chapter 11

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Ace's POV(there's a lil scandal in this 👀)

   Murdoc had been back with us for only a few days when things had started to go bad. Stu and I stopped spending as much time together, and all of a sudden he was with Murdoc constantly. Either recording music or writing it. I saw the way they looked at each other when they were together, and it made my heart ache.

   I started using more, but no one noticed except Noodle. I couldn't hide it from her. I started staying in her room a lot. She tried her best to keep me sober, but she never succeeded. I needed to feel something other than jealousy and anger. I got that from drugs. I knew she was worried about me, but I didn't really care. I was a shitty friend, but she was still patient with me.

   There was one night where she put my hair up for me when I was all sweaty and shaky in my bed. So I wouldn't get puke in my hair when I started throwing up. It worked, and I was grateful for that. She also cleaned me up that same night and brought me water. She dabbed my forehead with a cold washcloth when I got too sweaty, and she never left my side. I don't think 2D even knew what was going on, and that was ok. I wasn't even mad about it. I didn't want him to worry.

   When it was all over, I assured Noodle I wouldn't do it again. I think she knew better. I didn't do so much shit she had to babysit me anymore, but I didn't stop doing what I wanted. I felt lonely, and the only way I could seem to make myself feel better was if I wasn't sober.

2D's POV

Ace had stopped spending as much time with me, and I couldn't figure out why. I wasn't sure if it was something I had done or not..

   When Ace started hanging around Noodle, I started to stay with Murdoc. We would mostly write music and record. Nothing else, really. Things were still freshly awkward between us, but it was better than being alone.

   It hurt me a lot that Ace was distancing himself from me; especially after I thought we had fixed our problems.

   He eventually stopped sleeping in my room, and started staying on the couch instead. He wouldn't talk to me to tell me anything, which frustrated me. He wouldn't touch me at all, he wouldn't even look at me.. I guessed he had finally stopped wanting me after all. It hurt to think about, but there wasn't anything I could seem to do to help us. If I tried to sit next to him, he'd get up and leave. If I tried to hold his hand, he'd snatch it away. He wouldn't sleep with me, and he wouldn't kiss me anymore. I didn't know what else there was to do, so I gave up.

    I started noticing Ace going to Noodle's room a lot. Her door staying locked when he was in there, and he wouldn't come out for hours sometimes. His hair would be matted and sweaty whenever I'd see him leaving the room. I wanted to ask him about it, but he wouldn't let me get close enough. I figured he wanted to leave me, but wouldn't tell me.

*this is like maybe a week after this shit all started yay*

   Someone stumbled into my room around 1:45AM, waking me up when they slammed the door behind them. At first I hadn't known who it was because it was so dark. I turned my lamp on to see who had just woken me up, only to see it was Ace. When my eyes adjusted to the light; I was stunned. Not only because he was actually in my room, but because of the state he was in. He looked insane. His eyes were even more bloodshot than usual, and they held a crazed and angry look in them. I could see he had a little dried blood around his nose. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and he had a small cut on his cheek.

I sat up quickly, a little startled. "Ace..? What happened...?" He made me nervous, I knew something wasn't right.

He said nothing, only smiled slightly at me. I decided to get up out of my bed and slowly take a step towards him. He didn't move.

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