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blair was the last to leave the airship, she grabbed her swords, jumping down right behind harley. the brunette looked around at the city, her stomach dropping, what if amelia never left. what if she was dead in the wreckage, blair's eyes scanned the city as she unfolded the letter amelia sent her.

'hi sis.
me and aunt love are staying in midway for a while until things clear up. its one of the rich fancy hotels we stayed at when i was five when we went on vacation'

blair threw the letter in the fire, "fuck!" she yelled out, causing the suicide squad to look at her. "fucking hell!" she exclaimed once again, not caring what everyone was thinking. "i'm gonna kill some people, and who ever did this to the city, they'll be first." blair stormed past rick and jace, who was completely dumbfounded.

"did i ever say why i dated her?" harley asked deadshot, who shook his head no, "because that was hot." blair looked around at their surroundings, amelia and love are probably dead. she'll have to accept the fact that she'll never know if they are okay because after this (if she survives) she'll be sent right back to prison. 

everyone continued to walk, blair stood next to harley with an angry face. harley tried to ask what was wrong but blair ignored her, staring at the hotel that amelia stayed in. it was completely damaged, on fire, and definitely would've killed her younger sister. the next thing the brunette saw was boomer and the guy that was still unnamed started punching guards.

the guy slingshot away, blair watching with fear in her eyes. "hold your fire!" rick demanded as they watched him get away. he looked at his wrist, blair raising her eyebrow right before the guy's head blew off, blood spattered on blair's face causing her to glare at rick. 

"now that is a killer app." harley stated as blair wiped off the blood with a small sigh. once again, blair was fucked, she would've ran away but seeing that, her options were limited. the brunette crossed her arms as she stood next to harley, the two chuckling quietly.

"okay, you wanna keep playing the hollywood squares of "i'll blow your freaking head off?" blair and harley both put their hands to their necks, blair seeing if she could take out the explosive since it was metal. "are you next?" he looked at deadshot, "are you next deadshot?"

deadshot walked up to rick, causing blair to let out a 'ooh'. "you just threatened me?" he asked rick, getting up in his face.

"oh yeah."

"he just threatened me!" deadshot pointed at his forehead before walking back next to harley and blair. they started to walk, "all right, i'm going to kill him." blair looked ahead, a smirk on her face.

"well you better make it quick." harley stated as blair blew another bubble in her gum, she put her sword in the hoister. "cause he's gonna kill us one by one"

"i'm gonna drop him, the sword lady, then five or seven of those seals." deadshot explained, his eyes on blair and harley, "after that i'm gonna need some help. you two in?" blair turned her head, smirking at her friend.

"always, but what about the shit in our necks?" blair asked before smirking, "i can take ours out, but i dont know if it'll explode when i do..." harley looked at blair, her eyes widening, "i mean, its a possibility!" blair put her hands up in defense as deadshot nodded at her, "you aren't actually serious, you want me to take out the explosives placed in our necks?!" she whispered yelled before looking forward again.

"yeah!? you can do that metal badass shit!" harley replied with a smile on her face. blair slapped her forehead, "why did you mention it if you aren't gonna do it beeley?" blair sighed, she had no idea if the amanda bitch was listening, the woman had eyes everywhere, who knows if she had ears. "cant you just try it on boomer or something?"

"oh right." blair replied with a sarcastic tone, "i'll tie him up, put my hand on his neck and pull out the explosive bomb hoping it doesn't go off and kill us both. i love the plan!?"

harley nodded to herself, "see, you should've let me make the plans. they are pretty good." blair rolled her eyes before looking at deadshot who was thinking, "what are you thinkin?"

"i dont see how thats a bad idea." deadshot replied causing blair to flip him off, "spread the word, we'll deal with the things in our neck when we have the time." he walked away, leaving blair and harley in comfortable silence. harley walked up to boomer, leaving blair behind, she didn't really mind.

blair walked up to jace, she stood next to him causing the flag to look at her. "what?" he asked looking forward like blair was a disgrace to look at. the brunette ran her hand through her hair, what would she say? do you know if my baby sister is alive? i'm sorry for what i did? did you even love me?

boomer was shoved into the wall behind the two, causing everyone to turn around startled. blair giggled at KC who was obviously pissed with the villain. the brunette turned to look at jace again, but he was already walking away. blair frowned at him, tears forming in her eyes, the villain wiped them, her face turning cold once again.

rick stopped at a car that was split in half, black substance over took the car. blair stood next to him, her eyes widened at the damage this thing could do. "boss, we got people up here!" GQ yelled back at rick.

"i'm on my way." rick replied looking over at blair before running over to his friend. blair looked around, her heart pounding as voices filled her head. they were screaming her name, flashes of people being turned into creatures filled her mind. blair stumbled back, the screaming getting louder and louder. 

"hey, is your nose supposed to be bleeding?" santana asked as blair let out a gasp. she fell on the ground, her hands covering her eyes. "uh, guys." blair tried her best not to scream, the voices all screaming her name as they reached out for her. 

"what happened?" rick asked looking at blair, "hold your ground." he said in the coms as blair let out a scream of pain, he quickly covered her mouth as harley's eyes widened.

"is she being possessed?" harley asked as the voices began to slowly disappear, the visions going away. blair felt ricks hand on her mouth, calming her a little bit. "beeley? are you okay?"

blair rubbed her forehead, shoving rick's hand off of her mouth as she felt lightheaded. "does anyone have water?" she asked as jace handed her a bottle, "i'm fine flag, really." she looked at rick who seemed concerned, "go do whatever you do." rick stood up, running over to gq hesitantly.

"what the fuck was that?"

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