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there was a yell from richard harper, who jumped over his desk. he thought the shooter was gone, he was wrong. the footsteps grew closer, his breathing became louder. the world seemed to stop spinning, then all of a sudden it spun.

richard harper was grabbed by the collar from behind his desk, his screams were quickly muffled. "give me the hard drive." the voice demanded, their foot on richards throat causing him to gasp for air. "or you die."

richard pointed up to the ceiling, there was a loosened tile. the shooter pointed her gun at richard, he yelled out for them to stop, but that all ended when a single gunshot went off. richards limp body fell to the ground as the shooter jumped up on the desk.

they grabbed the loosen ceiling tile, "okay. i found it." they stated in the coms as the silver hard drive appeared in front of the shooter. they grabbed it only for the floor to collapse from underneath them. "what the fuck!?" they yelled as they gripped on the hard drive.

they hit the ground with a thud, causing blair flag to groan as she rolled over on her stomach. "there was nothing in the file saying the floor would blow up waller!" blair gripped on to the hard drive seeing guards shooting over to her.

blair raised her hand, stopping the bullets mid air. she turned them around to hit the guards, the men falling to the ground. the brunette ran up the desks, jumping to miss the gun fire. she grabbed her swords, landing on the guard shooting at her. she sliced his throat, stood up and sliced the other in the chest.

blood spattered all over the place, blair wiped it off of her cheek as she fixed her hair in the mirror across from her. "okay, i'm ready." the brunette grabbed the hard drive placing it in her boot pocket. blair walked outside, stabbing the guard that was looking at the dead guys body.

"there she is!" a guard yelled, blair side jumped on the wall, kicking the guard in the face. she grabbed his taser as she landed, tasering him in the chest. blair rubbed her nose as she swung the taser around, just like her friends baton (he lived in san francisco). more guards came out, blair smirking as she slid under the first guard.

she tasered his back, shoving the knife into his throat as she turned around to a knife going above her heart. blair coughed out blood as she put up her gun, shooting the rest of the guards. "waller, the fucking bastard stabbed me!"

blair watched as the american guards came in the room, their guns pointed at blair as she put her hands up in defense. rick flag ran over to her, placing his arm around her waist as they left, "saving blair flags ass once again." rick singsonged as blair glared at him.

"what? you're repaying when i saved your ass." blair replied patting her husband on the shoulder. "you should still be thanking me." rick rolled his eyes, handing blair to the paramedics.

"seriously again?" amelia florence asked as blair laid on the table. she scrunched her face up in pain, "this is like the seventh time this week,  when you go on this next suicide squad mission i won't be there to save you."

blair shot up, what the fuck

the flag stormed into amanda wallers office, she held onto her shoulder as amelia trailed behind, her face scrunched up at how blair was pissed. rick glared at the girl for revealing it to early, "what the fuck!" blair yelled at waller, who turned around with a smirk. "are you serious right now? another suicide mission?! i haven't been in jail... four years!"

"you'll be supervising. the team could need your powers." amanda replied tapping her finger on the table behind her. "it's to late now, colonial flag and jace flag already accepted."

"great." blair replied turning around, she flipped off her boss as she walked out of the office. rick stood next to her, "when were you gonna... oh you know... tell me!?"

"i was going too!" rick replied putting his hands up on defense. "don't give me that look." blair put her hands up in defense, mocking rick as she handed him the hard drive. "you actually got it?"

"the guards sucked at defense." blair replied as she stopped in front of a mirror. "hey at least it didn't hit me in the heart." the brunette snickered as rick rolled his eyes. "i'm sure you would've had that knife in your heart. i'll fucking bet on it."

"you're betting on me dying. i thought you loved me?" rick asked, pretending to look hurt. he put a hand over his heart, causing blair to smirk. "fine, ill bet that you won't make it because you'll be too stubborn to save my ass."

"oh i wont be going out saying you." blair scoffed playfully before grabbing ricks chin, pulling him in for a kiss. he chuckled into the kiss, his hands pulling the woman in closer. "i'll make sure of that." blair said in between kisses.

"yeah right. you keep thinking that darling, we will see." rick smirked at her as blair rolled her eyes. fucking men. "i'll see you later."

blair saluted him, "aye aye captain."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now