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she laid in the basement of jotunheim, her ears rang. she couldn't hear anything except the sounds of fighting. it was all drowned out though, all she could really hear was a sound a train makes. everything was numb, her wounds now bled out as she laid next to the rubble. her leg was underneath a large cement block holding it down.

"rick?" she whispered, her voice raw and tightened. she could barely hear herself, blood came from her ears as her hand was around something. blair looked up weakly, amelia was screaming something at rick and christopher, the two fighting. rick was being beat up, blood seeped from his nose. amelia screamed at them, her mouth moving to what it looked like 'stop!' she kept screaming it.

blair finally came to her senses, her hand grabbed the sword that was next to her. she looked down at her leg, the cement dug into her think skin causing it to bleed. blair finally felt the pain when she moved her leg, she let out a yelp of pain as tears flooded her eyes. she wasn't ready to die, at all.

there was a mirror shatter, amelia finally stepped in as she punched peacemaker. the young girl didnt want to watch her sister's husband die, especially if she can save him. amelia grabbed a mirror piece, she swung for peacemaker as rick stood up weakly. blair on the other hand was watching everything, her vision blurring as the world spun around her. her leg felt like it wasn't even on her body, her stomach slowly seeping out what was left of her, on her shoulder you could see the bone.

everything was slowly ending for blair flag.

amelia fell to the floor, her nose bleeding as she looked down at her stomach. a large glass piece stuck through it, her mouth gaped, blood slowly fell out of it as blair let out a scream. she couldn't do anything as her sister slowly was drained of life. that caused blair to come to her senses, she kicked the cement block off of her leg, she ignored the pain.

blair stood up, holding the sword in her hand as peacemaker looked over at her. he pointed his gun at the brunette, she just wanted him to pull it. right before he did, rick came up behind him, shoving peacemaker in the wall. blair ran over to them, she limped as she swung for peacemaker's head. he kicked her back, blair falling to the ground right next to amelia. the young girl was dying.

blair let out another scream, vibrations came off of her. they sent off of the woman, shattering the window full of blood. peacemaker was shot back, rick was also shot back the opposite direction. things fell from the ceiling, just missing rick who went wide eyed. he had never seen this before, of course they weren't about to die.

peacemaker looked over at where the hard drive laid, cleo looked at it before grabbing it. she ran out of the room, peacemaker following her quickly. rick quickly went to blair, who collapsed on the floor right next to her sister. the ceiling was about to fall on them, cracks spread crossed the ceiling as rick came in her line of vision. "hey, hey, stay with me." he whispered as he realized blair was gonna die.

he pressed his hands to her cheek, tears fell from her eyes as rick shook his head in disbelief. "you're not dying on me okay?" he asked as blair looked at the ceiling. two more minutes and rick would be dead with her. "blair come on, look at me." she grabbed his hand weakly, a small smile on her face.

"i love you." blair whispered, she put her hand up lightly, she held the chunk of the ceiling up so it wouldn't fall. she could feel everything slowly just numbing, blair knew what dead was like, but it was so quick last time. this time it was just peaceful, she didnt know why dying was so peaceful, but dying doing the right thing was so peaceful. "leave." 

rick shook his head, "blair."

"rick." blair replied with a small smile, she put her head up kissing him on the lips for the last time ever. rick felt a tear run down his cheek as blair fell out of the kiss, he caught her as she took her final breaths. "whatever it takes right?"

"whatever it takes." rick replied as she shut her eyes. he looked away quickly, he stood up grabbing her knife. he was gonna fucking kill peacemaker. blair's hand slowly fell as rick ran out of the room, the ceiling collapsing so he would never see her again. he wiped the tears from his eyes before shutting them, he had to save cleo.

rick looked over at amelia, who was slowly dying. he picked her up bridal style, he wasn't loosing the girl. he couldn't loose them both.

they ran back up the stairs, peacemaker was laying dead, jace stood next to harley. they all looked at them, "where's blair? " dubois asked as rick shook his head, he looked to the floor, he failed blair. she was dead because of him. 

"what?" harley exclaimed stepping forward, blair was dead. she never even got to say goodbye, which goodbyes were stupid to her but... blair was her best friend. the person who believed in harley. jace just stared at rick, his eyes emotionless as he realized someone would have to tell their mother, not that she would care. blair was dead. she was dead...

the mission was completed, waller found out when she looked at the team on the cameras. she noticed the flag name weren't showing up and she  wasnt  talking. she knew she  were dead, along with peacemaker.  the funeral was held a week later, harlow violet and dick grayson showed up with the titans. the birds of prey showed up to say goodbye to the woman who saved their lives a year ago. blair and amelia's mother showed up with her new boyfriend, she was bawling hysterically, jace knew she didn't fucking care.

harlow walked over to them, she had tears in her eyes as rick hugged his friend. "i'm so sorry." harlow whispered in his ear.  amelia florence held crutches in her hand as she sat down at a table, her eyes were filled with tears as her friend hugged her tightly. rick didnt know who the girl was, but amelia seemed close with the girl. "is there anything i can do?"

rick shook his head looking over at blair's mother. she sat down next to amelia, the two hugging as they cried. "nope." he breathed out before harlow nodded, leaving him with jace, harley, and floyd (who shown up because blair was his best friend), rick looked at them, "her mother doesn't fucking care." he mumbled before walking away.

waller stood in the back of the room, she actually felt terrible. for the first time in her life, she felt bad. blair should've never went in the first place, she didnt need to go. waller just wanted to make sure the files never got out, not to kill her. "do you feel bad now?" jace snapped looking at his boss. "she died to make sure these," he held up the hard drive, "got out. now she's dead for no fucking reason!"

waller looked at him, "be at work tomorrow at 6." she replied walking away. jace ran out of the room, tears falling from his eyes. rick watched as amelia walked out of the room, he followed her  as she turned around to look at him.

"peacemaker is alive."

brynn speaks:

this was my original ending
actually no, rick dying with blair was my original ending but whatever. that'll be out later

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