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blair turned to see amelia standing there with peacemaker, a wave of no emotion went across her face. blair looked empty, dead inside, she stared at her sister with such betrayal. blair couldn't feel anything, she didnt know if it was because of her wounds or because of the hurt inside her head she was feeling. "i told you i didnt trust him." peacemaker replied as amelia held a gun in her hands.

blair shook her head, she shoved past the thinker as she walked over to the computers. tears filled her eyes, "blair, what are you doing?!" cleo exclaimed as blair opened up the bottom compartment, she grabbed the red hard drive, "who are you going to show that too?"

"the press!" rick exclaimed, he was standing next to blair as she stood up staring at the hard drive, "goddamn people deserve to know!" the brunette turned around, she shook her head as a tear slipped out of her eyes.

"i'm tired of being manipulated by them." blair whispered as peacemaker put up his gun. blair slid the hard drive in her back pocket, buttoning it up for safety. 

"i cant let you two do that." peacemaker threatened as amelia rubbed her eyes. blair could see the sadness on her sisters face as she stepped closer to peacemaker. "i'm truly sorry." blair stood behind rick, she wasn't afraid, rick did it for her. they would have to through rick in order to get to blair, then get the hard drive. "miss waller charged us with making sure those records dont leave this building."

blair scoffed as they began to circle. "of course, i shoulda known. wallers always gotta a backup." rick replied as blair stepped back, amelia smiling at her as she showed blair the electric baton in her hands. 

"come on man, this isn't personal." peacemaker replied as blair rolled her eyes.

"holding a gun on me is pretty fucking personal!" rick exclaimed, as there was an explosion above them. blair looked up, her hand going on her knife as she waited for the fighting to start happening. 

"what is that?"

"i'm gonna need that drive blair." peacemaker threatened, pointing the gun at blair as she smirked. the brunette was just waiting for him to pull the trigger, end all of her problems. she wouldn't fight, she already got enough wounds on her. after all of this if she survived, blair would bleed out anyway. 

things started to fall from the ceiling, blair stepping closer to rick. amelia stood next to peacemaker, "i'm sorry dear sister." amelia replied as blair chuckled softly, she knew it. 

"those morons set off the explosions too early!" thinker exclaimed, "hand over the drive!" blair flipped him off behind her back, she still looked at the gun being pointed at them both. blair put out the drive.

"they experimented on children!" blair mumbled, her grip on the drive tightening as amelia eyed it. 

"no one was sayin what they did was right." peacemaker replied.

"they experimented on children!" rick yelled out, blair pulling the hard drive back as amelia reached for it. she quickly hid it in her boot, strapping it where the knives would be. now blair would really have to die for them to get the drive. 

"that information gets out, it causes an international incident." amelia explained, "if keeping the peace is worth any price, including the life of you two, so please hand over the drive blair." blair shook her head, rick standing in front of her as the ceiling began to rumble. the brunette just waited for everything to fall, ending all of their lives with one blow. "dont make us do this."

then the ceiling collapsed, blair shot her hand back to protect cleo as everything went black. pain shot through her body as rick reached back for blair.

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