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they might be ready to die, while some might not be. people might even sacrifice themselves so the people they love don't die, while others would sit and watch. for blair flag, she was ready to die, she was ready to sacrifice herself for rick if she had to. 

she sat up all night staring out at the night sky, she held onto rick, who laid next to her sleeping. his arms were wrapped around her waist, his head right next to her legs as he finally fell asleep. blair couldn't sleep, she was not ready for the next day and what it brings. the brunette slipped out of bed, walking out of the bedroom.

blair walked down the hallway, she stopped at her sisters room, since rick agreed to let amelia stay with them till she turns 18. blair looked at her sleeping sister, a small smile on her face. amelia didnt deserve blair as a sister, the constant worry that her big sister would suddenly end up dead. she got the reputation at school, everyone believed amelia would just snap like blair and start killing everyone.

"what are you doing?" rick asked, standing right behind her. blair spun around, she put her hands up to fight but put them down when rick stepped back with a small smile. "you need sleep."

"who needs sleep when they'll end up dead the next day." blair replied as rick wrapped his arms around the woman. he kissed her forehead as blair placed her head on his chest, "what i said earlier, i actually dont want you to die."

"good to know." rick replied with a small chuckle. blair looked up at him, he looked down at her before kissing her softly. "it would be nice for you not to die either." 

"i'll try."

the next day came, blair was dressed up in her suit standing outside of amanda waller's office. she looked at who she would be working with, boomer and harley were back. they had a weasel... a fucking weasel. the brunette ran a hand through her hair, pacing back and forth as she thought of her strategy.

"can you stop fucking pacing, its making me dizzy." amelia stated as blair's phone rang. harlow fucking violet. blair's mouth dropped before smirking, quake was dating blair's best friend dick grayson, she was supposedly dead.

"harlow violet." blair chuckled hearing harlow giggling on the other end. apparently jason and hank just died a few days ago, harlow seemed pretty happy about that. that was her way of grieving, blair had no idea. "doesn't everyone believe your... dead?"

harlow chuckled, "i just saved all there asses and i get told there's another suicide mission." harlow paused, "this one seems more fun than the last one, project starfish." blair rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe it also. "its not the worst thing i've ever seen. i've met a gorilla."

"i'm about to meet a weasel apparently." blair explained, "a fucking weasel."

harlow sighed, "listen, when you're safe and sound with your hubby, please call me. i would love for you not to die because of a starfish." blair chuckled, leaned on her right foot as harlow clicked her tongue. "you hear me bees?"

"i hear you har." 

they hung up, rick grabbed blair's hand pulling her around the corner. amelia stood there with a small smile on her face, "please, for the sake of your dear sister. don't die." amelia threatened as jace walked out of the weapons room. "you too." she looked at rick, who nodded at her with a smile. blair grabbed her sister, pulling her in for their last hug for a few days, or forever. "i love you."

"i love you too." blair replied as amelia's watch beeped. that meant a solider was hurt in battle and they needed amelia. "duty calls?"

"duty calls." amelia replied, she grabbed her sisters hand turning it around to place a gadget in her hand. amelia looked at blair, who scrunched up her face. "you'll know when the time comes."

"thats fucked up lia." jace chuckled as blair lifted up the gadget. she examined it as amelia hugged rick, the two chuckling about something. amelia flipped off jace, then hugged him just in case. "stay safe kid."

"you know it!" amelia skipped away, blair smiling softly at her sister as she slipped the gadget in her pocket in her pants. they heard voices down the hall, causing blair to groan. here we go. jace walked outside, saluting the two as rick turned the corner.

"savant!" he called out, blair standing next to him looking at the guy with long ass hair. she fixed her ponytail. 

"your commanding officers." waller explained as rick put his hand out. blair leaned on the wall next to her, her fingers fiddling with her gun in the hoister. she felt like throwing up, or just screaming at the world. she didn't want to leave, or die, or go on this mission. amanda was just doing it so she could get revenge on blair and rick, that had to be the reason. 

kill one of them so she can use the other and play with their feelings. terrible plan according to blair. "or would you rather be called durlin?" rick asked shaking the guys hand. blair waved at him, hiding her hands from durlin.

"i'd rather not be called anything." durlin replied as blair walked ahead of the team. "but i'll do anything to get out of this hellhole." blair opened the door to the outside, her eyes squinting at the light. she got no sleep last night, she stayed up finishing supernatural, so at least she died finishing the series. 

"well welcome to anything," blair stated, her head turning to smile at the villain. he went wide eyed, she was the psychopath men killer he heard about, apparently blair turned good to some people. blair wasn't ever going to be good, she didnt care about the world, only rick, amelia, and   harley quinn. the only people she'll ever care about.

they got out of the truck, blair stepping out last, putting her swords on her back. "so this is the famous suicide squad?" blair looked around for jace, he was gone. blair almost scoffed, did he get out of the mission somehow? jackass.

"we consider that term, degrading." blair stated, her boots hitting the concrete ground as she chewed her gum. 

"the official term is 'task force x'." rick continued, sending his wife a glare as she ran her finger over her neck to durlin, basically saying they were gonna die. "and love them or hate them, these are your brothers and sisters for the next few days." blair stood next to rick, her eyes on the guy in the blue and yellow suit, he was twirling around a long staff.

then she saw boomer "yo!" blair yelled out, walking towards her old 'friend.' boomer looked up, almost smiling at her. "how are you?!"

"glad to be back." boomer replied sarcastically. "how did you end up back in jail?"

blair smirked, "i didn't. i got a job as waller's assassin. since she hates me, i'm here." boomer chuckled before hearing screeching. blair looked over, her eyes going wide, "i thought they were joking! what the hell?!"

then, like they were in a slow-mo scene, they started walking all in a line. blair looked over, they did this a lot when blair first went on the suicide squad mission. she didnt understand why, they just did. blair swung her sword around, she was making bets in her head of who would die first. the brunette stood at the entrance of the jet, her eyes on harley quinn who nodded at her. "harley."

"beeley." harley walked in the jet, "hey guys! sorry i'm late, i had to take a number two." blair followed her in, she shook her head at the blonde. the last time they seen each other was when they had to protect cassandra cain, after harley broke up with the joker. blair never felt so happy in her life when she got the phone call. 

"hmm. good to know." rick replied looking at blair, who stared off in space now. he nudged her as harley walked by.

"flag." harley saluted before turning around at blair, "other flag." blair saluted her back, a small chuckle coming out of her lips. "oh sorry, comin through!" blair took one last look at the safe space, then turned around nodding at rick, who was worried for blair. not that she wouldn't make it, what she would do if he didnt make it.

rick just hoped it didnt have to come to that. 

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