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blair trailed behind them, her eyes on rick, any wrong move from someone and she would snap their fucking necks. the brunette held onto her knife, hiding it in her sleeve pocket. "what's your name?" sol asked looking over at blair, who didnt want to talk at all. she stared ahead, "your injured by the way, just like your husband up there."

blair looked down at her shoulder, it cut back open. "oh its fine." blair replied as they walked into the hut. she stood at the entrance looking around for any traps, or anything that could brutally murder them. rick walked right in, apparently trusting them. "i'll be out here ri." blair told the solider, who nodded slowly at her.

blair sat on the porch, and for what seemed like an hour rick walked out. blair was fiddling with her necklace, she was on high alert for anything in the woods. "are you okay?" she asked, not even looking at him. when she did, he was shirtless, blair went wide eyed before looking away. "i guess you are."

"my question is, are you okay?" rick asked, putting a hand through his wife's. they intertwined fingers, causing blair to stand up. he wiped the blood off of her cheek, seeing tear stains on them. "harleys gonna be okay. she's harley."

"i'm not worried about harls." blair replied looking at their hands. "i fucking cant do this." blair sighed, she looked him in the eyes. rick gave her a small smile before placing his open hand behind her neck. "you know, you are shirtless."

"lets get you inside." rick replied, dragging blair inside. her shoulder hurt like shit, sol looked at the two of them. she decided to go and do something outside as blair sat on the table, "that looks like shit." he pointed at her shoulder.

"oh its fine," blair replied before yawning. she sat on a chair, placing her head on the table as rick rubbed her hand. sol walked back in minutes later looking at the both of them, "so, why did you help us?"

"we want the same thing you two want." sol replied before looking over at the bed, "you know you can sleep in that right? i dont mind." blair looked over at the bed, another yawn came out of her mouth as she sighed. 


the sounds of people walking outside caused blair to stand up, she looked at rick and sol who were talking. blair tilted her head, the sounds of shooting happening. "anyone else hear that?" blair asked causing the two to look at them. she opened the curtain to a gun in her face. "woah." she backed up, putting her hands up in defense before she saw one person she didnt want on this mission. "amelia lynn florence." she exclaimed.

amelia sheepishly waved at her as blair looked at everyone who was there. peacemaker, bloodspot, ratcatcher 2, polka dot man, and a jace. then a shark came out of another curtain, causing blair to put her gun up in defense. "dubois?" rick asked as blair looked back and forth between them.

"hey, flag." dubois replied, still pointing his gun at rick. peacemaker was pointing his gun at blair, jace was pointing his at sol. 

"what the hell are you guys doing here?" blair asked, still pointing her gun at whoever she could. she stepped back slowly, away from the shark, "and what the fuck is that?"

"waller told us you two were.. uh.. are you drinking tea?" blair turned around looking at the drink. 

"this is sol soria. she's the leader of the freedom fighters, the resistance trying to take down the current government. they saved our lives." rick explained as blair looked behind amelia to see a dead body laying there. well, there goes the trust. 

"oh wow." the three of them put their guns down, blair putting hers down also. she looked at them, mostly peacemaker. he wasn't so peaceful AND blair didnt trust him already since he tried to kill her one year. 

"why did my people not alert me of your arrival?" sol asked as blair slowly turned around, she shook her head as she looked at the shark again. blair stepped away from it, leaning on the desk behind her trying to act casual. 

"we didnt see any people." amelia told them, crossing her arms as a smug smirk went on her face. they fucked up so badly. 

"yeah i didnt see anybody." peacemaker replied. "they were gone when we got here."

"i turned them into my mother in my head and killed him." polka dot man stated, blair blinking in confusion. the shark started to cough, and as right on cue, it spit up a finger. the 'saviors' all looked at the finger, guilty looks went on their faces as amelia slowly backed away. 

they went outside, sol looked at her dead people as blair held in her laugh. this was fucking hilarious. amelia stood next to her, wiping off her knifes as she looked at the people they killed. she was just waiting for blair to blow up at her saying that amelia shouldn't on the mission. "typical americans. just run in, guns blazing."

rick put his hands on hips as he looked at his wife, "i know, this is messed up." he agreed as blair looked behind her to see everyone giving her a guilty smile. "these guys, they're..." he paused looking back at them, " they're fucking idiots, but right now our objectives align with yours."

"if jotunheim contains the technology like our sources says it does..." blair cut off, "then it would be used against the innocent people of corto maltese." she paused, "and i guess the americans." sol looked in-between the two, "thats why we sorta need your help!" she clapped her hands together with a small smile on her face.

"is that rat waving at me?" sol asked, causing blair and rick to turn around. the brunette waved back at it, then turned back around.

"it appears it is." rick replied.


"i'm gonna guess because its friendly." rick with a look on his face that could've made blair laugh. he was so pissed. the brunette walked over to the group of 'saviors.'

"hi. since i already know who you all are, " blair stuck out her hand, "i'm blair, aka the men killer, aka ruthless aka the governments assassin." peacemaker just glared the killer, the memories of her punching his face about 7 times. dubois shook it, looking at the flag woman like it was the first time seeing her. blair looked different than the last time he saw her, her hair was longer, she wore a different suit, she just looked... mature.

blair shook cleo's hand, the young girl smiling widely. polka waved at blair, she turned around fixing her ponytail. "just give us a minute." blair stated grabbing her sisters arm. she pulled the younger girl away from the rest, "what the fuck are you doing here!"

"to save you!?" amelia replied throwing her hands up.

"bullshit! what did waller tell you?"

"nothing! i volunteered to come!" amelia exclaimed, blair chuckling as she was disappointed in her. "oh, sorry, i'll let my big sister die."

"yes!" blair yelled back, amelia rolled her eyes. blair wanted to choke out her sister then and there. waller told her to do something, amelia was being a brat and didnt want to tell blair. the younger girl shoved past her big sister, "fuck you! i went through hell to save you the first time and now you're gonna fucking kill yourself to save me? no!" blair grabbed her sisters arm, "i'm not gonna fucking save you anymore! got it!"

amelia watched as her older sister walked away, tears sprung to her eyes as she looked down at her watch. for the mission, not for her. the young killer shook her head, "fine. i wont save you or your husband."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now