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TW| gore


blair sat up on a table next to rick and christopher. she watched as the thinker walked in, his eyes looking around as he sat down at a table. dubois took his shot, walking up the thinker as amelia walked next to jace, their eyes on the thinker before turning to look back at blair and rick, the two were smirking the whole night. 

christopher, rick, and blair all started to walk towards the exit without making it obvious. the next thing they saw was that spanish guards began to walk in. "oh fuck." blair whispered as the door slammed open, girls screamed as blair's heart jumped. this cant be actually happening. rick grabbed blairs hand, he leaned to whisper in her ear.

"run." he whispered, causing blair to look at him shaking her head. "can you distract them?"

"yeah but-"

"blair, ill be fine. run."

then she ran, making it as obvious as ever, "hey assholes!" she screamed, shoving past people as she jumped out of a window. glass cut her everywhere, gun shots went off. amelia florence looked at rick, she knew he was praying to god that blair would be okay. amelia heard a scream outside before looking around.

"i'm the american also!" she yelled before jumping over the bar. the girl ran as fast as she could through the people, her heart pounding as she ran out the back. blair flag ran down the street, her shoulder was cut open, the blood coming out as she dodged bullets. the brunette ran down a alleyway, a guard grabbing her.

blair screamed, punching the guard in the face as he shot her in the stomach. blair yelled out in pain, sending the guards around her into the wall. all their backs cracked, blair looking down at her stomach which was seeping blood. the brunette ran out on the street, jumping over a car using a pole as a sling to help her out. "hey!" the guy, who name blair forgot, yelled out. "get in!" blair jumped in the van, she looked around for rick and the boys. it was just polka, cleo, and jace.

"where's rick?"

they found rick, christopher, and dubois rolling down a hill in a military truck. blair looked out, hoping the door would open and everyone would be alive. the brunette smiled softly as they all got out, standing in a line. "lets go to jotunheim." bloodsport stated.

"nope. there's something we gotta care of first."


tires screeched, blair put on her suit quickly right before they went to go save harley quinn and amelia florence. she put her hair in a ponytail, fixing her wristband, put her knives in her holders, and smiled. the flag spun her knife around, peacemaker looking at her, "you gotta be kidding me. you're gonna risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester." he complained causing blair to turn around angrily. "and a 17 year old."

"we don't leave our own behind." rick replied as blair smirked at peacemaker, who looked afraid of the woman as she spun her weapon around in her fingers. 

"you're okay with this?"

"no, but I've been around flag when he's got a rag in his mouth, best not to tug it." bloodsport replied.


blair reached over, tapping cleo gently. "hey we gotta go!" she exclaimed as cleo looked up tiredly, not realizing where she was. blair quickly looked out of the window, her eyes widening as she looked at people fighting. they quickly disappeared when the bus turned the corner, blair trying to see who it was. 

they got out of the bus, blair stretching her legs as she put her knife in her jacket pocket. 

"all right, we'll enter through the third floor, go to the inner staircase, and then down to the cellar where they usually keep their detainees." blair explained, as she let out a shaky breath, she just hoped harley and amelia was okay. then again, she did have a bullet wound in her stomach that no one knew about except cleo, polka, and jace (who tried to help but she slapped him away).

"hopefully harley's still alive." blair walked away from the group, her hands fiddling with her rings on her fingers as she heard a scream. it was just like when enchantress was getting to her. the brunette turned around to look down a dark alleyway, she heard everyone talking as she walked down it. 

"yo, where are you going?" peacemaker asked, turning blair around so she punched him in the face. he let out a yell of pain, causing blair to scrunch up her face.

"sorry!" she yelled out as she ran down the alleyway to find rick. she stopped when she found harley standing there. "harls!" she called out, looking at the javelin in harley's hands. harley turned around, a wide smile on her face as blair hugged her quickly. then blair realized what the plan was, "shit. come with me."

"what are you guys doing?" harley asked as blair and her walked up to them. rick turned around, he was in disbelief. he swore he just saw blair standing there with them. 

"i... you...we're here to save you." rick replied dumbfounded as blair smirked, then she turned around to whispers. she cursed, amelia. 

"i'll be back." blair told them, she grabbed her staff from her pocket. she took a running start, pressing the button on it so it would extend. blair used it as a pole-vault, she let go of it, throwing herself to the window. she almost slipped, her hands catching the top of it. blair used her arms to pull herself up, she looked down at rick, bloodsport, and harley waving cockily at them before kicking the window open.

blair grabbed her gun, shooting two guards in the face as she found a woman. she put her hands up, blair raising her eyebrow before pushing her against the wall, knocking her out. the brunette waved at peacemaker through the window, he flipped her off as blair went down the stairs. she heard yelling, blair held her gun tightly as she turned the corner.

a guard stood there looking the other way, blair put her arm around his neck, shooting him in the head. the brunette let the body fall to the ground, she slid down the railing for the stairs. the brunette walked, holding her gun out, she picked up another and shot two of the guards before they could even yell out. 

then she found amelia, "there you are." blair mumbled, shooting whoever was touching her oddly. the flag helped down the florence, she looked at the window. "think you can fit?" blair asked the young girl, who nodded as blair shot the window making it shatter. amelia went through, blair placing a small bomb down as she heard guards coming.

the two were on the roof, the guards busted through the door. blair handed her sister the slingshot, "here." blair mumbled glaring at the guards. amelia opened her mouth to argue, "go!" amelia obeyed, blair smirking as she took out her swords. she waved them closer to her, "lets go."

blair used a crate as a shield as they shot at her, "girl flag where are you" someone's voice came through the coms, blair ignored it as she lifted her hand feeling the guards coming closer. the bomb went off below the building, which made it collapse under the guards feet. blair quickly stood up as the crate fell in the hole, the brunette running towards were cleo and christopher would be.

"right here!" she screamed getting cleo's attention. next to her was the team all watching blair run towards them. she jumped as a guard went for her foot, his hand skinning her boot as she dodged the next explosion. the killer reached for the balcony, her hand missed it but grabbed the cement. 

blair held herself up with one hand, "help?!" she yelled as rick reached down for her hand. blair used her free hand, grabbing his as he lifted her up pulling blair in for a hug, "thank you."

"oh she's so cool!" cleo exclaimed as blair looked at them, blood was spattered on her face, actually all over her body.

"that was fun." amelia mumbled, causing jace to roll his eyes. blair glared at her sister, amelia sighing as she held out her arm. "what? i saved your ass multiple times, that was just you repaying me."

she walked away as blair shook her head, once again, she risked her life for her sister and amelia didnt fucking care. "well, lets get going." blair stated, putting her gun in her pocket as she shoved back peacemaker.

harley clapped her hands, "i love her."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now