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harley followed blair as she angrily walked away from the group. she was leading everyone to their deaths, blair didnt care. she wanted her sister okay, and alive. rick ran up to blair, grabbing her arm turning her towards him. "what?" he asked as blair shoved him off of her. 

"she has amelia!" blair exclaimed before deadshot threw a binder at the car next to them. the woman jumped, running her hand through her soaking wet hair. deadshot glared at jace and rick, the two glaring at him.

"you tell everybody everything." deadshot threatened as blair bent down to pick up a paper. she examined it, june moon, her calculations were correct. blair zoned out reading the paper, rick knew that she had amelia it stated that she was taken captive right in the article. the brunette crumbled up the paper.

rick explained everything to everyone, blair didnt listen. she stared at the light rays in the sky, jace and june were sent on a mission, enchantresses bolted, to sum up rick's explanatory. "and thats how she escaped from waller." jace finished looking at blair who looked betrayed. "so now you know."

"you can just kill me right now." deadshot stated, "but i'm going to have a drink." 

"i need your help deadshot!" jace yelled, he didnt want jane dying. he couldn't have jane die, she didnt deserve that.  blair blinked back tears before putting her in gun in her belt, she followed deadshot.

"no sir. you need a miracle." floyd replied as harley stood next to blair, bowing to the crowd before blair turned back around. she sighed at rick, fiddling with her necklace before harley grabbed her shoulder pulling her inside. blair should go back out there, she should figure this out with rick and jace.

she also wanted to drink her ass off. 

blair sat down on the bar, crossing her legs as harley handed her something fixed with vodka. the brunette smiled softly at her before taking a sip, "what ya having KC?" harley asked, breaking the silence. blair turned to look outside, she sighed before placing her drink down. 

blair walked outside in the pouring rain again, she helped rick pick up the papers. "you guys put this on yourself." she stated before looking him in the eyes. "you knew amelia was alive? why didnt you tell me?" rick looked at his hands, "rick, what, why didnt you tell me!"

"because i didnt want you to do something fucking stupid!" rick replied as blair rolled her eyes, "i didnt want you to get your fucking head blown off!" blair looked at the light rays, amelia was there, she was alive and jane was gonna kill her if blair didnt go. "we'll get amelia back." rick grabbed blair's face as she began crying, the first time in forever she was crying.

"i can't loose her, rick." blair whispered, the rain falling hard on them. rick rubbed his thumb on her cheek as she grabbed his hand. "or you. yeah you're a fucking dick but your one of the people who actually showed me that you cared for me when i went to belle. jace told me to go die in a hole, amelia didn't talk to me anymore." blair looked him in the eyes, "what i'm trying to say is that i care for you, and if i go down tonight at least it'll be by your side."

then she pressed her lips against his, harley was looking outside, she almost dropped her drink. a smirk was on her face as she watched rick wrap his hand around her head putting it in blair's hair to pull her closer to him. the rain began pouring even harder on them causing blair to chuckle out of the kiss. rick almost smiled, if amanda found out about this he would be so fucked. 

rick flag didnt fucking care what she thought anymore.

blair nodded at him, "i need to get back inside before i get us both killed." she stated before turning her back to him. rick smiled at the ground as blair walked back in the bar, harley smirking at her. "i'm back."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now