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she was trying to get a access point so she could use most of power to shove the starfish back from hurting more people. yes, it was a suicide mission, but that was what the team was on in the first place. the brunette stopped right before she would've dropped to her death, she looked around, then at the ground. 

bloodsport, jace, and rick began all shooting the starfish. blair quickly tightened her grip on her staff, she latched it in a crack before running as fast as she could. the brunette slingshoted herself on another building, right before the starfish crushed the old one she was just on. "harls!" blair yelled from the top of the building. 

bloodsport knew blair's plan, "harley, take high ground!" he yelled before harley began climbing up by blair. the two grabbed hands, blair pulling harley up, the two nodded at each other before looking at the tall hotel building. it began to collapse, causing the two to run as fast as they could away from the damage.

blair fell down, a small scream coming out of her mouth. she landed on a large cement block, smacking her head open on the solid. she let out a cry, rolling over on her side before more building began falling. the brunette raised her hands right before a large block would crush her, she let out a yell of pain making the building stop in mid air.

she stood up, still holding the blocks, she looked at the starfish, sending all the pieces into it. blair looked around for harley, but she was gone. blair ran out onto the street, seeing a bunch of rats heading her way. the brunette looked over at bloodsport, rick, and cleo. she ran over to them before taking cover on the car, the rats going around her.

blair reached up, she touched her head that was covered in blood. everything began to spin, blair shut her eyes as the rats disappeared. blair rolled out from under the car, she stood up watching the starfish begin to die. "i was happy." a man said next to rick, "floating, staring at the stars."

starro fell over making all the people with starfishes on their faces fall down with it. blair sat down on the ground, she placed a hand on her wound as rick walked over to her. blair looked up at him before wrapping her arms around his neck, rick wrapping his arms around her waist lifting blair up. 

rick kissed blair on the head as she began to smile in his chest. she pulled away placing a kiss on his lips, "ew, please do that in a different place." amelia stated sitting on the ground. blair looked over at her younger sister, who looked like hell. the young girl stared at her hands, tears filling her eyes as blair squatted down. "just kill me."

"no." blair replied, she grabbed her sisters arms. "i'm not gonna forgive you easily, but you're my sister. i cant hate you forever." amelia looked at her older sister, "plus, ill teach you how to throw a decent punch." amelia frowned as blair hugged her sister, amelia putting her hands up in confusion before hugging blair back.

after the hugs, blair watched as cleo cried over polka's death. blair frowned, she looked over at harley who began to throw guts off of her dress. rick wrapped his arm around blair's shoulders, the woman leaning in on his side. "oh there's more on that drive." jace explained to waller, "ive uploaded it all to a secure server, so you kill one of them, ill make sure the press sees it."

rick hated the idea, but after this, he was quitting his job. bloodsport began treating waller as blair sat down slowly, she looked at her wounds, which weren't healed at all. she began to shut her eyes in exhaustion, laying her head on her knees. "nanuae!" cleo exclaimed in happinesss before running over to hug the shark.

"hello beeley." harley stated sitting down next to blair, "sorry about the drive thing." blair looked over at harley, her eyes showing that she was tired. 

"its okay." blair replied with a small cough. 

"thanks milton." harley looked back at bloodsport, making blair raise an eyebrow.

"not my name."

harley stood up, blair sighed and followed. "what are you talking about! we just had a whole conversation  for like three hours about your name was milton!" rick grabbed blair's hand as they began walking behind harley and bloodsport.

"doing alright?" he asked quietly to blair, who shrugged her shoulders in response. "thanks for saving my life again."

"no problemo." blair replied, they looked at the helicopter approaching.

"nom nom?"

"really?" that is what you're thinking about right now?" dubois asked as amelia giggled quietly behind the group. 

nanuae began naming off people to eat, blair smiling as she continued to walk tiredly. rick wrapped his arm around his wife to help her walk as the helicopter landed. they all got on, blair sitting next to rick. she rested her head on his lap, rick smiling softly at the woman as she dozed off easily. 

blair flag just saved the world. she actually saved people's lives instead of taking them. she couldn't believe it, blair was actually a superhero. a real life superhero. of course, she wasn't going to continue being one, but she wanted to live the glory for a while. after that, blair wanted to retire.

after landing, blair was rushed to the emergency room, even if she was getting better. she laid on the table as the doctors did what they needed to do, the brunette stared at the ceiling as rick walked in. "well, look at you," he joked as blair flipped him off. 

"fuck off." blair replied before sitting up. she was thinking about this for a while, rick sat down next to her. "did you want to know why i decided to be a mad woman for a while?" she asked looking at rick, who raised his eyebrow. "i never understood why i just decided to murder men, but thinking this over... we're just crazy as shit.

every single one of us has some sort of craziness in them. they just have to trigger it." blair explained looking at rick, "anyway, even if we have evil in us. there's always good, and i actually believed that i was a hero today." blair smiled as she leaned her head on rick's shoulder. 

"i was a fucking hero."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now