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blair made sure everything was secure, even amelia's gadget. she watched as weasel fell out of the latch, screaming as he hit the water. he was starting to drown, blair raising her eyebrows as she tried not to laugh. "did anyone check on whether weasel could swim?" rick yelled in the coms as blair watched the weasel drown.

she let out a small laugh, looking away from rick who glared at her. she saluted him, falling backwards in the water. blair shut her eyes as she landed in the water, the cold liquid making her shiver. the brunette swam to surface, coughing the water out of her nose. "the weasel is dead! i repeat the weasel is dead!" dublin yelled as blair hid her smile. 

harley smiled at her, seeing how hard blair was trying to not to laugh. "northeast, all clear. approach the shore." emilia told rick and blair, the two swimming to the shore. blair almost hugged the ground, she hated swimming, she was afraid some shark was gonna come and eat her. blair hates sharks. "over. savant hold your position."

"roger that." dublin replied as blair pulled out her sword. she looked around cautiously, her eyes scanning the tree line. the brunette swallowed uncomfortably as she saw movement.

"waller, we're on the beach and dry," rick told the bitch in the coms as he looked around in his scope of his gun. blair squinted, her swords in her hands tightly. she realized if they had guns, she didnt need swords. the brunette grabbed her gun as harley grabbed a bazooka out of her bag, the two nodding at each other with a smirk.

blackguard stood up, blair groaning as she tightened her grip on her gun. "hey guys!" he yelled causing blair to look over at rick, her mouth opened in anger. so far, her corrections were correct, weasel was dead, now blackguard would be next. "you can come out now, its just me!"

"what the fuck!" blair whispered yelled, not seeing where this plan would take the guy anywhere. 

"i'm the one who contacted you!" blackguard yelled, putting his guns up in the air. 

"is this supposed to happen? what the fuck?" javelin asked as boomer stood up. blair shaking her head, she should be a fortune teller. rick yelled something, she zoned out staring at her hands. something about this seemed wrong, this whole mission. like something terrible, horribly, no good, was going to happen that wasn't on this island.

"look, look! i brought everybody, look." blackguard yelled, basically giving away they were all here. he fucking sold them out. "they're right behind me!" the lights turned on, causing blair to jump in surprise. "hey guys! we have a deal right?! i'm the one who called you!" then a bullet blew up his face, blair looking away in disgust as he fell to the ground. 

the officers began shooting bullets at everyone, "blackguard sold us out." rick finally realized, "he contacted the whole fucking corto maltese army!" blair looked over the edge, a bullet going straight by her head. she quickly ducked, praying (she barely did that) to god hoping he would forgive her with all her mistakes.

"are we gonna fucking retreat?!" blair asked.

"negative flag, the mission is too important." waller replied causing blair to yell out in anger. "this is a tough group, you can make it."

"okie dokie." harley replied as blair shook her head. might as well dying right? harley stood up as rick tried to argue.

"harley, wait!" blair and rick both yelled as harley shot at the soldiers. blair shut her eyes, she gripped onto her gun. "b, dont you fucking dare." blair stood up, ignoring rick's threat as she shot in the woods. she dropped the gun after it ran out of bullets, not bothering to reload.  she smirked as she stopped half of the bullets with her hand, barely even trying. 

she turned them all around, shooting back to where they came from. "i like that one!" someone yelled over the coms as blair ran behind harley. she jumped over a few bullets, making sure not to get shot she jumped behind a boulder. blair let out whoop as she realized they were so fucked for the fifth time that night.

blair looked over at harley, the bullets shooting in between them. blair panted, sighed, then booked it to where harley was. a bullet hit her pocket, not injuring her, but still scared blair causing her to dive next to harley, doing a flip as she landed next to her. "mind if i join?" she asked, putting a hand on her chest. 

rick came next to them, blair took out her coms. her ears ringed, they began to bleed for the first time in years. blair reached up, she looked at the blood and wiped it on her pants. she couldn't worry about that. "tdk is 'the detachable kid?" harley asked, quickly slapping blair to make her focus.

blair, rick, and harley all looked at tdk with 'wtf' looks on their faces as his arms flew across from them. the arms started to slap the soldiers, "what the fuck!" harley yelled as blair shook her head, the look on her face was 'im so confused.

"i didnt pick the damn team!" rick exclaimed.

"don't worry flags, i got the bird." mongal reassured as blair looked up from above the boulder. she shut her eyes, lifting her hands she knocked down two trees, landing on half of the soldiers. blair pressed her lips together, since when could she do that? rick pulled her down as mongal ran up the boulders. she screamed as she grabbed on the helicopter, but screamed in fear when it started swinging her around.

boomer fell to the ground causing blair's mouth to fall open. "boomer!" harley and blair screamed as the helicopter fell to the ground causing a big explosion. then it came and sliced him up, and the sand, and everything else that was in its path. dirt and fire came over top of the three friends, blair yelling out as the fire landed on her leg.

"holy shit!" blair screamed, kicking it off of her. rick grabbed ahold of blair, pulling her away from the fire. 

"you guys go! i got this!" harley yelled as blair stood up, she grabbed rick's hand pulling him into the woods. gun shots were still going, blair tripped and fell on a stick smacking her head on the ground. she stood up after rick helped her up, the two running as fast as they could through the forest. 

blair jumped over a log, sticking out her hand hearing cracking sounds around them. mud was on her face and in her mouth, causing the woman to spit it out with disgust. the brunette pulled her husband behind her as soldiers walked out, "found them!" they yelled before shooting. blair stuck up her hands, her eyes shutting as the bullets stopped in mid air. 

well, it was actually a forcefield. blair opened her eyes, rick looking at his wife with wide eyes. blair smiled, realizing she actually did it. she pushed the bullets back to the soldiers, they all fell to the ground. "thank god." blair whispered before grabbing rick's hand. they ran even farther, and what seemed like hours was actually three minutes. 

blair stopped, she put her hands on her knees as she panted. rick slid down a tree causing blair to look over. he was fucking injured, "shit." he said lifting up his shirt. blair let out a 'ouch' as she walked over to him. 

"that looks terrible." blair mumbled, falling next to him. "here." blair put her hand over to wound, she felt the bullet come into her hand as rick let out a wince from the pain. "sorry." blair mumbled as she held up the bullet. 

then more twig snaps. rick stood up, his hand connecting with blairs as she looked around. she swallowed nervously before they started to run as fast as they could, there was a hill causing rick to fall. blair somersaulted, standing back up as she heard guns cock. rick stood up, they looked around as they backed into each other. "we are americans and we mean no harm!" blair exclaimed, dropping her weapon. 

"please dont shoot?"

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