chapter 17

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Ace's POV

   I think the scariest part of the dream was that it made me miss him. I hadn't thought about us in a hot fucking minute, and the fact that I had dreamed about him scared the shit out of me.

I woke up with Stuart fast asleep, his head on my arm. My heart was racing, and I was covered in sweat. I grabbed my phone, turning it on and opening the text I had gotten from Snake not even 5 hours ago.

'I miss you.'

I got out of bed slowly so I wouldn't wake up 2D, and I made my way out of the room. I wanted to call him and tell him to fuck off, but for some reason I couldn't. I wanted to believe it was Snake my friend who missed me, but I knew that message came from my ex. I knew him more than I probably knew anyone else.

'i know.' That was all I texted and as soon as I did, I regretted it. I shouldn't have even answered it, but I did. Probably because of that stupid fucking dream. Probably because of what I used to feel when I was with him.

Because he was my first love. My phone buzzed again.

'Then why haven't you come back yet?'

'because my life is here.'

There was an uncomfortable wait after this when he didn't answer immediately. I wasn't sure why.

'So is mine.' It made me feel weird reading that, knowing that he still had feelings for me. I didn't even know how to answer that. I wasn't used to him being so bold and upfront about anything. Especially not something like this.

I used to hit him a lot. Whenever he would do or say something that didn't please me. I hit him as a way to control him. To get what I wanted.

I can remember one day especially where he'd finally had enough, and we fought. He got in quite a few good licks, but I hurt him pretty bad that day. I think that was the day I really decided I had to change something.

   It took me almost a month to apologize for the shit I'd done to him, but when I had, it had been worth it. It was worth it when he smiled at me for the first time in a while. It was worth it when he pressed his lips against my cheek. When I grabbed his wrist and pulled him in to kiss his lips. When he kissed me back... Fuck. All those years of frustration and confusion coming to an end. A decade of rage finally making sense.

   And even if I wouldn't admit it after that, he was mine. He had become mine that night when we slept together. Maybe I didn't call him my boyfriend, but we did everything together. He was always by my side or in my lap. I always held his hand and I never hit him after that. We just happily coexisted.

   I told myself I'd never let him go, and yet I did. I broke my promise, and I broke his heart. Things hadn't been the same after that. After I'd hooked up with Stu and told Snake. He stopped talking to me for a while until a few weeks before all the shit had started with them and I went to jail for those few nights. When we all met up that time afterwards to hang out and get fucked up, it had been weird. Snake hardly looked at me, and when he spoke to me it was like he wanted to impress me. Which he hadn't done since before we'd started fucking. It honestly kind of fucked with me to be around him that day. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'd gotten so fucked up.

   I think the biggest reason Snake was hurt was because I never told Stuart about us. I never told him any of it. I'd put him above someone who had been my best friend and lover for years. My first love. He'd asked me that before he got on the plane to go home. If I'd told Stu yet or not. When he found out I hadn't, I remember the sad little smile he'd given me.

   "That's ok, Ace. I don't mind." But I knew he did.

Right about then was when my thoughts were interrupted by the shuffling of feet and a tired voice, "Ace..?" I turned to look at him. He looked so pretty.

"Hey, Babydoll. Why are you out of bed?" I asked him, walking over to where he was leaning against the wall. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I dunno, I woke up and got worried when I didn't feel you by me. What are you doing out of bed?"

"I had to text someone back."

"Why so late, though?"

"It was important. Look, go back to bed, baby. I'll come back in a minute. I'm gonna go smoke and then I'll be back in bed with you again, ok?" I kissed him gently; he nodded in response to me and made his way back to the room.

I looked down at the message I'd been stuck on.

'So is mine.'

'i'm sorry.'

'I just wish you'd come home.'

'i know.'

'Goodnight, boss.'

It took me a while to figure out what to do. Mostly because I couldn't stop my thoughts from racing, but eventually I decided to just leave it. So I turned my phone off and went to lay next to Stuart again. I felt weird and anxious, but after a few minutes of holding him tight against myself I felt ok. I softly kissed his neck before burying my face in his hair. Thankfully he didn't wake up, and I felt safe again. Soon enough we were both asleep, and we stayed that way until the next morning. Honestly, it was some of the most peaceful sleep I'd ever had. And everything felt like it would be ok as long as I had my Babydoll.

this is a short chapter with a lil bit of a weird ending sorry abt that
but i just wanted to get this out
i promise i'll update more
i'm rly trying here forgive me 😂💖💖 ily guys sm

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