, now slightly confused that he didn't do anything. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Until I figure out how you're so pretty, yeah." Aw.. I couldn't believe he had just said that. I wasn't used to being complimented anymore, and this man made me feel like I deserved the world.

"Ace.. I'm-" He cut my words off by him slamming his lips onto mine. I was almost shocked by how hard he had kissed me, but my body didn't give me time to care. I think my body wanted to kiss him more than I did, and that was saying something. So I kissed him back. I wasn't sure if he had meant for the kiss to be long, but we ended up making out at the table. Hands in hair and everything. We were too drunk and into each other that we didn't even notice when Russel and Noodle started laughing at us. Or maybe we just didn't care. I felt him move his hand down to my throat, gently wrapping his fingers around it. I tensed up, full expecting him to tighten his grip. I wouldn't have minded at the time at all, but he didn't. Instead he did something completely different. He moved his hand down which confused me until I felt a tug on the chain I had around my neck. He pulled away from the kiss to sneer down at the inverted cross he was holding. I felt anxious suddenly, looking away from him. I wanted to say him, but he stopped me before I could even open my mouth.

   "Forget it." I looked at him after he said this, he scooted himself over to Russel and Noodle, "Think you's guys could deal me in?" He pushed his sunglasses up, hiding his eyes and getting invested in the game he hadn't even started yet. I sighed, slightly upset with myself for wearing Murdoc's chain. He had given it to me to represent a promise. Almost in place of an engagement ring. Shame on me for wearing it while I was with another man.. I had just been missing him a little. But that didn't matter. I knew I had to take it off, so that's what I did. I went to my room and set it on the bedside table. Then I went back to the room
to be with my friends again.

   When I walked back in, Ace looked over at me. He stared at me for a moment before I saw the corner of his mouth turn up into a little smile.

   "Come sit over here and play with us, babe. We're just gettin' started." He scooted over and pulled a chair close to himself. I did what he suggested and went to sit down beside him. I felt relieved things were ok again. For that little time I had felt nervous, and I didn't want him mad at me. Thank God he wasn't.

This is 2d abt to go to sleep

   The rest of the night had been so good, we all had fun with our game. Ace had been upset he didn't win, claiming someone was cheating. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was awful at blackjack.
   Eventually we all went our separate ways to get some rest. When I got in bed, I figured out pretty soon that I wasn't tired. I was really drunk, but not tired. I got lost in my own thoughts, worrying and wondering about countless things. It was like that until I finally did feel a bit sleepy. I turned over so I could turn the lamp off. I felt a nagging feeling when I looked at the bedside table. It felt like something was different, but I didn't know what. I struggled with this for a minute before I realized Murdoc's chain wasn't there. I ended up figuring I probably just put it somewhere else, and didn't realize because I was fucked up. I was too tired to be bothered with it. So I turned my light off and fell asleep after deciding I'd look for it the next morning.
I never did.

ok so this is probably not the best chapter
i'm sorry for any errors in spelling or grammar im tired and no one else proofreads these so
this chapter had some
this is like when they first started dating like
probably month 1 lmao i'm taking some
liberties and changing some shit bc that's what an irresponsible fanfiction writer does 🤪
also ace is so fucking gay don't @
anyway ily guys and like
have a gm/gn

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