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blair shrugged, a small smile on her face as she looked at the light rays. blair believed she could if she actually tried, it wasn't that hard to send a sword straight through the heart of june moone. "she has my sister, jace cares for her." blair started saying, "i just want to finish this mission without dying again."

"yeah, but you going alone will make that happen." rick replied before boomer walked out of the bar. then deadshot, then harley, then the rest of them. blair smiled at the team, they were so fucked. they all started walking towards the light ray in the sky, blair looked over at rick with a smirk on her face.

boomer threw a boomerang to see what was happening with june. "we think that thing is a weapon." rick explained as blair leaned in to see what was happening. "here. lower."  boomer zoomed in, only to get the boomerang spotted. it took out the dronerang, blair shutting her eyes. they were so so so fucked.

"we gotta take out the big one." blair stated looking at the sky. 

"i left a big ass demo charge down in the subway!" jace exclaimed, suddenly realizing what could kill the monster. blair looked over at him, whatever it takes right? the brunette stepped away from the group, her eyes widening as she heard screams. blair turned to where the screams were coming from.

"amelia?" blair whispered before the screams were cut off. the brunette was pulled back by someone before she could and investigate. "amelia is over-"

"its a trap b." rick watched as blair sighed, she nodded, grabbing his hand as they walked away from were the screams were coming from. they went inside of the stairs of the subway, blair reloaded her gun. she placed extra knifes in the pockets, then put the swords on her back. katana was speaking japanese making blair glance at her.

"the man who killed her husband used that sword." rick explained seeing blair's confusion. "his souls trapped in it. she talks to him."

"hey well," boomer stated, "you know what they say about the crazy ones."

harley looked over at them, blair smirking, "huh?" harley asked as blair waved her off. harley smiled at deadshot and blair, it could be the last time she ever sees them. blair leaned on the wall next to rick, a small smile on her face as jace raised his eyebrow at the two. he couldn't believe rick actually kissed blair, especially since it would risk his job.

"lets do this." jace stated seeing katana put away her katana. blair followed rick down the stairs, she was grabbed by harley, pulling blair back. harley smirked at the brunette who acted dumb about the whole situation.

"so, sleeping with the flags?" harley asked, teasing blair who rolled her eyes. blair looked over at her ex girlfriend, who seemed genially interested in the conversation. she didnt know what to say, did she even have feeling for rick... of course she did, she fucking kissed him. yet, she didnt know if rick was playing her. "don't lie to yourself beeley, he kissed you back. plus when you have those blackout situations, he seemed concerned. like very concerned. hes in love with you."

blair shook her head, "he just doesn't want anyone to die." she replied as harley glared at her playfully. blair didnt want to believe it, he wasn't in love with her? it had to be an act. blair saw deadshot talking to rick and jace, mostly rick who shook his head multiple of times. "right?"

"yeah, you. he doesn't give a shit if we die." harley replied, wrapping her arm around blair. "you two need to get your heads out of your asses and actually confess your love towards each other." blair shook her head, a small chuckle coming out of her lips. "seriously beeley, take my advice."

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now