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rick was holding back blair as she kicked and screamed to make him let go. she didnt know why she was doing this, she didnt want to hurt anybody. "just let go of the girl." enchantress told rick, blair slowly giving up hope as she realized she had to go on the fucking witch's side. "and everyone will be free." enchantress realized rick was never gonna give up blair, causing her to turn around and put her hands up.

everyone was slowly shoved back, rick's grip on his lover loosened. blair punched rick in the nose, his hands finally letting go. the brunette grabbed her sword, raising it above her head. she screamed at herself to stop, but it wasn't happening. the brunette went down to kill rick flag but harley hit blair with the baseball bat.

enchantress joined the fight, shoving deadshot on the ground as blair stood up glaring at harley. "sorry beeley, you just aren't yourself right now." harley replied as blair grabbed her knives, she swung for the blonde, who dodged it. enchantress fought everyone else, blair smirked at harley. 

the brunette ran at harley, who didnt want to hurt the woman. jace put his gun up, shooting blair in the leg. she yelled out in pain, looking over at jace. "great you fucking pissed her off!" deadshot yelled towards the flag cousin. blair raised her hands, the ceiling had metal in it. "oh fuck!"

blair suddenly snapped out of the trance, she fell to the floor as harley looked at enchantress who stole blair's swords. the brunette tried getting up, all her strength was trying to get herself standing to fight. blair looked over to see boomer on the ground, they needed her. blair raised her right arm, the swords coming out of enchantresses hand. they went in blair's hand as she stood up. 

"fuck you." blair spitted out before smirking. enchantress smirked also, her golden eyes trying to get in blair's head. the smirk fell as blair threw a knife at her head, the witch disappearing before it went through her skull. the rain poured heavier as enchantress went back up on her 'throne'

"enough!" enchantress swiped her hand, the weapons falling out of everyones hands. blair put her hand to try and see the witch "of all who have faced me, you have earned mercy. for the last time join me or die." rick looked over at blair, who seemed snapped out of whatever trance she was in. she lifted up her shirt, the black veins were disappearing.

"im not much of a joiner." harley yelled out as blair grabbed rick's hand, the two glaring at enchantress. "but maybe we should."

"hey." deadshot replied as blair looked at her swords on the ground, she knew what harley was doing. "she's trying to take over the world-"

"so! what's the world ever done for us anyway!" harley snapped back, standing in front of deadshot. "it hates us!" harley turned around causing blair to go wide eyed, please go through with the plan. "hey lady! uh, i lost my puddin. but you can get him back right?"

"oh fucking god." blair mumbled, running her hand through her hair. 

"i can my dear." enchantress replied "anything you want."

"you promise?" harley asked as blair looked back at amelia, who was watching everything go down. 

"yes, child. you need only to bow and serve beneath my feet," enchantress replied stepping closer to harley. blair slowly picked up her gun at her feet, rick nudging her not to. 

harley began to knee, "i like what you're selling lady. there's just one teeny problem." harley grabbed blair's sword, "you messed with my friends." she sliced the witches heart, blair smiling widely at the woman as she pulled out enchantresses heart. 

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now