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the iPad screen turned on, amanda waller stared at them like she was disappointed in them. blair stood next to harley, their hands right next to each other, yet they didnt notice. jace flag stood looking at his ex girlfriend, he couldn't feel bad, she was a serial killer.  "for those of you who don't know me officially, my name is amanda waller." blair shifted on her right leg, her arms crossing, "there's a active terrorist event in mid-way city. i want you to enter the city, rescue hvt-1 and get them to safety."

blair opened her mouth but floyd beat her to it, "i'm sorry. for those who don't speak good guy, what is hvt-1?" the brunette raised her eyebrow, fucking hero talk, she never understood why they talked in nicknames. blair would just call out their real name and get them killed, its a simple thing. she wouldn't call them abc 12. thats childish.

"the only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill." wallerbitch explained, "complete the mission, you get time off your sentences.  fail the mission, you die." blair nodded, she seen that coming, they love to threaten their guests. do one thing wrong, you die. eat a taco wrong, you die. blair scrunched up her face, the fucking government was so confusing. "anything happens to colonial flag, i'll kill every single one of you. remember i'm watching, i see everything."  then she was gone, leaving the suicide squad standing there dumbfounded.

"there's your pep-talk." rick stated, blair snorting.

"compared to whatever you said, that was fucking amazing." the brunette replied, a giggle coming out of her mouth after harley smirked at her. 

"so thats it?" deadshot asked, blair glancing over at him. "what, we are kind of some suicide squad?" blair never actually saw it that way, what was she saying, of course she saw it this way. blair know's they will all end up dead, no matter what they do in this mission. blair just wanted to live her last moments drinking and getting high.

"i'll notify your next of kin." rick replied shoving past floyd and boomer, boomer was drinking causing blair to roll her eyes. she didnt want drunk people killing everyone, but it was also smart. going down drunk, sounds like a great idea to blair. 

everyone loaded up on the airship, blair sat in between harley and floyd. she leaned back in her seat as she made eye contact with rick, who sent her a frown, but he covered it up quickly when a japanese woman jumped in the airship, looking hot as ever to blair. "you're late." jace stated, putting his hands on his knees.

"i was busy." the lady replied in japanese. blair twirled her hair, blowing a bubble in her gum as she checked out the lady. she was definitely hot even with the mask on. 

"this is katana. she's got my back." rick yelled to the team, the sound of loud machines filled blair's ears instead.  "she can cut all of you in half, with one sword stroke. just like mowing the lawn. i would advise not getting killed by her." blair swallowed uncomfortably as she looked at the soldiers, who was definitely checking her out. "her sword traps the souls of her victims."

harley immediately swept in, sticking her hand out in front of blair. "harley quinn. nice to meet ya." blair waved a little at katana, greeting her nicely even if blair was a villain. "love your perfume, what is that? the stench of death?" blair snorted, covering it up with a cough as jace glared at her.

blair fist bumped harley as the super villain leaned back in her seat, a smile on her lips as she chuckled. "should i kill them?" katana asked, blair's eyes widening as she translated the words in her head. 

"easy cowgirl, ain't that kind of mission," jace cut off, his accent coming through. "have a seat." katana walked past them, she glared at harley and blair, the two completely oblivious. 

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now