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blair grabbed deadshots  hand, he helped her up as she took a sip of the water. she rubbed her forehead, she had no idea what was happening to her. "maybe i'm dying." blair chuckled as they walked over to the car, people were in front of them, but they weren't people. they looked like the creatures in blair's vision. "holy shit, i saw them in my vision."

"vision?" boomer asked as blair waved him off. she grabbed her swords, some people will probably be dying. the brunette swallowed as they watched the creatures move around. "hey, i like these odds man. you just say the word." oh right, the plan about escaping that would fail miserably.

harley put her hand up on deadshots and blair's shoulder, a wide smile on her face. "yeah." blair and harley both replied, harley patted his shoulder. "come on." blair hated this idea, yes she wanted to escape, but she didnt want to kill her ex best friends. rick and jace were her friends believe it or not, amelia would murder blair (if she was still alive) if she found out blair killed her favorite flag.

"yeah, uh." deadshot replied, "hold that thought."  he walked up to the soldiers in front of them. blair watched as her hand shook slightly, she didnt want to fight again. then she grabbed her gun, she held it up before she hopped on the car, laying on her stomach as she aimed for one of the creatures heads. the growled before running towards the group, blair shot three of them in the heads.

they continued to run towards them, the suicide squad got ready for the battle. blair shot another five in the heads before reloading. fuck it. she wasn't going to let rick and jace die. 

then she ditched the gun, she grabbed her swords running at them. she used a trash can to boost her up in the air, slicing the head of the creatures head off. she landed, kicking the creature back from stabbing her. blair stabbed it through the heart, she turned around to a creature stabbing her in the gut. "you ass." blair ditched the swords, she raised her hand letting out a scream as 15 of the creatures heads blew off.

"holy shit!" harley screamed as she realized they were made of metal, or some type of metal. "beeley! kill them all!" blair grabbed her sword, clutching her stomach. they weren't even two hours in this mission. 

rick nodded at blair before she stood in front of everyone. her hands were out to her sides, "what is she doing!?" gq yelled out before jace shushed him. they continued to shoot, making sure to miss blair. she wouldn't be able to kill them all, but a lot of them.

blair shut her eyes, vibrations sending through the air as she let out a sigh. half of the creatures heads blew off with a swipe of her hand. blair smirked at herself before heading back into battle, she turned around to rick being dragged away. "son of a bitch." she whispered before running towards him.

blair side jumped on the wall, doing a flip before slicing the two heads off. she landed, dodging another stab from the creatures. she felt her wound sweeping out blood, this was just embarrassing. blair threw the creatures in the wall with a swipe of her hand, causing their guts to fly out. "saving your life again flag?" she asked helping him up. 

"thanks." rick replied looking at blair before she ran back into battle. deadshot took the rest of them out, blair helping from the side of him. she raised her hand, she could feel the metal moving in her hand even if there was none. blair threw a semi at the rest of them, it landed on top of the creatures before they were sent rolling underneath it. 

"you're badass." deadshot panted from the side of her. blair smirked at him before shutting her eyes in pain. she walked back over to the group, a small smile on her face seeing rick was okay. jace had a few cuts on his face.

"so, anyone here a medic?" blair asked showing the group her wound, black veins came out of it causing her to gag. "ew. why does this always happen to me." harley began smacking the shit out of a creature, "harls, its dead."

"what? i saw it move." she defended before looking at her wound, "that looks nice!" blair flipped her off before leaning on the car behind her. rick walked up to her causing blair to raise an eyebrow. "see it flinched, i think."

rick handed her some bandages, "i know they aren't much but..." he stated as blair smiled softly at him. "thank you for that by the way, the saving our asses thing." blair chuckled as she wrapped her stomach.

"i'm just repaying all my mistakes." blair replied before wincing in pain. rick stood there looking at her before sighing, she cant die on his watch. rick tied up the bandages, "who knew you were such a gentlemen?" blair smirked at him as he hid his half smile from the brunette. jace walked up to them, "here we go..."

"you are such a badass." jace exclaimed causing blair to quickly look at him. she almost got whiplash, "when did you get all that." he imitated her hands, causing blair to roll her eyes. jace stopped he looked at his cousin and blair, "oh. oh well uh, thanks blair, everyone appreciates it."

"mhmm." blair replied picking up her sword, she shoved past jace, bumping into his shoulder purposely. she walked up to harley and the gang, "i really need a drink right now."

"what were those things anyway?" harley asked wrapping her arm around blair, who seemed drained from using all her powers. blair leaned into her ex girlfriend, she kept seeing a woman who was ridiculously hot with green eyes, yet she had no idea who that even was and why she kept seeing her.

"i dont know." jace replied as deadshot scoffed.

"bullshit. man has on a three thousand dollar watch." he pointed out walking up to jace, "is that a person?"

"it was." blair and rick stated, blairs was a mumble. everyone looked at them, causing blair to stand up straighter, her wound making her blink to regain her focus. she didnt want to look, but the veins were moving quickly through her body. "now its not." rick finished as blair looked at the ground. "hey dont!"

"what?" boomer asked.

"we have a job to do." rick replied as kc walked up to them growling. blair rolled her eyes 'immature men', "we're moving." he looked at gq, "get your boys moving." blair rubbed her head, she looked at her stomach that was spreading quickly.

"that looks bad." boomer mocked causing blair to glare at him. "someone won't be seeing their baby sister again." blair turned around punching him in the nose, harley letting out a whoop as she supported her ex girlfriend. boomer responded by shoving blair in the wall, "what the fuck?!"

"fuck you!" blair screamed, rick quickly stepped in pulling blair back. "dont talk about my sister." she threatened, metal pieces all flying towards him, stopping right before it stabbed through him. "you hear me boomerass?"

rick grabbed her waist, pulling blair away from the team. he didnt let go of her, blair didnt mind. she was dragged along, tears flooding her eyes as she thought of amelia. she couldn't loose her sister, she just couldn't. amelia was the only thing keeping blair here in the world, otherwise blair would've been dead years again. 

the sound of a baseball bat hitting glass filled blair's ears as she turned around. harley grabbed a purse, causing blair to roll her eyes. "seriously? what the hell is wrong with you people?" rick asked as blair smirked at harley. 

"we're bad guys, its what we do." harley replied with an eye roll. she wrapped her hand around blair's shoulder causing blair to giggle softly. "ill kill boomer for you if you want?" she whispered in her ex girlfriends ear.

"no, i'll get to it one day."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now