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the jet took off, back at the office was amelia listening to everyone listing who would survive. "blair florence-flag." emilia listed, "she's pretty powerful. my money's on her surviving, even if she's a commander."

"there's no way rick and her are both going to survive. she'll definitely kill herself to save him." john explained, "true love or whatever." amelia swallowed, she stood up bumping into the last person she wanted to see. waller, the woman grabbed amelia's wrist pulling her away from everyone making bets.

"we need your help."

blair flag sat in the jet, she fiddled with the gadget as she tried distracting herself from what was coming next. "flags." waller called out in their earpieces, blair stood up walking over to rick. 

"yeah. we're t-minus five from the drop."

"get the whole team safely to that beach you two." amanda told them, rick looking over at blair who rolled her eyes. yeah right. "you will receive further orders from there." no goodbye, or good luck, and amanda was gone. blair looked back at the team, weasel was gonna die first, then probably backguard, then the rest of the team.

they had no idea what they were doing, harley, rick, and blair would probably make it further than the rest of them. boomer was staring at durlin, he smacked his lips at the long haired villain. "we're in a butcher's freezer, beeley and harls." boomer called out as blair nodded, agreeing with him, "surrounded by dead hogs hangin on hooks. only they don't know it."

"leave him alone, boomer." harley replied as blair walked past her. the blonde raised her eyebrows, damn, blair got hotter. boomer also realized that, she just looked more mature, more... they didn't know. maybe it was the suit, that definitely helped for boomer. blair turned around, the two looking away as blackguard stared at her. 

"hey, uh, i get it im attractive but please look at someone else." she threatened before placing a knife up to his throat. blackguard nodded, his eyes going wide as blair smiled. "thanks!" 

"what does t.d.k stand for?" javelin asked as blair leaned on the wall across from harley. she glared at the security camera, even if waller couldn't see it. blair wanted to fucking kill that woman, stab her heart out while laughing. it was extreme but it was helpful. 

"what?" tdk asked, leaning forward. 

"your names tdk right?"

"yeah?" tdk replied. blair began to look at her nails, uninterested in the conversation. she wondered where the hell jace went, he would've been better on this mission than blair. 

"and it stands for what?" javelin asked like it was obvious. the detachable kid, thats what it stood for dumbass. blair locked eyes with rick, who stood at the other end of the jet. 

"it stands for me?" tdk replied with his eyebrow raised. blair snorted, covering it up with a cough as all the villains looked at her. she looked at the ceiling, counting the lines as the villains looked away, all confused on why she was there, except harley and boomer of course. "its what a name is?"

"your name is letters?" blair quickly looked at javelin, what? 

"all names are letters, dickhead." boomer snapped causing blair to snort once again. all the villains looked at her again, blair holding in another laugh as she tapped her finger on her leg. she couldn't hold it in, she started to die laughing. she didnt know why, maybe it was because of how they were all gonna die, or that they were dumb as fuck.

"i love your accent." harley told javelin after blair held in her laugh. she put a hand on her stomach, running her fingers along the fabric as she blew a bubble in her gum. blair's shoulder still hurt from the stab wound, which really sucked. 

"american woman all love accents." javelin replied before looking at blair, she gave him a disgusted look putting her left hand up showing off her ring. that caused all the men to groan, did they all believe they had a chance?

"we do! cause we dont got none." harley replied, ignoring all the groans in the room, she didnt care that blair was married. the weasel retched, blair looking over at it, how is that even possible. how does that become a fucking thing. 

"yo? is this a dog?" blackguard asked looking at blair, she looked equally as disgusted as he did. 

"what?" boomer asked, leaning back on his seat as he looked at the weasel.

"is this thing a dog!?" blackguard repeated.

"a dog?"


"what. what kind of dog do you think this is mate?" boomer asked, a small smirk on his face. blair shook her head, they were really arguing over this right now? 

"i dont know. i'm not familiar with all the breeds." blackguard replied, his voice going a higher octave. blair didnt want to admit, but she actually tolerated the dude. she hoped he wasn't the first to die, but she didnt want him staying with them till the end. if there was even a end, blair just thought that they would all end up dead and waller would be drinking in her rich house looking at the fire as she chuckled knowing she broke apart a marriage.

"i'm gonna go with afghan hound." tdk stated, going in the conversation. 

"since when does an afghan hound have bloody thumbs?" boomer argued, blair leaning forward with a small smirk on her face. the woman walked over to rick, her eyes on the weasel as she stepped away from it quickly. "how ya doin?" blair flipped off her old friend, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

rick looked back at his wife, "oh my god! is it a werewolf?!" harley exclaimed causing blair to turn around with a shake of her head. "i've wanted to meet a werewolf forever!" just as she said that blackguard started to freak out, blair looked at rick who just glared at harley for saying that.

"yo! they sat me next to a werewolf!" he yelled, breaking out of his seatbelt. 

"thats not right." tdk mumbled.

"yo! let me out! i do not fuck with werewolves!" blackguard yelled causing harley clapped. boomer chuckled as blair smirked, oh jesus christ. they were so doomed. 

"hey! hey! he's not a werewolf okay!" rick exclaimed, walking over to them. "he's a weasel! hes harmless! i mean hes not harmless, he killed 27 children, but, you know we got him to..." rick looked at blair, who shrugged her shoulders, " i think he's agreed to this. whatever the case, just everyone get in position to drop."

weasel started to fuss and blair gave rick a thumbs up sarcastically. the latch opened, blair looked at rick with a nod of her head. "whatever it takes right?" she asked with a small smile.

"whatever it takes." 

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now