Chapter 20

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The whole night we yelled at each other. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I promised that I'll eat, but Castle didn’t believe me. In the morning I cried. Rick hugged me. Eventually Rick persuaded me that it will be better if I go. I packed my things and went to car. When Rick came and sat next to me, he grabbed my hand.
"Kate, you're going to be there for a month. I've already finished the paperwork. After two weeks I'll be able to take home for the weekend and in two weeks you're out," he said. I lowered my head and started to cry. Rick hugged me again and patted me on the back.
"Are you still mad at me?" he asked and I nodded.
"I am but just a little. I need to go there. Will you call me?" I asked sadly.
"I will, I swear. Here we go," he said and we went on the road.

The journey lasted about an hour. I was tired and sad. Rick was talking with me. As soon as we reached the place, Rick registered me and it was time to say goodbye. With Alexis, luckily, I said goodbye previous afternoon. Again I was crying and I ran quickly to Rick. Rick hugged me and began cry too.

"You can do it. I believe you," said Rick crying. We hugged for more time. Then we took a long kiss. I took the bag and nurse led me to the room. I got a paper detailing the therapy and meals. During the day were 5 meals and one therapy. I had to get involved right from lunch. For me it was very challenging. At first I resisted, but the nurses gave me sedatives and fed me forcibly. Then I went back to my room, I sat on the bed and I took my phone. Castle installed Angry Birds to my phone, so when I started playing, I immediately remember at him.

At afternoon and evening was another meal. I ate alone, but I didn’t eat everything. In the evening I had a first therapy. The doctor talked to me. I had to tell my story. Doctor was nice and kind. She held my hand and looked me in the eyes. At the end of therapy, I had tears in my eyes. When I took a bath, I lay in bed. Again I played Angry Birds and I thought about Rick.

At 22, I received two text messages. One was from the guys from the precinct and the other from the Castle.
"We support you, Beckett. We don’t miss u :D," wrote guys. I loved their jokes. I wrote back: "I love you too <3"
"We miss you here. I love you xox your little writer <3" wrote Rick.
"I love you too."
I curled up on the bed. I cover with a blanket and closed my eyes.

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