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the brunette looked over, her hair falling in her face, the light going in her eyes. blair blinked, people were actually visiting her? the villain sat up with a small chuckle, swinging her legs off her bed as amanda waller went in her view. blair scratched her head, "what brings you here?" she asked with a small smile.

"we need your help, get up." blair was dragged by guards, she didnt even bother to struggle. at this point she was ready for whatever she needed to do, being locked up was boring. blair looked at the prisoners, a smirk planted on her lips as they dragged her along. they took her out to the courtyard, guns and knives were placed on a table.

"jeez, are you helping me with my escape?" blair giggled as the guards let her go. the brunette looked at them, her mouth turning into an 'o' shape. she looked at the guns again, "wait, i know what you're trying to do!" the restraints were taken off of her, blair walking towards the weapons like they were heaven.

rick flag and amanda waller watched as blair ran her hand on the gun, "are you seriously trusting me?" she turned to look at them, a childish smile on her face. blair hasn't seen the outside, a weapon, or humans in months, this was all new to her. blair grabbed a random gun, she examined it before setting it back down. "are you sure? like this all new to me."

"yeah, we're just trying to see what you can do." amanda replied sending blair a glare. the brunette chuckled, she grabbed the first knife and in a blink of an eye it was in the dummies head. perfectly in center, right in between the eyes. 

"metal manipulation." blair explained lifting up the next knife, she raised it up to show everyone, causing the knife to bend in half. she set it down, grabbing a gun. blair put the butt of the gun on her chin, looking through the scope. she shot twice with her eyes closed, hitting the target in the heart and head. 

she put the gun down, "is that all?" rick asked, causing blair to shrug. she didnt want to reveal all her secrets just yet. blair smirked before turning around, putting a gun to a guards head, the rest of the guards pointing their guns at her. 

"calm down!" blair exclaimed before pulling the trigger. the bullet came out of the gun, sewering around the guard before going straight for the dummies head. she raised the gun up, showing everyone that it was empty, then set it down. "i wouldn't be that dumb, i don't want to die just yet."

blair looked at rick and amanda, "i'll help your suicide mission thingy thing." she paused, "but there's two rules, i wont be controlled by some man." she looked at rick with a smug look on her face, "second, i get to see my sister again." blair glanced at amanda, "deal!?" a chuckle escaped her lips before looking back at the metal dummies.

she raised her hand, her fingers sending out vibrations causing the heads of the dummies to fall off. blair blinked, swallowing hard as memories replayed through her mind, watching as the heads of men fell off. blood spattering all over her face, evil, how would one person do such a thing. 

rick noticed blairs sudden change of mood, she quickly covered it up by coughing and looking at the guards. "i suppose i'll be going back to my cell?" she asked as restraints went back her, blair was dragged once again away from amanda who was impressed by the woman, she definitely was picked for the team.

hours passed, or days. blair had no idea how long it took for the guards to come again, she lifted her head lazily. blair hopped off her bed, grabbing a book from the top bunk she smirked. the guards all came rushing in, blair throwing the book at one of their heads, causing them to yell out in pain. 

then everything was black.

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now