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she laid there, blinked, then groaned. how the fuck am i alive? the brunette lifted her shirt up, the wound was gone. blair stood up, almost falling over from the blood rushing down from her brain. "rick?" she called out before harley quinn stood there. "how is this possible? are we all still in hell?"

"yep!" harley replied grabbing her friend, "lets get moving, the world needs saving." blair nodded, following harley out of the room where rick stood there with the rest of the team. they went to the roof, no one asking any questions as the air carrier showed up. 'thats not the aircraft' a voice said in blair's mind.

"the birds been jacked." blair yelled out to rick.

"light it up!" rick screamed putting his gun up, blair turned away from the scene. she looked at her hands, she did a reality check, she pinched her cheeks. how was this possible? she was shot by rick? she was dead! blair hid behind a crate as the airship behind firing back.

"how am i alive!" she screamed to jace.

"you had to die to get the black stuff out of your system! you would've woke up no matter what! now dont die again!" jace yelled back before standing up to shoot the aircraft. blair looked over to harley standing up, causing her to scrunch up her face.

"harls!" blair screamed as harley stepped up on the landing pad. harley gave blair a small smile before running towards the rope, harley was gonna fucking die. blair stood up, she watched as harley swung out towards the city, holding onto the rope.

"deadshot." amanda called out, causing blair to shake her head. she wasnt going to let harley die, harley would've done the same thing. "shoot that woman right now!"

"she ain't do shit to me." deadshot replied causing blair to grab his gun. "what are you?" blair pointed it towards harley, amanda raised her eybrow as blair swallowed. she had to miss, which could accidentally  hit harley.

rick watched as blair shot, harley fell forward making blair think she accidentally hit her. blair put the gun down as harley waved at them, showing she was alive. "oops. i missed." blair monotoned to amanda before giving the gun back to deadshot. she walked past them, sitting on a crate waiting for another death to happen. it was going to be her.

"its waller. savior one-zero's been hijacked. shoot it down." blair stood up, she was shoved back by soldiers.

"you bitch!" blair yelled, trying to get them off of her. she watched as the aircraft fell to the ground, her yells suddenly went quiet as she watched her 'friend' die. rick grabbed blair's hand, she looked at him with emotionless eyes but held his hand back.

"the joker and harley quinn are no more." amanda stated looking at blair with a smirk on her face.

"you couldn't save her." boomer told blair, coming up from behind her. she shook her head, turning away from were harley stood. she glared at amanda, she was going to kill that bitch. she wanted her gone, and blair wanted it to be her to finish it off.

the next moments were blurry, blair sat down watching as amanda flew off in the halo or whatever they called it. rick stood next to her, his eyes on her making sure she didnt do anything stupid. there was a loud boom sound, causing blair to stand up. amandas halo fell to the ground, blair almost laughed.

amanda waller was dead.

or thats what blair florence wanted to believe.

"the missions not over," jace stated to the team, causing blair to groan. she just wanted to go home, she was even fine with dying at least it was to rick. now they had to fucking save amanda who ruined blair's life. the brunette shut her eyes, walking over to the edge looking down. she heard deadshot arguing with jace, but she mainly focused on the building were amelia would've been staying.

blair felt tears running to her eyes, her hand running along her necklace. "i'll find you lia." it began to rain, not helping blair's mood. someone grabbed her shoulder, she turned to look at rick. "ill finish this suicide mission, but i cant go back. i need to see lia, if she's even alive," blair looked at the ground again.

"she's alive." rick reassured before patting her shoulder, blair grabbed her swords following him. deadshot came along just because blair was going, he had mad respect for the woman. she's died, saved the team twice already, and she was still fighting. all for her sister, deadshot was doing this for his daughter, just like blair was doing it for amelia.

they found harley sitting on car, acting like she was okay. blair quickly ran up to her, "hey guys i'm back. i missed you all so much."

"we're glad you could make it." deadshot replied before blair helped harley down. in a second her arms were wrapped around the blonde, causing everyone to go wide eyed. blair florence was being nice?

harley hugged her back with a smile on her face, blair kissed her cheek playfully before stepping away. "hey craziness." boomer greeted as blair sighed in relief, the only(villain) person she cared about was alive, broken, but alive. boomer threw harley her bat, blair stepped away to stand next to rick.

they said nothing, rick glanced over at blair who was thinking on what to say. "oh, thanks for killing me to save my life." blair whispered, the words 'thank you' made her scrunch her nose up. "i still dont know why i'm alive." she chuckled, the rain pouring hard on her and the suicide squad.

"i dont know either." rick replied as they continued to walk towards were amanda's copter would be. blair wiped the rain from her face, lifting her hand up to 'catch' the rain. a small smile was on her face as she remembered amelia dragging rick outside to play in the rain with her. "what are you thinking about b?"

"just amelia." blair replied putting her sword back on her back. she tightened her ponytail before sighing, "sorry about the way we sorta left off, i should've never said shit like that. you didnt deserve that."

rick raised his eyebrow, a smirk on his face. "did blair florence just say sorry?"

blair rolled her eyes, playfully shoving him. "yes, don't except that again." blair and rick looked at the aircraft, she gave him a small smile before he opened the door. blair stepped away, looking at the light rays coming out of the sky. "holy shit." she whispered in disbelief. "we're so fucked."

"so let me guess." deadshot started, "we're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky? you know cause why wouldn't we?" jace rolled his eyes, why did he sign up for this job. why did he fucking stay with a enchantress who was obviously causing this whole thing. love was a fucking lie. "when does this end, flag?"

"load up, we're in for a fight." jace exclaimed before his cousin could. blair turned around, her heart pounding as visions flashed through her mind. the brunette lady was getting stronger, she smirked at blair.

blair fell to the ground unconscious, but she woke up in a completely different world. the brunette looked at her outfit, it was still the same outfit she was wearing earlier. whispers filled her ears, making them bleed as blair walked closer to where they were coming from. "blair!" screamed a young girl, causing blair to turn around quickly holding her gun up.

"lia!" blair screamed, running through the house, "lia!" blair stopped at her bedroom, her face paling as her younger sister laid dead.

"you can save her." a voice called out, someone grabbed her shoulders. it was june moone, jace's girlfriend. but she wasn't june, she looked evil, enchantress. "you can save them all. just join me and the child won't die."

"what do you mean?" blair whispered as june rubbed her hand down the woman's face. she felt tired, her legs felt like they were going to collapse any moment. june put blair in a trance, explaining everything as she showed her amelia laying next to her unconscious.

"blair!" someone screamed causing blair to open her eyes, she shot up looking around at her surroundings. june bitch had her sister, blair stood up grabbing her sword. "where are you going!"

"that 'whatever that is' has my sister!"

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now