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blair was tied up in a chair, restraints all over body, her head was against the chair. blair tried moving, she couldn't. blair lifted her hand, causing the walls to start to crumble. someone forgot to place the meta dampener on her leg, blair made the computers blow up. the guards knocked the woman out, not for long.

blair woke up with her neck hurting like shit, airplanes were all around her. the brunette adjusted to the light, a small chuckle coming out of her lips. the guards unhooked blair, she stood up quickly, stretching. harley quinn and some other guy was next to her, blair waved at harley, who waved back smiling. "hi boys!" harley called out as blair waved at a cute one. "harley quinn" she put her hand out.

blair crossed her arms, "jeez, you all look very nice." she stated looking around, blair smiled at how her father used to be in the military. 

"huh!" harley sudden burst out, "what was that? i should kill everyone and escape?" she giggled, "sorry the voices." she looked at blair smirking, "haha, i'm kidding. thats not what they really said."

"what do we got here?" rick asked, causing blair to look over.  she ran her hand through her hair as she made eye contact with her ex boyfriend, jace flag, rick's cousin. he stood next to his cousin, causing blair to smile softly at him. jace smiled back at her, but hid it when floyd looked at blair.

the brunette zoned out when everyone started to bicker, she stared at her shoes with a scrunched up face. her neck hurt, her head hurt, everything just hurt. that was probably because she barely slept, ate, and always was thinking. the neck thing, blair had no idea why that hurt. "you okay darlin?" harley whispered causing blair to look over at her.

"yep." blair replied with a blank face. she missed her family, her old life, her fucking dog. blair should be sitting at home, not about to go on a suicide mission. blair didnt even get to say goodbye to her younger sister, who was being abused by her mother, now who knows if she's even alive.

some guy got out of a car, punching a woman, "ouch." blair whispered with a smirk on her face. the guards grabbed him, causing blair to raise an eyebrow. what the fuck was happening with her life?

"she had a mouth." the guy stated, harley started laughing as blair ran her hand through her hair once again. jace stood looking at his ex girlfriend with a small sigh, he knew blair didnt want any harm, only to the rapists. 

"listen up!" rick exclaimed, blair straightening her posture as she spun on her heel to look at the solider. "in your necks, injection you got. its a nanite explosive." blair rubbed her neck, "its the size of a rice grain, but its powerful as a hand grenade." flag looked at blair, "you disobey me, you die. you try to escape, you die. you otherwise irritate or vex me-"

"let me guess. you die." blair interrupted, everyone looking at her as she crossed her arms. the brunette raised her eyebrow at flag, challenging him. jace glared at blair, who sat down on harley's leg the two giggling.

"i'm known to be quite vexing." harley stated from behind blair, who turned her head to look at the blonde. harley raised her hand to make sure everyone looked at her, "i'm just forewarning you." 

"lady, shut up!" flag yelled causing harley to put her hand down with a pout. "this is the deal... you're going somewhere very bad, to do something that'll get you killed. but until that happens, you're my problem." flag smiled, putting his hands out as he looked at his cousins ex girlfriend. he didnt want blair to come along, just for his cousins sake, jace still obviously cared for blair (he fought hard for her not to come). 

rick had no idea why jace still cared, he was dating june moone, whose going psycho. jace should've moved on, but he never did apparently. "so that was a pep talk?" floyd asked looking back at blair and harley, the two shrugging at him. 

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now