chapter 3 :/

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This is gonna be from Ace's pov.

I hated leaving him at home by himself, because I was always nervous he was going to need me. But this phone call in itself was more important, so I knew I would just have to suck it up. I still texted him every so often to check on him. He would always say he was alright unless he was busy, in which case he would send me a heart or a smiley face. I loved that about him; he always made time for me. But enough about that.

I walked to a sort of secluded area in order to do what I had been dreading. I was scared this whole thing was gonna be a bust, and I was gonna be in the same boat as Murdoc. I don't think I would be able to handle it without my babydoll. The prison part didn't scare me, just the loneliness. So I took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves as I pulled a card and my phone out of my jacket pocket. I typed the number off the card into my phone and hesitated one more time before pressing call.

"Hello this is the Mayor's office, how may I help you?" It was a woman's voice on the phone.

"Uhm.." I hesitated, and didn't know why. This was nothing like some stupid fucking prank call, this was nerve wracking.

"Hello?" The woman asked again, sounding a bit impatient this time.

"Yea.. Uh, sorry." I cleared my throat, "I need to talk to the Mayor."

"Alright," I could hear the tapping of keys on a laptop or something over the phone. "Who's calling?" Fuck.

"Pete..?" It felt like I couldn't say anything else, I was so paranoid about all of this. What if she knew my voice and hung up to call the cops, or what if she hung up and did nothing? What if the mayor answered and then-

My thoughts were cut off by her talking, "Just a moment, sir." She sounded so hateful, and honestly I couldn't blame her. I was shitty and everyone knew it, that didn't bother me. I said nothing as I heard the line start to ring again. After ringing twice I heard a painfully familiar voice on the other side.

"Mayor speaking." Not exactly the introduction I was expecting, though I wasn't quite sure what I did expect.

"Uh, yea.." I sounded like an idiot, why hadn't I thought about what to say until now?? "Listen, it's Ace from the Gangreen Gang back home. I wanna bail the guys out." I wanted to kick my own ass over how ridiculous I sounded.

"Then why aren't you calling the prison?" He asked, a bit annoyed sounding.

"See, that's the thing," I had regained some of my confidence as I continued, "I don't know where I stand in this mess, and you still owe me a favor for-"

"Yes, yes. No need to bring up the past!" He interrupted.

"So you'll help me out, then?" I asked him, hopeful.

"I wouldn't really call it helping, seeing there's not much I can do."

"Can you just tell me if there's a warrant over my head or not for this?" Now it was my turn to be aggravated, "I need to get them the fuck out of prison, but I can't afford to come back and be arrested right now."

It was silent on his end for a moment before he sighed and said, "Let me look." I heard him set the phone down, and there was silence again. It felt like an eternity had passed before I heard him pick up the phone again. He said nothing and I could feel my anxiety eating at my chest.

"Well??" I was getting impatient which was out of line, but I couldn't help it.

The mayor cleared his throat before speaking, a bit quieter than he had before, "It's out of your hands, kid. There's a red notice with your name on it in big bold letters. If you get caught you're looking at up to 15 years." His words hit me like a fucking baseball bat. I suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed. "Your friends got you into a big mess with the stunt they pulled. And even if you got someone else to bail them out, I don't think you have the money for it."

I felt my heart sink, "How much time they got?" Suddenly everything felt really hopeless.

"Ten years apiece. Bail for all of them would tally up to $80,000. I'm sorry, Ace. But there's really nothing I can do for you."

"Thanks anyway. I gotta get going." I mumbled, hanging up my phone in a hurry. Like if I could hang up fast enough I could run away from all this shit. And suddenly as I stood there, I felt like a kid again. I felt alone and terrified, unsure of what to do. I wasn't even sure what they had done to get us into this mess. I was now in a famous band with a warrant on my back for a 'robbery' I hadn't even been aware of. I was uncertain of a lot of things, but three things I knew for sure. I had to tell Stuart, I couldn't hide something like this from him even if I wanted to. I was sure by now my face was on the news if it hadn't already been. The second thing was that I was probably going to end up rotting away in a prison cell even longer than that bastard Murdoc. I was technically famous now. Everyone knew who I was, and I definitely stood out in a crowd. There was nowhere to hide, and I couldn't run away from Stu. The third thing I knew?

I was fucked.

I'm done apologizing for short chapters, ok thanks

BUT OMG i hope you liked this chapter bc im having way too much fun writing this

so i got this whole plan and i mean like

don't worry too much about ace. i know it looks bad but it'll work itself out. it wouldn't make sense if both bass players were locked up ya know? Its just that I thrive off of drama like every other angsty college freshman soooo

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