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blair florence woke up from her nap in whatever collage class she was in. a paper stuck to her face, causing blair to groan as she adjusted to the light. beside her was her best friend melanie, who was worried for the 22 year old. she barely gotten sleep lately, she barely ate, now she was failing the easiest class in collage. "hey? are you okay?"

blair's fathers dead took a great toll on her. she was left with her evil mother, and amelia who was just starting fifth grade. she couldn't leave amelia behind, yet she did. who knows what their mother was doing to the young girl as blair stood there. blair's father was her hero, she was definitely a 'daddy's girl'. he was dead, blair couldn't do anything to change that.

"yep, im fine." blair replied, picking up her stuff. melanie frowned, she put a hand on her friend who wasn't fine. "his funeral is tomorrow, i have to go." melanie nodded as they walked out of the class, "please take notes for me?"

"totally!" melanie replied.

then it all happened so quickly, melanie was standing there, then she wasn't. the bomb killed 10 students, 5 teachers. melanie was part of them. blair didnt know what actually happened that day, except that some men decided to go and blow up a collage. thankfully some of the bombs didnt go off, but it still killed melanie.

that was the final straw for blair. she found out who did it, grabbed her fathers gun and walked out the front door of her home. she drove to where they were located, "i was wondering when you would show up, ruthless" the leader mocked before she shot all of them in the head in a second, a small smirk on her face.

"fuck you."

"i think she's dying!" someone called out making blair snap out of the memory. she was laying on the ground, her head hurting like shit, her eyes trying to close again. blair tried sitting up, it didnt work. she lifted up her shirt, the black veins spread even farther, the wound was getting worse. blair would die by the end of the night, she just knew it.

rick held her face in his hands, genuine concern in his face. "can you make it 10 more minutes?" he asked knowing amanda could help. blair hazily nodded before being held up by rick, he wrapped his arm around her waist, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"why cant we just kill her?" boomer asked before being punched by harley. "sorry!"

"she just fucking saved our asses!" harley exclaimed, boomer fixing his nose for the second time that night. "you should be the one dying." blair smirked at her friend before coughing up black ooze. jace and rick both looked at each other, she was gonna die. rick didn't know what to do, he wasn't going to kill blair himself.

"waller. we are about to enter the building, get the chopper ready." jace stated in the coms before deadshot walked past them.

"what do we say and get this over with?" he asked, grabbing blair, who was oddly getting better. she chuckled weakly before pulling out her swords, if she was going down, she was going down fighting. blair opened the door, which broke to her touch. "are you okay?"

blair looked at deadshot, "i'll die by the end of the night. at this point i dont fucking care anymore." blair sighed looking at her hands, the veins turning black. she just wanted to say goodbye to amelia.

"you mind if we tag along?" rick asked, standing next to blair holding up his gun. blair looked over at him, a small smile on her face as they slowly walked in the building. they looked at the security cameras, blair swallowing whatever was coming up now.

"whoa, looks like we have a spot of luck. eh?" boomer asked causing blair to turn around with a glare on her face. " be a walk in the park. easy peasy."

"to kick your ass." blair mumbled under her breath, rick and deadshot both hearing.

"dont make me shoot you." deadshot threatened, sticking on blair's side. he didnt think it was right of boomer to talk about blair's sister, obviously that was a touchy subject, especially if it was put in that way. boomer chuckled as blair realized harley went missing, her mouth dropped as harley went into the elevator.

"god damn it! harley!" jace yelled as blair smirked at her friend. deadshot groaned, he looked back at blair who was smirking as wide as her lips could go. they began going up the stairs meeting her at the destination.

"hey guys." she stated as the doors opened, two creature dead bodies laid there. blair grabbed rick's arm, steading herself as harley walked past them. "come on, lets go." harley looked at blair who was holding onto rick flag, she almost smirked then and there but instead she stayed quiet. rick didnt mind that the villain was holding onto him, in fact he barely noticed.

they walked into a conference room, "hold." rick suddenly demanded, almost causing blair to bump into him. she held out her swords, her heart pounding.

"i dont like this flag."

"i dont like it either." rick replied as deadshot put on his mask.

"pussy." harley stated with a smirk, causing blair to turn around with a giggle.

"i will knock your ass out." deadshot threatened, harley and blair both smiling at each other as rick nudged blair. "i do not care that you're a girl." blair suddenly got flashes of the creatures in her mind, they came through the ceiling.

just as the vision ended, it happened in real life. they surrounded the team as guns fired. blair followed harley over by the windows, the two standing up and shooting their guns together at the creatures. a creature grabbed blair's ankle, making her fall and smack her head on a desk. "great another problem to add to my list!" she yelled out, kicking the creature back before shooting it in the head.

blair stood up, lifting her hands to her side she felt metal all around her. she quickly made a metal pole fly in the air, knocking out five of the creatures. two creatures came after blair, she dodged the knife that was coming towards her by putting her swords up. she grunted as she shoved them out of the window, almost falling along with them.

"they're after flag again!" this time it was jace and rick. blair swung her sword around in the air as they yelled out threats to the creatures. right before rick was gonna get stabbed in the face, the creature's head was split in half by blair.

"saving your ass again rick?" she asked, kicking the creature off of him. she threw the others off of rick and jace into the wall, before sending poles through each and every one of their hearts.

"circle up! circle around them!" deadshot yelled, blair sticking out her sword as she stood in front of rick. rick and jace were restrained, they were pissed about that.

"let me fight!" rick yelled.

"if you die! we die!" blair yelled back at him before throwing her sword in a creatures head. they ran out of the office, blair grabbing her sword quickly as she ignored the pain the fighting created. they stood on a balcony, blair looked down, that was a long ass fall. there was more shooting, rick shoved blair behind him as more guns went off.

blair grunted, she laid on the ground opening her hand up. she smirked as she unscrewed the metal bolts holding up the balcony with probably a dozen of the creatures on it. the next thing she knew, the bolts were in her hand, the creatures fell many stories. "god, you just keep getting better." deadshot mumbled before santana put his hands up for the creatures on the top balcony.

blair looked up seeing fire, she blinked, she wasn't the only powerful one! rick grabbed blair's leg making sure she was okay, blair nodded, as the fire power guy turned around to look at deadshot, "i was just trying to get you there." he admitted. "phil jackson. we good right?"

blair was helped up by rick, she looked at the damage santana caused. "finally, i'm not carrying the team!"

brynn speaks
i have diggers name as boomer because that's how blair says it. she didn't care about his real name so she just called him a nickname and stuck with it LMAO

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