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as everyone discussed who ate the food, blair sat down by herself trying to put a bandage around her wound. she rolled her eyes, she stood up walking over to the thinker. "here's the deal smartass, we fuck up the mission somehow, you die."

"we fail the mission, you die." rick added, standing next to blair as she ran her hand over her wound. 

"we find out any information you give us is false, you die." dubois added.

"if we find out you have personalized license plates, you die." harley added making blair chuckle softly. 

"what no?" rick argued.

"if you mismatch black, you die," harley continued on, "if you cough without covering her mouth-" blair watched as rick walked up to harley and the thinker, a small smile on her face as peacemaker stood next to her, pointing to her stomach. blair looked down to see her hands covered in blood.

"i'm fine." she whispered making peacemaker shake his head. they all explained the plan, amelia stood next to her sister with a sadden look on her face as she fiddled with her knife in her hand. blair didnt say anything, she only stood next to rick as dubois explained the plan. she slipped her hand in his, resting her head on his shoulder.

"there's security cameras everywhere." the thinker mentioned as blair did finger guns at cleo, a wide smirk on her face. 

"they're being dealt with." cleo replied, a smile on her face.

"we'll neutralize the soldiers there and enter. once we're inside, we separate into teams." blair explained, scratching the back of her neck as she stood in front of the thinker. he wasn't really scary if blair had to be honest.

"i am walking back and forth." harley exclaimed, as she did exactly that. 

"okay, you're gonna lead me, blair, and ratcatcher 2 to project starfish." rick added.

"i'm going with you because i dont trust this child and this guy." peacemaker argued, blair turning around as jace shook his head behind the villain. 

"no, no, no. you're coming with us." amelia argued back, a look on her face saying 'stop wtf'. bloodsport started to explain, blair staring at the building with her chest feeling heavy. one wrong move and they were so fucked. 

"this is suicide." the thinker informed as blair spun around, a wide smile on her face.

"well, thats sorta our thing." rick replied.

"yeah." polka added so he was part of the conversation.  

after explaining the plan, task force x headed down to the minivan. everyone had some time to get their things ready, blair sat down next to the van's entrance writing something in a notebook (a small one). she shook her head at the words, tears filling her eyes as she shut it, placing it in her inside pocket. "hey b." rick greeted as blair stood up.

he grabbed her hands, pulling blair in for a hug. she placed her head on his chest as he kissed the top of her head. "rick. this may not go well and i..." she pulled away, tears filling her hands, "i love you."

"i love you." rick replied before kissing blair's lips like it was the last time in the whole universe. he didnt want to show it, but he was nervous, angry, upset. he felt like throwing up each time he thought of one of them dying, mostly blair. he couldn't loose her, "but we're gonna make it out of here. promise?"

blair smirked, "promise."

the team loaded up in the van, she sat between rick and harley, her head resting on the leg of the seat next to her as she held her gun up. just in case. blair put her head down on the floor hearing the voices of the guards outside, her heart pounded, her chest felt heavy as she shut her eyes. 

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