Chapter 109: The Goodbye

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Molly woke up and a knot in her stomach formed instantly. She knew which day it was and there was no use in pretending it wasn't.

"Nickie," she said quietly, without looking at him.


"You're up?"

He nodded and glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"I feel sick."

He half-smiled and pulled her into his arms. "You're getting on the plane whether you're sick or not."

"No, I really feel sick."

"It's in your head."

She shook her head and then froze.


She got up and ran to the bathroom.

Hearing her gagging, Nick followed after her. He pulled her hair back and rubbed her back.

After a minute, she leaned against the tub. He felt her forehead.

"Am I warm?"

He shook his head. "It's probably just the stress and emotions getting to you."

"I think I need to shower."

"I'll make you tea."

"Thank you."

The shower helped, but she still felt nauseous. Nick was sitting on the bed with a cup of tea on the nightstand. She sat down and leaned her head against him.

"Everything is going to be good, Molsie."

"It all feels like a lot right now. I'd much rather stay."

He handed her the tea. "You're just overwhelmed."

"No, I'm serious."

"Love, you get overwhelmed and anxious before change. But, the second you actually take the step, you're a natural. You're going to get on the plane and you'll completely be in the volunteering zone and laugh at yourself for thinking of not going."

"What if I miss you too much?"

"So you'll miss me too much. You can have all of me when you get back; I'll be right here."

"I don't feel well."

He rested his hand on her head. "Drink your tea and just relax."

"I can always come back."

"Yeah. You can."

"So, you're saying I get overwhelmed by change?"

"Yeah, Mols. You've always needed a push before change so I'm not letting you chicken out."

She drank the tea. "You know me pretty well, don't ya?"

"I guess I do."

"You're not going to let me stay home?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

"So, I have no choice."


"You're tough."


She laughed but then it turned into a cry. She wiped her face. "Are the kiddos up?"

"Sammy is watching cartoons."

"Let's go downstairs. It's too hard for me to be alone with you right now."

"Ok." He linked his hand with hers and she tried not to frown.

When it was time to leave, Molly said goodbye to Sammy and Dan at the house and then she and Nick drove off to the airport alone. Molly was instantly regretting that decision. Though she wanted time alone with Nick before she left, she desperately needed a distraction.

As she became lost in her thoughts during the drive, she felt Nick take her hand. She looked at him but neither said a word.

They arrived at the airport in no time, checked in her bags in a breeze, and before either could stomach, it came time to say goodbye.

Tears were silently rolling down her face.

"Mol, love."

She was looking at the white tiled floor and acted as though she didn't hear him.

He cupped her cheek and brought her to look at him.

Her lips trembled so she pinched them together.

He took her into a hug. "Love, don't cry."

"I don't want to be without you."

"You won't be without me. We'll just be physically apart for a bit." He held her in his arms until it was getting late. "Molly, you have to go."

"No," she whispered.

He pulled back. "Love, you got to go enjoy the heck out of this program. I'm going to want to hear every last detail. Okay?"

He wiped her face and gave her a quick kiss as he tried to keep himself together.

"I love you," she whispered.

His throat burned. "Yeah, me too."

"Tell me if you want me to come back early, ok?"

He half-smiled and looked at the floor. His nose flared.

She tried speaking calmly, though her voice shook. "You'll be waiting here for me, Nickie?"

"Like no time has passed."

She wiped her eyes. "Ok."


"I'll email you as soon as I can."

"And I'll read it as soon as I get it."

She hugged him again tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now go, love. You got to go." He kissed her head.

She nodded and started rolling her carry-on into security. She turned around and saw him still standing there. She took a deep breath, waved, and blew him a kiss.

As they used to do as kids, he opened his heart with an imaginary key and placed the kiss in it before locking it again.

She smiled and then continued ahead, disappearing through the security.

Nick scratched the back of his head and tried to calm his breathing.

The walk back to his car was long. Something inside him physically ached like something was ripped out of him. He wanted her back home already.

He reached the car but before he got in, he spotted a folded piece of paper on his seat.

Her handwriting filled the paper. He started to read.

My dear Nickie,

You didn't think you could get rid of me that fast, now did you?

He laughed despite the tears welling in his eyes.

I mean, come on, you should know your bestest friend better than that. I, for example, know I've already gotten a chuckle out of you, now haven't I?

He smiled again and continued reading the note that made the emptiness feel a little less empty. 


The End

...That is until I start publishing the sequel where we'll see if Molly's stomach is feeling any better

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