chapter 15🦋🦎

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2D's POV (slight drug withdrawal warning)

   The next morning had been awful. I'd woken up quite early to the sounds of retching just to find Ace bent over the toilet in full blown withdrawal. His dark hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and his skin was much lighter green than usual. I could also see the sweat that had beaded on his face.

   He glared at me when he saw I was standing in the doorway. I knew he was miserable, so I didn't take it personally. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he was cut off by his own nausea. I gave him a sympathetic look, even though he wasn't looking. I spotted a glass on the counter by the sink I used to take my medicine with when I needed it. I filled it with cool water from the sink, and grabbed a washcloth that had been hung from the shower rail. I wet it with colder water than I had put in the cup and wrung out some of the water so it wouldn't drip. When Ace finally sat back, I knelt down beside him.

   "Here, look at me, baby." I made sure to talk as gently as I could, I was sure his head was probably pounding. I wanted to give him one of my painkillers, but that wouldn't help in the long run. I wasn't about to feed his addiction just so he could go through everything all over again.

   When he looked at me I gently dabbed the wet cloth on his forehead so the sweat wouldn't get in his eyes. Plus I was sure it was uncomfortable for him.

   He wouldn't look at me, but he smiled gently. When I was done wiping his face off, I stood up so I could rinse the cloth out and make it cold again. I grabbed the cup too and knelt back down. I handed him the water while I hung the cold cloth around the back of his neck. He was hesitant to drink the water at first, but I insisted. Of course he didn't just gulp it down, just sipping on it. But even that made me feel better, because I knew it would make him feel better.

   After a minute of me watching him sip his water like a worried mother, he finally looked at me. The second I saw the pain in his eyes, I hugged him. Softly, so I wouldn't hurt him. He seemed so fragile liked this, and it worried me. He didn't hug me back, but instead he leaned his head against my shoulder.

   "It's ok, I know it sucks." I said, trying my best to comfort him.

   "It doesn't feel ok."

   "I know, but I promise it'll get better." I pulled back so I could look him in the eyes and smile. I kissed his cheek gently before adding, "Even if it has to get worse before then. I'll be here for you, we'll get through this together. Yeah?" A small smile appeared on his lips.

   "Ya know, it's kinda hot when you take charge of the situation." And as soon as he said that, I felt so much relief wash over me. I knew he would be ok.

   "Please. Everything I do is hot." I joked.

    He took another sip of his water and nodded, "That's true." He was smiling and joking, which made me feel better. But he also looked exhausted. This made me wonder something.

   "How long have you been sick?"

   "For almost two decades." His answer made me roll my eyes.

   "Ha ha." I said sarcastically, "I'm serious, Ace. Do you need to lay down again?" He just shrugged.

    "I didn't have time to check the clock, but it feels like I've been doin' this for hours. So I probably been up half an hour at most."

   "It's so early, though." I said, just having noticed it was just barely light outside. "We can go back to sleep if you want." He just scoffed at this.

   "Not gonna happen." Was all he said before getting another sip of his water. "You really are an angel, Babydoll."

   I cocked my head, "Yeah? How so?"

   "I felt like I was dying until you came in here and saved me with your magic water." I rolled my eyes again, but I couldn't help smiling.

   "And who ever said you couldn't be romantic?" And the grin that formed on his face after I said that made my heart melt.

   "I think the real question is, who ever said I couldn't make you fall in love with me?" I saw an opportunity and shrugged.

   "Quite a few people actually."

    His face went oddly blank for a second before he made an almost disgusted look, causing me to fill with anxiety for a moment. "Hey, uh. I think I left my feelings for you in my other pants, because I'm feeling oddly straight all of a sudden."

   "Oh my God." I stood up, rolling my eyes AGAIN as Ace sat on the floor snickering like a child. I turned to walk out before he called out to me.

   "Wait no, come back! I found them!" When I turned back around to look at him, I saw him struggling to pull something out of his pocket. For a second I was confused, but that was cut short as the only thing that came out his pocket was his hand flipping me off. Once again, I couldn't help but laugh at his childish antics.

   "Damn it, Ace." I went to sit back on floor beside him, but this time it was my turn to lean on him while he leaned against the wall, "Are you ever going to grow up?"

   "Hmmmm," He acted as if he was really contemplating something for a moment before saying, "Nope. You signed up for this when you said yes to being my boyfriend."

   "If only I didn't love you." I joked, causing him to chuckle a little.

   "Whatever." He moved his hand to mine and laced our fingers together. "I love you too."

    We sat there together for another thirty minutes or so until Ace felt well enough to get up and go lay on the bed. Even though he'd try to act like he didn't feel as bad as he did, he couldn't hide it for long. When he was laying down, he trembled for a little bit. He was curled up, hugging himself tightly. I knew he was hurting not only from that, but by the small groans he'd let out every few minutes or so.

    Eventually I went to grab him a few over the counter sleep aids and painkillers, and not long after he took them he fell asleep. He slept just about the rest of the day, and I only left his side to go and have a drink with Murdoc. I hadn't expected him to ask me for that, but it was actually nice. Especially when we started talking. Lots of things that needed to be heard got said.

    After that, I went back to find Ace awake with Noodle on the bed. They were talking, and seemed to be enjoying themselves. So I just left them alone to smoke a cigarette outside in the fresh air. Which was sort of nice. I got to have some alone time, and Ace got to talk to one of his friends.

   Even though the day was mostly unproductive, it was really peaceful for once. I think we all agreed with that. We all even sat in the living room that night to talk and drink. It made me happy to see Ace get along with everyone, even though him and Murdoc made sly jabs at each other the whole time. For the most part everything was just nice. It was all starting to feel normal again. For once in a very long time I really couldn't think of anywhere better to be.

yikes this chapter isn't that good but it was kinda rushed too
i'm trying
i'm a lil sad lmao
but anyway i'm trying and i hope you like it
have a good day/night
be safe
eat ass smoke grass blah blah (i'm so sorry😂)



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