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"lets go!" cleo yelled as blair looked over at the window, which was broken. the thinker was dragged into the den, blair immediately went wide eyed as cleo and her ran down the hallway. blair grabbed her sword, she put it up as the tentacle went straight for her. sebastian, lead cleo to an exit. "blair!" cleo exclaimed causing blair to follow her. 

the two crawled, until cleo stopped. blair still couldn't hear anything, just rumbling and things cracking. cleo rushed out of the tunnel, blair immediately was confused as she saw peacemaker run after her. then her heart dropped, "no." she whispered as she looked at rick's dead body. her heart dropped as she crawled over to it, "no, no, no." blair started to cry as she placed her head on his chest. "please wake up. rick please." blair cried as she heard more rumbling, the ceiling was about to crash on them. "rick!" blair yelled as amelia pulled her away.

"i'm sorry." amelia cried as blair screamed in pain. she was pulled back as soon as the ceiling fell, blair fell to the ground, "blair come on!" amelia yelled as blair kept crying, the younger florence never saw her sister be in so much pain. it was all her fault. "blair."

blair grabbed her sword, she marched up the stairs to hear talking. "you fucker!" blair screamed before punching peacemaker acrossed the face, his gun falling to the ground as cleo scrambled up. "you..." another punch, "deserve." another punch, "to die!" she broke his nose, kicking peacemaker to his knees.

"i told you, i do whatever it takes to make peace." peacemaker replied, blood was spit at her as he talked. blair shook her head, tears falling down her face as she lifted her sword up. everything spun around her, blair only focused on killing peacemaker. 

"fuck you." blair replied before slashing his throat. peacemaker fell to the ground, blair dropping her sword as she spun around with another cry. jace walked up to them, he was looking for rick, then he realized. jace shook his head before putting his arms around his ex girlfriend, she shook her head in disbelief, "i'm so sorry."

"for what?"

"not saving him." blair replied as harley looked at them. harley frowned as jace helped up blair, she finally calmed down, but she just looked emotionless. her eyes were drained of any emotion, her face was perfectly straight, she just looked like she had no humanity left. amelia frowned at her sister, blair picked up her sword, "the starfish was released by the way." blair deadpanned before walking out of the crumbled building. 

the mission ended pretty quickly, after defeating starro, blair sat on the helicopter looking at her wedding ring. she wiped the tears falling down her face as jace wrapped his arms around the brunette, the two comforting each other. something in blair hadn't clicked that rick was dead until they landed, the way she got on the helicopter with rick, now she was getting off without him. 

blair ignored waller, who tried to talk to her when blair walked in the building. blair grabbed her stuff, flipping off all the workers before walking up to waller, a 'fuck you' look on her face. "fuck you and you're shitty missions." blair replied before throwing a knife next to waller's head. "i wont be your dirty little pet anymore, find someone else and make sure they know what you just did."

the next few days was funerals, funerals, and more funerals. she didnt know why villains got funerals, maybe because they had families who cared for them. blair didnt know why rick had to be killed, why peacemaker was alive, why she was still alive. the funeral she saw people that rick hated acting like they liked the man, his family who he never talked to, it just sucked.

everyone acted like blair was the reason he was dead. they all looked at blair like she was the one who sent herself on a mission, only to let her husband die. one person even flat out told her, 'he chose the wrong gal' and laughed like it was a funny joke. blair slapped him of course, then she left the funeral due to her emotions. 

rick should be the one here, not blair. she should've been dead years ago, she never would've met rick and this would've never happened. he would be alive with a perfectly fine family, with kids, and maybe not with a villain wife. yet, blair ruined that for him also. 

as she stood in front of someone she never would've thought she would see again, blair couldn't help but to think why? why would she do something so stupid but amazing at the same time. blair couldn't turn back now, her only choice was to move forward.... which meant-

"welcome back ruthless." 

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